Farming – in the news

W0677a Corn Harvesting Barlands Fields (Standards in the background) 1958
W0677a Corn Harvesting Barlands Fields (Standards in the background) 1958

Farming in Hickling – in the news:

(Chronological order – please contact us to add to these listings.)

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Wnews1 02021895to10081901 (12) farm

June 1st 1895: Dairy School. Under the auspices of the Notts and Derby County Councils, the travelling Dairy School has just finished a ten days’ course of instruction in this village on the principles of butter and soft cheese making. The school was opened on May 20th by Mr MJR Dunstan, MA Director of Technical Instruction, Notts County Council and Head of the Agricultural Department, University College, Nottingham, who gave a most instructive and interesting address on “Some Aspects of Modern Dairy-farming.” The address was listened to by a large audience. Twelve pupils entered themselves for lessons, and went through a complete and practical ten days’ course, two being allotted to each charm. Some very satisfactory results were obtained. Three of the pupils entered for the butter-making competition at Notts. Agricultural Show at Colwick Park this week. A large number of residents in this and the adjoining villages attended each day to witness the butter and cheese-making, milk separating, testing, &c. The County Council are to be congratulated on having secured the services of such practical and clever teachers as Miss Hall, the instructress, and Miss Brown, her assistant, who try to make everything as plain and as easy as possible. We understand the School is to visit Leicestershire next summer. The local committee of management were Mr GH Collishaw (chairman), Messrs JG Hopkinson, John Parr, Joseph Parr, S Marshall, G Simpson and TW Collishaw, local secretary. The butter-making competitions also proved a fruitful source of attraction. The preliminary arrangements were made by Miss Hall, dairy instructress for the Notts County Council assisted by Miss Brown, and the judging was done by Mr John Benson, the manager and chief instructor in dairying at the Midland Dairy Institute. Most of the thirteen competitors were either the wives or daughters of farmers – chiefly the former, and all had attended the classes and lectures at the Notts County Council Dairy School. The awards in this competition were as follow:- 1, JL Clarke, Gonalston, Nottingham, 88 marks out of 100; 2, Isabel Mann, Stragglethorpe, Nottingham, 82; 3, equal, Constance Hickling, Hickling, and Annie Harriman, Post Office, Hickling, £1 each. Close behind them came the winner of the first prize last year, Miss Harriet J Park of Headon, Retford, with 80 marks. Miss Park was beaten by sheer merit but the result is not a little surprising, as the winner of the 1894 prize won an essay-prize recently at Newark, and had been expected to maintain her position. The next in order of merit were Miss Isabella Wyer, of Kinoulton, 75, and Miss Martha S Hurt, Epperstone, 74.

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Wnews1 02021895to10081901 (16) – farm

November 2nd 1895: The National Agricultural League. Unionist Meeting, – Some time ago, it was arranged to hold a tea and meeting for the members of the Wiverton Habitation of the Primrose League in this village, but owing to the sudden and deeply lamented death of Miss H Marshall who had for nine years taken an active interest in the work of the Society in the neighbourhood, these arrangements were changed, and it was decided to hold a public meeting, and to invite the Hon. H. Finch-Hatton MP to speak. That meeting took place on Wednesday evening in the Board School, Hickling. A very good audience had assembled, visitors being present from various villages around. The room had been prettily decorated. The Rev. Canon Skelton occupied the chair, on condition, as he said, that he was not required to speak. He acknowledged the compliment paid to the village by Mrs Musters in arranging the meeting there, and by their Member coming specially down from London to speak to them. Mr S. Marshall moved – “That this meeting welcomes Mr Finch-Hatton to Hickling, and sincerely congratulates him on his return to Parliament as Member for the Newark Division.” […] On rising to respond, Mr Finch-Hatton said that as he was unable to come to Hickling prior to the election, he made up his mind that it should be the first place he would visit after. […]. Touching upon the agricultural problem growth of the National Agricultural League. In speaking of the taxation, he gave instances of the hardships attending the Death duties, and pointed out that the injury did not stop at the class directly taxed, but affected very seriously the working population. It was this same principle that had led to the great commercial crash in Australia, and had put so many thousands out of employment. Pensions, he thought, should be granted, but whatever scheme was propounded it would be necessary to keep clear of the interests of existing Friendly Societies. […].

