Richard Dunsmore of Scalford 1702 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1702/52
In the name of God Amen I Richard Dunmore of Scalford in the County of Leic butcher being Sick and Weake in Body But of perfect Mind and Memory praised bee Almighty for it doe make and ordeyne this my Last will and Testament in writeing in manner and forme following vizt
I Comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the Onely Merritts of Jesus Christ my Alone Lord and Savior to bee made partaker of Life Everlasting And as for my Body I Comend it to the Earth to be decently Interred And for my Messuages Cottages Lands Tenements and premises with thapurts and all my Goods Chattles Cattle and personall estate Whech it hath pleased Almighty God to Bestow Upon mee I devise give and bequeath the same As is herein After Lymitted menconed and Expresed & in Such manner and forme As is hereby declared & Appoynted
Imprimis I Give and bequeath Unto my Dere and Loveing wife Mary for and dureing the tearme of her Naturall [“life” missing] All that my Cottage house or Tenement with thapts Scituate Lyeing and being within the towne feilds Libtys & territoryes and precincts of Scalford aforesd wherein I now Live And alsoe All that one halfe yard Land of Arrable Land Leyes Meadow and past ground Lyeing and being within the feilds & Libtyes of Scalford aforesd and belonging to the sd Cott or Tenemt abovesd Both which sd Cottage or Tenemt and halfe Yard Land I purchased to mee & my heires and Assignes for Ever Of and from One William Bayre [?] & others And which sd Cottage or tenemt with there and every of theire Appts and every parte and parcel thereof After the decease of my sd wife Mary I devise give and bequeath the same Unto my Youngest Sonne William Dunmore and his heires and assignes for ever To hold the same Unto him the said William Dunmore his heires and assignes for Ever
Item I Give and bequeath Unto my said Sonne Wm & My Daughter Mary Dunmore and theire heires and assignes All that my Mess Cottage house or Tenemt with thapts and three Equall partes in foure to bee Equally devided Of and in All that One Yard Land of Arrable Land Leyes Meadow and pasture ground with theire and every of theire Appts Scituate standing Lyeing and being within the towne feilds Libtyes territoryes and precincts of Barstone als Barestone in the County of Leic To hold the sd Messuage Cottage house or tenemt with thapts and the sd three partes in foure equall partes to bee devided Of & in the sd One Yard Land and all Singler the premisses with thapts belonging … same Unto them the sd William Dunmore and Mary Dunmore theire heires and Assignes for Ever As tenantes in Comon and not As joynt tenants Togeather with all Maner of pastureing within the feilds of Bareston thereunto belonging
Item I give Unto my Sone Francis Dunmore and his heres and Assignes All that my Cottage house or Tenemt with thapts scituate Standing and being in Neather Broughton in the sd County of Leicester And alsoe the fourth parte of the Land or one Quarter of a Yard Land out of the sd yeard Land of Arrable Land Leyes Meadow and pasture ground Lyeing & being in Barston aforesd And which I have not before here devised to my sd Sone William and daughter Mary To hold the sd One Cottage or Tenemt with the Appts and every part and parcel thereof and the sd fourth parte or one Quarter of a Yard Land as aforesd Unto him the sd Francis Dunmore his heirs and assigns for Ever
Item I give Unto my Granddaughter Mary Dunmore daughter of my sd Sonne Francis Dunmore the Sume of tenne pounds of Lawfull English money to be pd Unto her by my extors hereafter named when shee shall attayne her full age of twoe and twenty Yrs of Age and noe sooner And I doe hereby discharge my extors forever paying the same or any parte of it Unto my said Sone Francis Dunmore for her Use or any Claymeing under her
Item I give devise and bequeath Unto John Dunmore my Grandson Two Shillings and Six pence And Unto my Sonne John Dunmore and Anne his wife twoe Shillings and Six pence apeece
Item I give unto my Son William Fanne & Ann his wife; and Mary and Eliz: there daughters the Sume of twoe Shillings and Six pence apeece In full Barr and clayme to any of my estate whatsoever to bee paid Unto them by my Extors hereafter named within Six months after my Decease
All the Rest of my Goods Chattels Cattle & Personall estate which I have not herein before devised I give and bequeath Unto my sd Wife Mary and Sonne William Dunmore whom I doe make full Extor & Extrix of this my Last Will and Testament hereby Revokeing all other Wills whatsoever heretofore by me Made
In WIttnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale to each sheete of paper consisting of three sheetes of paper the twenty fourth day of May In the Tenth Yeare of the Reigne of our most gratious Soveraigne Wm the third over Engl &c Annoq Dni 1690
The marke of Richd Dunmore
Sealed published declared and delivered As the Last Will and testament of Richd Dunmore in the presence of us whose Names are Subscribed in the presence of the testator
Jn Brocklesby
Thomas Awood
Richard Healy
Probate 23 July 1702 to Mary and William Dunmore
PR/I/108 page 143
A true and perfect Inventory of all and singler the Goods Chattles Cattles and Creditts of Richard Dunmore late of Scalford in the County of Leicester Butcher decd taken and Apprised the Twelfth day of June Anno Dny 1702 by us whose names are hereunder written viz
£ | s | d | |
Impris his purse and Apparell | 05 | 09 | 00 |
Goods in the house | 01 | 10 | 00 |
Goods in the parlor | 01 | 10 | 00 |
Goods in the Chamber over the house | 01 | 13 | 04 |
Goods in the Chamber over the parlor | 01 | 05 | 00 |
Goods in the Kitching Brasse and puter | 02 | 03 | 06 |
Two Horses | 08 | 00 | 00 |
Three Cowes one Calfe | 05 | 03 | 04 |
Two Piggs | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Things not seen and forgott | 00 | 03 | 04 |
27 | 07 | 6 |
Thomas Awood
Richard Healy