Thomas Draper of Long Clawson 1628 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1628
xii die Martii 1626
In dei nomine Amen I Thomas Draper of Claxton in the County of Leicester husbandman Beinge neither sicke in body nor troubled in mynde, but in health and perfect memory (praysed be god) yet Consideringe that I am olde, and that I knowe All fleshe must dye, And that the houre of death is uncertaine, many tymmes happening when yt is the least thought upon doe therefore make & ordayne this my last will and Testament in maner & forme heareafter followinge.
First I bequeath my soule to almighty god the maker & redeemer thereof, trustinge in him onely to be saved by the precious bloude of Jesus Christe my saviour And my body to be buried in the Church yarde of Claxton my parishe
Itm I give to the poore people of the parishe iiis iiiid to be distributed at the discretion of my executor and the overseers for the poore
Itm I give to my daughter Anne …eade three poundes & xiid
Itm to my daughter Alice Burden xiid
Itm to my daughter Margaret Steevens xiid in full satisfaccon of the last parte of their porcons of my goods
Itm I give to daughter Mary Draper The third parte of my householde stuffe and xxx li in mony to be payde by my executor within halfe a yeare after my decease
Itm I give unto my sister Agnes Tayler two strykes of wheat, to be payd at Michelmas next after my decease
Itm I give to my loveing wife Alice Draper the third parte of my householde stuffe (in three partes equeally to be devided) And alsoe my will is That shee shall have eyther her dyet and meynteinance with my executor and xxs a yeare to be payde by fyve shillings a quarter dureinge her naturall lyfe (if shee thinke goode to lyve with him) or els seaven poundes a yeare, to be payde by equall divisions quarterly if shee dislike of her meynteinance, and thinks good to goe from him
And my will is further, that yf my wife refuse to be meinteined with my executor, Then my executor shall provide for her (at his owne Cost & Charges in some parte of my homestead) a Convenient dwelling and lodginge place, to her good lykeinge, for her then to lyve in, And alsoe that her Annity or quarterly payment shalbe alwayes payde beforehande, That is to say, at the beginning of every quarter, to meinteine her with all provided Alwayes that his meintynance or Annity shall stand & be in leiw of her thirdes of my lands
But if my executor shall refuse, or doe fayle in payment thereof Then my will is that my sayde wife shall enioy the thirds of my lands dureing her naturall lyfe
Alsoe I give to my sonne Thomas Draper & to his heires for ever my Cottage house with the yards, profytts and appurtences there with all used or there unto belonginge
And if yt fortune that the said Cottage house be not sufficiently repayred in my lifetime Then my will is further that my said sonne Thomas shall have liberty to fell & take away six of the best trees now groweing in my Close called … Close within one yeare next after my decease to repayre the said house withall
Alsoe I give unto my sonne Willm Draper and to his heires for ever my said Close, called … close Condiconally that hee shall pay unto my daughter Mary x li of Currant English mony within one wholl yeare next after my decease to make her porcon xl li besides the third parte of my houshould
Alsoe I give to my sonne Edward Draper and to his heires for ever my oxgange of land in the west end fields with all the appurtenance thereto belonginge
And my will is further, that yf any of my said three sonnes videlt, Thomas, Willm and Edward, shall fortune to departe this mortall lyfe without issue of his body lawfully begotten, Then his or their parte or partes of the lands above menconed shall remaine to the other of them then surviveinge, And to his or their heires for ever