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Wnews1 02021895to10081901 (17) – farm

Nov 2nd 1895: Tenants’ Supper. – On Monday, Oct. 28th, the tenants of the land over which J. Spendlove, Esq., of Beeston, Notts., has the right of shooting were entertained to a supper at the Plough Inn, provided by Mr and Mrs Thomas Elliott, at which twenty-five were present. The supper was thoroughly enjoyed. The remainder of the evening was spent in a convivial manner. Mr Joseph Spencer presided.

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Wnews1 02021895to10081901 (21) – farm

October 17th 1896: The Farmers and Graziers of this village, having been the recipients of venison, sent by the Earl of Lonsdale, Master of the Quorn Hunt, desire to express their heartiest thanks to his Lordship for his seasonable gifts.

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Wnews1 02021895to10081901 (22) farm a

November 28th 1896: Hickling, Notts, Sale of Valuable Old Pasture Land. Mr Joseph Walker is instructed by the Owner to offer for sale by Auction, at the Wheel Inn, Hickling, on Monday, the 14th day of December, 1896, at 5 for 5.30 in the Evening. The following Freehold FARM, containing 66s.1r.5p., or thereabouts, together with a capital Brick and Slated RESIDENCE, Farm Buildings, good Orchard, stocked with choice Fruit Trees in full bearing, also a large Kitchen Garden. The Farm is divided into Eight Enclosures, and well fenced and watered. It is free from Land Tax and Tithe, and exceptionally good for the production of Stilton Cheese. The Auctioneer strongly recommends the above as being a very sound investment, and within three miles of Widmerpool and Broughton Stations, M.R. For particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, at his Offices, Exchange Walk, Nottingham, and Melton Mowbray, or to Latham & New, Solicitors, Melton Mowbray.

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Wnews1 02021895to10081901 (22) farm b

December 19th 1896: A Farm in the Market – At the Wheel Inn, Hickling, on Monday evening, Mr Jos. Walker offered for sale by auction a freehold farm, containing 66a.1r.5p., together with residence, &c., in the parish of Hickling. The bidding, however, did not reach the reserve price, consequently it was withdrawn. Messrs Latham and New, Melton Mowbray, were the solicitors for the vendor.

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Wnews1 02021895to10081901 (68) – farm

April 13th 1901: Lane Letting. The annual letting of the lanes took place at the Wheel Inn, on Thursday evening, 4th inst. A large company was present, and bidding brisk. The amount realised was in advance of last year.

October 5th 1901: Farm Stock Lectures. Under the Notts. County Council Technical Education Scheme, lectures are to be given during the next six or seven weeks on “The Common Ailments of Farm Stock,” in the Board School-room, by Mr TW Cave MRCVS. The first of the series was given in the Board School-room on Wednesday evening last. The Rev John Williams presided, and there was a good attendance.

October 12th 1901: Lecture. On Wednesday evening, the second of a series of lectures, arranged by the Notts. County Council Technical Instruction Committee, was delivered in the Board School-room by Mr TW Cave, FRCVS lecturer on veterinary surgery, Midland Agricultural and Dairy Institute. The lecture treated of the organs of digestion. Mr W Collishaw presided. The attendance was larger than at the first lecture.

October 19th 1901: Lecture. The lectures on the common ailments of farm stock, arranged by the Notts. County Council Technical Instruction Committee, were continued on Wednesday evening last, in the Board School-room, by Mr TW Cave MRCVS. Forty persons were present. Mr W Collishaw presided.

October 26th 1901: The lectures arranged by Technical Instruction Committee of the Notts. County Council were continued on Wednesday evening last, when Mr TW Cave MRCVS. delivered the fourth of the series, treating of “Some Epizoatic Diseases”  Mr W Collishaw presided. Thirty seven persons were present.

November 2nd 1901: Veterinary Lecture – A fifth lecture on Veterinary Science, under the auspices of the Technical Instruction Committee of the Notts. County Council was given in the Board School-room, on Wednesday evening last by Mr TW Cave MRCVS. The subject was “Some External Injuries” Mr GH Collishaw presided.

