Darker Dorothy 1674 of Scalford Will

Dorothy Darker of Scalford 1674 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1674/60

In the Name of God Amen I Dorothy Darker of Scalford in the Countye of Leister Widdow, being weake of body but of perfect memory & understanding (praised bee God therefore) doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament in maner & forme following

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God hoping for salvation onely by the meritts of his most Dear Son, & my blessed Redeemer Jesus xt

My body I bequeath unto the earth of which it is made decently to bee interred at the discretion of my Executor, hoping for a joyfull resurrection at the last day

And for that worldly estate which God hath lent mee I dispose of it as followeth

First I give & bequeath unto my Loving Nephew Mr Joshua Crosse of Oxford twenty pounds of that thirty which he oweth mee upon bond, with all arrears of interest if there bee any due upon that bond at my decease, the other ten pounds of that thirty I give & bequeath unto my loving Nephew Mr Robert Harrison Rector of Wiverbye, as also all arrears of that annuity of twelve pounds that annuity issuing to … out of Broughton lands bequeathed to mee by sister Wilkinson & Mr Latimer Crosse … … all arrears due since the first of August last past inclusive; for all due then or before I have received already

Also I give unto my servant Jane Butler the bed whereon shee usually lodgeth with all the bedding blankets & coverlid ordinarily belonging to it, two paire of hempen sheets & twenty shillings in money to buy her a new ticke for it, to bee payed within three months after my decease, one sett of curtains, either those about my owne bed or the new ones I bought which .. her please, all my wheels or what sort soever, my truncke at my beds feete, foure part of my wearing cloths both linen & wollen, & something of such things as are necessary towards the furnishing of an house at the discretion of my Executor

Also I give unto Katherine Wilkinson [?] fourty shillings of current money

All the rest of my goods bills bonds chattels cattels debts dues & demands whatever I give & bequeath unto my nephew Mr Robert Harrison Rector of Wiverby in the County of Leister whom I make Sole Executor of this my Last will & testament

The interlining betwixt the sixth & seaventh lines from the bottom was made before the sealing & publishing

Signed sealed & published the first day of January Ano … 1672

                                                                                                                Dorothy Darker

In the presence of

Willm Coles

Willm Franke his marke

James Gibson

Probate 30 July 1674


A true & perfect Inventory of all the Goods Credits & Chattels whereof Dorothy Darker Widow late of Scalford died seized, taken & prized April 15 1674 by Thomas Page Gentleman, & James Hodgkin Yeoman of Scalford aforesaid

Imp purse & Aparrell300
It in the Hall one brass pott & six small brass pans100
It eleven small peuter dishes seaven peuter spoons two candlesticks, one pewter
salt, & one pewter bason0150
It one fire Iron, hooks & rackings, one fire shovel, one pair of tongs, one spit034
It one little Table, four chairs030
It one looking glass, two shelves & window shutts010
It in the Buttery three barrels, two two tubbs, three small kimnels, three pales,
one form, one thrall, one old Cupbord0134
It one Still040
It in the larger Chamber, one bedstead, one feather bed, one bolster, one
pillow, one matterice, one sett of Curtains valens, three blankets3100
It four old chairs, & four old stools, six cushions046
It Six pounds of flax, spun & unspun056
It three flaxen sheets, seaven pair of hempen sheets three pair of harden sheets,
two diaper Table cloaths, twelve diaper napkins, one diaper towel, ten hempen
napkins, seaven flaxen pillow bears, one hempen pillow bear, one flaxen Table
cloth, two hempen Table cloths, Six flaxen napkins, ten hempen napkins, three
hempen towels3100
It two old Trunks & two old Coffers050
It one warming pan & two Chamber potts026
It in the Closet two Bibles with other Books100
It one small silver cup, & three small silver spoons150
It one small cabinet with other small boxes050
It glass bottles, gally potts, shelves & trenchers020
It in the lesser Chamber, one bedstead, one feather bed, two bolsters, & one
pillow two blankets & one coverlet, with some other small things200
It in the Garret, three wheels, two reels, one strike of wheat, one strike of malt,
one old Churne, with some other odd things0120
It Coles050
It debts sperat & desperate3000
It things not named026
Sum: total4982

Tho: Page

James Hodgkin

Exhibited 30 July 1674