Thomas Deacon of Nether Broughton 1564 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1564/23
In the name of god amen in the yere of our Lord god mccccclxii the v daye of Januarie I Thomas Deacon of Nether Browghton beinge sicke in bodye but hole in mynde & perfecte of Remembrance makes this my Last will and testament in manner & forme folowinge
Fyrst I bequiethe my soule unto allmightie god and my bodye to be buryed within the churche of Browghton aforesaid
Also I bequiethe unto the Reparacons of the churche iiis iiiid
Also I give and bequiethe unto the parsonne for tythes forgotten xiid
Also I give unto everie one of my godchildren iiiid
Also I give unto John Deacon my sonne xiiis iiiid yf he be alive & come for yt at any tyme
Also I gyve unto Robert Deacon my sonne xiiis iiiid
Also I give & bequiethe unto Alice Deacon my dawghter v li of lawfull money of Yngland and to Margarett Deacon my dawghter vi li of Lawfull money of Engand
Also I give & bequiethe unto Willm Deacon the sonne of John Deacon a heafer with calve and iiii ewe shepe and they to be delivered unto him when he ys xiii yeres of age
Also I give and bequiethe unto Richarde Deacon my sonne iii Silver Spones and a grete brasse pott and a spit & a payre of cobbards and a cupboard and a grete cheste
And all the Resydewe of my howshold stuffe within the howse I give unto Margarett my wife
Also I give unto Richard my sonne my Leyse of my farme and all my goods unbeqethed and all the profycts that belonges unto my farme savinge I will that my wife shall have her Livinge of the farme with my sonne Richarde while she dothe live
Also I will that Richarde my sonne do give unto Alice and Margaret my dawghters to eythere of them a brasse pott & a panne the daye of there maryage besides there partes
Also I give unto Willm Rowsonne a good ewe shepe trustinge he will be good unto my children
The Resydewe of my goods not bequiethed my detts payde and all my funeral expences alowed I give & bequiethe unto Richard Deacon my sonne who I make my full executor of this my Last will & Testament for to dispose my goods to the tenor hereof as my trust ys he will do
And also I make Willm Browne & Richard Browne overseers of this my Last will and I will that eyther of them have xiid for there paines takinge
These men beinge Witnes Willm Rowsonne & Willm Smythe and Richard Browne Willm Browne & John Cranne with other moo
Probate 9 August 1564