November 9th 1901: Veterinary Science – The last of the six lectures, arranged under the auspices of the Technical Instruction Committee of the Notts. County Council was given in the Board School-room, by Mr TW Cave MRCVS. The subject dealt with was “Difficult Partarition” and was illustrated by lantern slides. Mr W Collishaw presided, and, at the close, the usual vote of thanks was accorded to the lecturer, on the motion of Mr John Parr, seconded by Mr F Cart. Forty persons were present. The whole of the lectures have been well attended, the average number present being thirty-four.

April 12th 1902: Lane Letting – The annual letting of the herbage of the parish lanes took place on the evening of the 8th inst., at the Plough Inn. Mr William Mann officiated, and the sum realised was about 50s. in advance of last year’s amount, made up as follows: – Clawson-lane £5 10s., Smithfield-lane £6 2s.6d., Green-lane £5, Broughton-lane £3 12s.6d., The Fosse 8s., Folly Hall-lane 4s.6d. Total £20 17s 6d.

December 12th 1903: Capture of a Runaway. – On Friday afternoon, Dec 4th, the horse and covered cart belonging to Mr John T Shelton, baker, of Cropwell Bishop, who had been delivering bread in the village, was left outside his brother’s blacksmith’s shop, in charge of his nephew, who, for some reason or other, got out of the cart, and the horse, which was a young one, bolted down the village street for home. When near the School, the cratch at the back of the cart, on which was placed a box containing flour in paper bags, came unhooked, scattering the flour right and left. A young man named Edward Beastall, who works at the Manor House, and who has only the use of one leg (the other leg hangs stiff and useless), seeing what had happened, flourished his crutch – which he carries on his bicycle – in the air, and gave chase on his machine. The runaway passed safely through the village, and also through a herd of cattle on the Kinoulton-lane. When beyond Kinoulton, the horse safely negotiated a corner, and was overtaken on the Cropwell Bishop lane, near Richards’ farm, by Beastall, who hung on with his crutch to the back of the cart, and pedalled away with one leg. Mackley Bridge, over the canal, was but a short distance ahead, and Beastall, thinking advantage might be gained at the Bridge, let go his hold upon the cart, and putting on speed, passed the horse. Riding on the grass and forging ahead, he soon gained the top of the bridge and awaited the horse, which he succeeded in stopping by shouting and waving his crutch. Mr Shelton’s brother also gave chase, and on arriving on his bicycle at Mackley’s Bridge, found Beastall in charge, who jocularly remarked that he had been there ten minutes. No harm was done to horse or cart.

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Wnews2 17081901to06071907 (31) – farm

April 9th 1904: Lane Letting – On Thursday evening week, the annual letting of the parish lanes took place at the Wheel Inn. The proceeds, after payment of £2 2s. to the Nottingham and Notts. Hospital, are devoted to local purposes.

Jan 21st 1905: Wanted, a Man to Milk and do all kinds of Farm work. – Apply, Thos. E Gardner, Kinoulton, Notts.

Jan 28th 1905: 130 Acres of excellent Grass Keeping for Sheep, up to April 5th, near Long Clawson. – Apply, Journal Offices, Grantham.

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Wnews2 17081901to06071907 (43) – farm

February 11th 1905: Lecture. – On Friday evening week, a lecture was given in the Hickling Council School, under the auspices of the Education Committee of the County Council, on “Co-operation in Dairy Work,” by Mr JF Blackshaw, FCS, Principal of the Midland Agricultural and Dairy Institute. The Rev HG Laine presided. There was good attendance, including a party from Colston Bassett.

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Wnews2 17081901to06071907 (58) – farm

April 28th 1906: Accident with Cake-Breaker. – On Friday evening week, Bessie Woolley, only daughter of Mr E Woolley, farmer, of Hickling, was playing with some neighbours’ children in the farm buildings adjoining the house, where a machine used for breaking cake for cattle was in operation, and, unseen by the operator, the little girl put her left hand in the machine, with the result that three fingers were crushed. As speedily as possible the child was taken by Mr and Mrs H Corner, in their pony trap, accompanied by the child’s mother, to Dr Windley’s at Colston Bassett where it was found necessary to amputate the second and third fingers at the second joint; the fourth finger, although crushed, was not taken off. Much sympathy is felt for the injured child and parents, especially as Mr and Mrs Woolley have only recently lost their youngest girl by death.

