Jane Dixon of Stathern 1690 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1690/90
In the Name of God Amen I Jane Dixon of Stathorne in the County of Leicester widdow, being sick in Body but of perfect minde & memorie praised be God Doe make & ordaine this my Last Will and Testament the Tenth Day of August in the second yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queene Defender of the faith & Anoq Dni Dei 1690 in Manner & forme following (That is to say)
Imprimis I bequeath my soule to Almighty God that gave it mee, trusting to be saved by the onely merritts of Jesus Christ my onely saviour & Redeemer, & my Body to be Buryed in Decent Buriall, and as for my Worldly Estate which God in his mercie hath bestowed upon mee, I give Devise & Bequeath as followeth (vizt)
Imprimis I give Devise & Bequeath unto my two Grandchildren James Dixon & Thomas Dixon sonns of my sonn Richard Dixon all that my halfe oxgang of Land Arrable Meaddow & pasture with the Appurtenances & hereditaments in Stathorne aforesd equally to be Devided Bettweene them to enter upon when the eldest attains to the age of three & twenty yeares, his half, & the other halfe to the young when hee shall attaine to the age of three and twenty yeares to have & to hold to them the said James & Thomas theire heires & assignes for ever & it is my will I doe will that if either Die & Depart this Life before the attainment of three & twenty years of age then the survivor of them to have all the sd halfe oxgang of Land with the Appurtenances to him his heires & assignes for ever & if both die before the attainement of theire said ages then to the use & behoofe of the sd Richard Dixon theire father & his heires for ever, & it is my will & I doe will that theire said father shall enjoy the said premises till they Attaine theire severall ages aforesd, but if he Die before, then it is my will & I doe will that my sd two Grandchildren shall enter, or the survivor of them, imediately after their sd fathers Decease, as theire, or his … freehould for ever, & it is my will that if either or both my said Grandchildren prove Disobedient to their father & will not be Ruled by him in … Manner, that the Disobedients part, or parts, shall remaine to the use of theire said father Dureing his Natureall Life
Item I give to my sd sonn Richard Dixon five pounds Lawfull money to be paid by the Executrix in one yeare after my decease
Item I give to Elizabeth Dixon & Jane Dixon, my Grandchildren, & his Children, each of them five pounds apeice, Lawfull money to be paid in one yeare after my decease by my Executrix, theire fathers aquittance to be her Discharge
Item I give to my sonn Thomas Dixon Wine Cooper that ten pounds & the bond of tenn pounds with the advantage thereof which Henry Mantle of Stathorne aforesd & Willm Parnham standeth bound to mee in, to him & his use for ever
Item I give to my sonn in Law Francis Sumner husband to my Daughter Jane that ten pounds & the bond of ten pounds with the advantage thereof which John Mercer of Barnston in the County of Notts & his mother standeth bound to mee in, to him & his use for ever
Item I give to my Grandchilde John Sumner son of the sd Francis twenty pounds Lawfull money, to be paid by my Executrix when hee shall attaine to the age of one & Twenty yeares
Item I give to my Brother Thomas Henson the sume of twenty shillings to be paid in one yeare after my decease
Item I give to Nephew Willm Henson the sum of twenty shillings, to be paid to him when he comes out of his Apprenticeshipp
Item I give to my Daughter in Law Mary Dixon wife to my sd Sonn Richard the sume of twenty shillings to be paid by my Executrix in one yeare after my Decease
Item all the Rest of my goods Cattells & Chattells whatsoever & wheresoever (unbequeathed) I give & bequeath unto my Loveing Daughter Jane Sumner wife of the afore named Francis Sumner whome I make constitute & appoint Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament, shee paying & Defraying my Debts Legacies & funeral Charges, & I impower & earnestly Desire my owne sonn Richard Dixon aforesd & my son in Law Francis Sumner aforesaid to be assistants & supervisors of this my Last Will & Testament Revokeing all other wills heretofore by mee made, to this my Last will & Testament I have sett to my hand & seal the day & yeare above Written
Jane Dixon her marke & seal
Read sealed signed published & declared that Last Will & Testamt of her the said Jane Dixon, in the presence of
Henry Bugg
Mary Parnham hir marke
Ric: Hickson
Probate 13 January 1690/1