Fann Elizabeth 1671 of Scalford Will

Elizabeth Fann of Scalford 1671 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1671

In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Fann of Scalford in the County of Leister Widdow being weake of body but of perfect memory & understanding, praised be God therefore doe make & ordain this my last will & testament in manner & forme following

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God hoping hee will receive it for his sons sake

My body I bequeath unto the earth of wch it is made hoping for a joyfull resurrection

And for my worldly estate I dispose of it as followeth

First I give five shillings apeice to the five children of my sister together with all my wearing apparell but what I have already disposed of viz: my best petticoats my best greene apron my best … handkirkeise, the rest my will is shalbe divided amongst the daughters of my sister as abovesd

Also I give five shillings more to Ann Rose

And I give twelve pence to Good wife Middleton, & the like to Alice Daft & widdow Adcocke & my daughters maied

Also I give twenty pounds apeice to the three sons of my son John Fann Lately deceased, to be paied them as they shall severally accomplish the age of one & twenty yeares, & further my will is, That if either of the two younger shall dye before hee accomplish that age, then his part come to the survivor of them tow; if it please God they both shall dye before that age then both their parts to come to their eldest brother John; & if the sd John happen to dye before hee accomplish the sd age then my will is his part come to the youngest of the other two

The rest of my goods I give to my loving daughter in Law Martha Fann whom I make Sole executrix of this my last will & testament

                                                                                                                Elizabeth Fann her mark

Signed sealed & published on the thirtieth day of October 1670 I the presence of Willm Coles

Frances Trak [?] her marke

Probate 11 April 1671


A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods creditts & chattels whereof Elizabeth Fann late of Scalford widdow died seized taken by Willm Hartopp & Thomas Page of Scalford aforesd Gentl: Aprill the 27 1671

Imp: her purse & wearing apparell500
Ite: one bedstead one featherbed one feather bowlster, two feather pillows   
two blankets, one coverlid two paire of sheets, two pillow beares, the curtaines   
& valence belonging to the bedd1000
Item due to her upon bond6000
Will Hartopp   
Tho Page   