John Darker 1625 of Scalford Will
National Archives PROB 11/148/3
In the name of God Amen I John Darker of Scalford in the County of Leic Yeoman weake in body but in good and perfect memory thankes bee to God therefore doe make my last will and Testament manner as followeth
First I bequeath my Soule to allmightie God whoe gave it and my body to bee buryed at the discrecon of my Executor And if my body bee buried in the Church I give to the Church seaven shillings
Item I give to the poore of Scalford iii li vis viiid
Item I give and bequeath to each of my Brother Edwards Children xx li
Item I give to my Neece Ann Blunt lxxx li [sic but list of debtors below says viii li] which Mr Colebrand oweth mee
Item I give to each of my Brother Henry Darkers Children v li
Item to each of the Children of William Coy my Brother in lawe v li and to his daughter Katherin Day v li more soe that shee shall have in all x li
Item I give to each of the Children of John Bell my Brother in lawe his daughter Phynnes only excepted xls
Item I give unto each of the Children of my Nephew Thomas Phynnes xls
Item I give to Katherin Wright Widdow xxs and to every of the servants of my brother Edward vis viiid
Item to the poore of Belton xxs
And to the poore of Claxton xxs
Item to each Child to whom I was Godfather in Scalford xiid
Item my will is that each porcon or some of money bequeathed to the Children of my Brethren or Brothers in lawe shalbe payd to the sonnes at the age of xx yeares to the daughters at xviii yeares and if any of the said Children departe this life before they bee possessed of the said legacies the legacie of such Child or Children soe departing shalbe equally devided amongst the Brethren and Sisters of the parties departed
Item I give to Thomas Chadwicke five markes to buy him a nagg
Item I give to my Brother Chrispe and to his wife either of them ten shillings
Item I give to my Nephew John Blunt xxs and my Neece Mary Blunt xs
Item I constitute and appoint my Brother Edward Darker full and Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament whereunto I have put my hand the daye and yeare first above written
John Darker
In the presence of Georg Darker Henry Darker and Thomas Chadwicke
Debts owinge to John Darker of Scalford
December 26 1624
Inpris Robert Barlowe of Upper Broughton oweth to the said Darker vi li
Itm Mr Colebrand oweth to the said Darker viii li
Item Mr White oweth to the said John ix li xs his Bond is in Mr Formans hand
Item William Coy oweth &c x li
Item Edward Darker xl li
Item William Julian of Hoosse xxs
Item Richard Hanly of Claxton xs
Itm Thomas Marriott of Claxton xs
Item Henry Darker of Dalbie xs
Item Richard Hemphrey xs
Item Christopher Chambers viiis
Item Thomas Bruerton xs
Probate London 30 March 1625 to Edward Darker brother and executor