William Doubleday of Harby 1607 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1607
In the name of god amen the xxviith day of the monthe of August in the second yeare of the reigne of our most gratious Sovraigne Lord Kinge James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland King defendor of the fayth &c And of Scotland the thirty & eight and in the yeare of our Lord god 1604 witnesseth that I William Dubbleday of Harbye inn the Countye of Leicester husbandman being sound in bodie and of good remembrance praised be god for it doe ordeine and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following vizt
First I comend my soule to Almightie god the maker of me and all mankind and my bodie to be buried in the churchyard of Harbye aforesaid
Itm I give to the poore of Harbye iiis iiiid
Itm I give unto James Dubbleday my sonne xxtie marks
Itm I give unto William Dubbledaye and unto Henrie Dubbleday my 2 sonnes xxtie marks a peece to be paid unto them when they shall accomplish their age of xxi yeares
Itm I give unto Prudence Dubbleday Essable Dubbleday and Elizabeth Dubbleday my three daughters xxtie marks a peice to be paid unto eavrie one of them when they shall come to the age of eighteene yeares
Itm I give unto Margarett my wyfe my Cottage house with thappurtenances therunto belonging which house is now or late in the teanure of one Robert Littledicke or of his assignes for and during her naturall lyfe
Also I give unto Margarett my welbeloved wyffe on half oxgainge of Land to be tilled ordered and the profitte thereof in … to be brought home to the said Cottage howse so long as she shall live upon the proper coste and charge of Thomas Dubbleday my soone the said Margarett finding so much seed as shall yearlie sewe it during her lyffe and after her decease my will and minde is that James my sonne … have it vizt the said Cottage house with thappurtenance during his life paying therefore yearlie for the sd Cottage unto his brother Thomas or this his heires or assignes the some of iiis iiiid at 2 usuall feastes in the yeare vizt thannunciacon of Mary the virgin and St Michaell the Arkeangell by even and equall porcons yearlie
Also my will and minde is further that my sonne Thomas Dubbleday shall yearlie fetch for his mother Margarett during her lyfe unto the said Cottage house one Loade of Coles at his owne proper Coste and charge she paying for them at the pitte
Itm my will and minde is that Margarett my wyfe shall have the tuicon and bringing uppe of my two children Prudens and Elizabeth and likewise of their porcons till they come to eighteene yeares of age And my sonne Thomas to have the bringing upp of Henry Willm and Issabell till they shall come to their lawfull yeares aforesd and likewise of their porcons
Lastlie I give unto Margarett my wyfe the thirds of all my moveable goods excepting Carte and Cart geares plow and plow geares
All the rest of my goods whatsoever unbequeathed my debts legacies and funerall expences discharged of the whole I give unto Thomas Dubbleday whom I make full executor of this my last will and testament And I would desire James Hubbard and Raffe Whittle to be supvisors heirof And for their paines I appoint them vid apece
In witnes herof to this my last will and testament I have sett my hand and subscribed my marke in the presence of theis whose names are hereunder written vizt witnesses John Travis John … Raff Thrump…
Probate 13 June 1607