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Wnews2 17081901to06071907 (62) – farm

Sept 8th 1906: A Tree on Fire. – On Tuesday evening, an old elm tree in a field on Mr George H Collishaw’s farm, known as the Old Close, was observed by two men who were returning from the allotments to be on fire. The wind was in the right direction to carry the flames along the hedgerow, but help was at hand, and the flames were soon extinguished. No reason can be given for the outbreak.

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Wnews2 17081901to06071907 (66) – farm

November 24th 1906: Came Astray, on October 27th, Five Sheep. Owner can have them by paying all expenses. – Apply, John Dickman, Hickling, Melton Mowbray.

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Wnews2 17081901to06071907 (66) – farm 2

December 29th 1906: Obituary. – It is with sincere regret that we announce the death, suddenly, on the 21st inst., of Mr Edwin Woolley, of Hickling Lodge. Deceased was a farmer, and up to the evening preceding his death was engaged in the various duties of his calling. On Thursday evening, he retired to rest apparently in his usual health, but during the early hours of Friday morning Mrs Woolley awoke to find her husband gasping his last breath. Mr Woolley was of a quiet disposition, always busy, but ready to lend a helping hand to others, and was held in high esteem by his friends and neighbours. He was 74 years of age, and leaves a large family of grown-up sons and daughters, the eldest of whom is in South Africa. The interment took place at Upper Broughton, on Monday, in the burial-ground belonging to the Baptist Chapel. The pastor, Rev Leo Humby, performed the sad rite, and delivered a suitable address. Much sympathy is felt for the sorrowing family in their sudden bereavement.

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Wnews2 17081901to06071907 (68) – farm

Jan 12th 1907: On Plough Monday, Jan 7th, the School boys each received an orange, the gift of Miss Hopkinson. The girls will receive a similargift from another donor on Shrove Tuesday.

June 1st 1907: Dairy School. – The travelling Dairy School associated with the Midland Agricultural and Dairy Institute at Kingston, Notts., under the direction of the Higher Education Sub-Committee of the Notts. County Council, commenced a ten days course of instruction in the principles of butter and soft cheese making, on Monday afternoon last. Twenty students have entered for the course.

June […] 1907: Dairy School. – A very successful ten days’ course of instruction given under the auspices of the Notts. County Council, by Miss Rowell, Miss Camp, and Mrs Pussaint, of the Kingston Dairy Institute, in the principles of butter and soft-cheese making was concluded on Friday, the 7th inst. Nineteen students entered for the course of lessons – From Hickling for the most part, with others from Kinoulton and Upper and Nether Broughton. The demonstrations by the principal instructress and her assistants were of a very high order, and evinced practical up-to-date methods. Great diligence was shown by the students, and much interest was taken in the classes by the villagers. A competition took place on the last day, and prizes will eventually be awarded to the successful competitors, carrying the following benefits: – 1st prize, free instruction at Kingston Institute for six weeks, with board and lodgings; 2nd, free instruction, and half cost of board and lodgings; 3rd, free instruction only.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (12) – farm

June 30th 1932: Hedge-Laying. – On Monday, under the auspices of the Notts. Education Committee, a demonstration of hedge-laying was given at the farm of Mr JW Harriman, The Wharf, Hickling, on the Bridegate-lane. Mr JS Featherstone was the demonstrator. The demonstration was held with a view to holding a course of instruction in this work.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (15) – farm

April 9th 1932: An Important Letting of 295 acres of grass-keeping at the Grange Farm, Kinoulton by order of the Public Works Loan Board, took place at the Plough Inn, Hickling, on Friday evening. The auctioneers were Messrs Turner, Essex and Fletcher of Nottingham, and the prices realised were as follows: – Dalby Meadows, 30.252 acres at 32s. 6d. per acre, Mr Greaves, sen.; Home Field and The Furlongs, 44.899 acres, 25s., Mr R Greaves; over Canal, 19.904 acres, 31s., Mr Greaves; the Grand Feeding Field, 47.993 acres, 29s., Mr Eb Cross; the Lamb Close 6.001 acres, 26s, Mrs M Spencer; the Duck Field and the Far Closes, 39.308 acres, 11s, Mr Miller Goodbourne; the Far Smite Closes, 28.838 acres, 10s., