John Fardell of Ab Kettleby 1864 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives DE 462/7
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Fardell of Ab Kettleby in the County of Leicester Cordwainer
I give and bequeath all my Household Furniture Linen and Household Effects to my Wife Sarah Fardell absolutely
I direct my Executors to apply all the remainder of my Personal Estate in payment of my Debts Funeral and Testamentary expences as far as the same will extend
I direct my Trustees and Executors to receive the Rents of all my Real Estates situate at Wymondham and Melton Mowbray in the County of Leicester during my Wife’s life and apply the same first in payment of an annuity to her of Thirty pounds per annum during such part of her life as she shall remain my Widow and an Annuity of Twelve pounds per annum during her life in case of her marrying again the first half years payment to be made at the expiration of six months from my death
I direct my Trustees to apply the remainder of the said Rents as an accumulating fund for the purpose of discharging such part of the said Debts and expences as my Personal Estate shall fall short of discharging and after the payment of the whole of my debts I direct that the residue of the Rents after the payment of the said annuity shall be applied for the benefit of my Children according to the discretion of my said Trustees and after the death of my wife I give and devise all that my Close of Land situate at Wymondham aforesaid containing four acres and twenty perches or thereabouts which I purchased of Mr Compton unto my Daughter Elizabeth Fardell her heirs and assigns for ever
And after my said Wife’s death I give and devise all that my Close of Land situate at Wymondham aforesaid containing Five acres and three perches or thereabouts which I purchased of Mr Birtchnell’s Trustees unto my Daughter Mary Ann Fardell her heirs and assigns for ever and after my said Wife’s death I give and devise all that my Close of Land situate at Melton Mowbray aforesaid containing Four acres and thirty one perches or thereabouts unto my Son Robert Pick Fardell his heirs and assigns for ever
I direct that my Trustees if necessary shall have the power of mortgaging or depositing the Deeds of my said Real Estate for the purpose or raising money for discharging such of my said Debts as shall remain unpaid
If my Daughter Elizabeth shall die under the age of twenty one years and without leaving a Child I give and devise the Land above devised to her, to her Brother and Sister and to their heirs and assigns as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants
If my Daughter Mary Ann shall die under the age of twenty one years and without leaving a child I give and devise the Land above devised to her to her Brother and Sister and to their heirs and assigns as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants
If my Son Robert Pick Fardell shall die under the age of twenty one years and without leaving a Child I give and devise the said Land at Melton Mowbray unto his two Sisters their heirs and assigns as tenants in common and not as joint Tenants
I appoint my Brother Edward Fardel and John Goodman of Great Dalby Shoemaker and Grocer Trustees and Executors of this my Will And I direct that it shall be lawful for the acting Trustee or Trustees for the time being of his my Will and for the heirs and executors of the surviving Trustee from time to time as often as there shall be occasion to appoint any person or persons to supply the place or places of any present or future Trustee or Trustees of this my Will who may die or become unwilling or unable to act in the execution of the aforesaid trusts before the same shall be fully performed And that from and after such appointment the said Trust Estate and Trust monies and the Stocks Funds and Securities in and upon which the said Trust monies may be invested may be conveyed assigned and transferred so and in such manner that the same may vest jointly in any new and old Trustees or solely in the new Trustees as occasion shall require and the said new Trustees shall be entitled to all powers and authorities as are hereby given to the Trustees hereby appointed
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of November One thousand eight hundred and sixty three
John Fardell
Signed published and declared by the said John Fardell the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
W Latham Solr Melton My
Alfred Pywell his Clerk
On the twelfth day of January 1864 the Will of John Fardell late of Abb Kettleby in the County of Leicester Cordwainer was proved by the Oaths of Edward Fardell Brother of the deceased and John Goodman the Executors named in the said Will they having been first sworn duly to administer
Sworn under £200 and that the Testator died on the twenty first day of December 1863