Itm All the residue of my lands unbequeathed, I give unto my eldest sonne John Draper uppon Condicon that hee & his heires doe quietly suffer my three younger sonnes & their severall heires to enioy all such lands as I have bequeathed them without any lette, trouble, or molestacon, by him or his heirs
But if he or his heires shall molest them, or any of them, Contrary to my will, Then my will is, That all my said sonnes shalbe Jointe Coheires in all my wholl lands and to have then every one of them a lyke porcon
All the residue of my goods unbequeathed after my debts legacyes and funerall expences are payde & discharged I give unto my sonne John Draper uppon Condicon that he take uppon him the executorshippe of this my will
And if hee shall or doe refuse the same, Then my will is, That my sonne Edward & hee shall exchange their estates of freehouled & goods and the said Edward then to stand & be my executor
And soe (in hope of the best) I make my said sonne John sole executor of this my will if hee doe & will be therewithall content And if hee doe or shall refuse yt Then I make my said sonne Edward sole executor as before menconed
And in witnesse hereof, I have hereunto putte my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written
The marke & seale of Tho: Draper
Theis being witnesses
Tho: Storer Scriptor
Edward Lawther
Richard Mariot his marke
A true Inventorye of all they goods and Chattells of Thomas Draper of Claxton als longe Clauston in the Countye of Leicester husbandman, Lately disceased, taken this 14th of January 1627 [1627/8] By Robert Hicklinge Richard Forde Edwarde Hicklinge & William Leavers husbandmen
In primis his purse & apparell | 40s |
Itim in the parler, featherbed 2 boulsters 6 pillowes | 40s |
Itim 3 mattresses 1 flocke bed | 20s |
Itim 10 Coverleddes 3 blankets | 3l 13s 4d |
Itim flaxen sheets 5 payer, of hempton 2 payres, of herden sheets sixe payre & peece of | |
flaxen Cloth, another of harden | 3l |
Itim 2 hempton board Clothes 3 pillowe beares 1 towell and sixe napkins | 12s |
Itim 2 standinge bead steads, 3 cofers 2 litle tables, 6 quushions 1 shelfe & 1 forme | 20s |
Itim in the Lower parler 4 bedsteads, 3 ould cofers, ould pen, 1 Chappinge Clocke | 10s |
Itim in the Chamber 1 planke, 3 boardes, 2 ould tubs, & other impleaments | 13s 4d |
Itim in the house, 1 Cubberd, and pueter & brasse, of pueter 9 peeces 9 sawcers, 2 porengers | |
4 Brasse candlesticks, 1 Chaufeing dishe 2 salts | 1l 5s |
Of brasse 1 pott 2 pans 3 little kettles | 2l |
Itim one table & frame, 1 litle fallinge table 2 settles 2 Cheeres 2 formes 4 stooles 1 paynted | |
Clothe a wicker on the settle | 12s |
Itim in the milke house 1 ould ombrye, 1 Chorne, and ould saltinge trough, one fryeing pann | |
& other impleaments | 10s |
Itim 4 Barrells & other impleaments | 9s |
Itim in the katchin, 1 Brueinge lead, one mashing Tubb, … fatt, one boultinge tubb, 1 ould arke | |
2 Tubbes a moulding Tubbe 3 Kitts a kneeding Troughe & other implementes | 1l 3s 4d |
It Coales | 1l |
Itim in the yarde, 2 Porketts, 3 flitches of Bacon, 1 Sowe, & sixe piggs x shootes | 3l |
Itim 2 mares, 1 horse, 1 little mare foale | 14l |
Itim 5 kyne, 2 herferres, 1 sucking Calfe | 15l 6s 8d |
Itim Cartes & Carte geares | 3l 6s 8d |
Itim the ploughes, ploughe geares and plough tymber | 1l |
Itim 2 harrowes 12 fleakes the horse manger the horse racke & the bestes hayles | 1l 6s 8d |
Itim 2 Hovells, 4 Lathers and all the refuge wood about the yard | 4l |
Itim all they pales, stoupe and wayle & one litle hovel | 1l 10s |
Itim wheat field & towne | 4l |
Itim Barley & oates | 13l 6s 8d |
Itim for Peas hea & malt | 20l |
Itim the pullen | 6s |
Itim spit & Cobberdes, the fire iron, the brand irons tongues & fire shovell & other | |
impleaments | 6s 8d |
Itim butter & Cheese | 6s 8d |
Itim thinges forgotten | 1s |
The whole sume is 103l 5s |
The praysers handes & markes:
Robert Hickling
Richard Forde [his mark]
Edwarde Hickling his marke
Willm Levears
Probate 10 June 1628