James Draycott of Scalford 1729 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1729
February the 11 1728
In the name of God Amen I James Dracott of Scalford in the county of Leicester Weaver being weake of Boddy but thanks be to God of perfect memory do make & ordaine this my last will in Manner & forme following vt
I give & bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty God hopeing by the merritts of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ that I shall Rise Againe at the Last Day & as for my worldly Goods I give & bestow in Manner & forme following vt
I give & bequeath All the Agreable Land with the Appurtenances & all one quarter of A yardland which I purchased of George Shelton of Scalford Aforesaid unto my wife Margett Dracott & that whenever she shall have occasin for Money either for the payment of my Debts or the bringing up of her familly I do then order & Impower her to sell the same but if she thinke it propper & do find that she can do without selling the sd land that then it shall be lawfull for her & my desire is that any time in her lifetime do according to her own Discretion give bequeath the sd lands as she shall thinke most propper so that she give the sd lands to such Sonne or Sonns or Daughters which are begot by me & born of her Boddy but if it shall so happen that there shall be no such children then surviveing then my desire is that the saide lands do return to the Right Herres of me for ever & as for all my Worldly goods both Quick & dead I give bequeath unto my sd wife Margett Dracott whom I do Appoynt Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament
In Witness hereof I have sett my hand & seale the day & yeare Abovewritten
The marke of James Dracott
Signd sealed published & delivered in the presence of us
Thomas Hackett
The marke of George Moore
The marke of John Ash
Probate to Margaret Draycott 11 November 1729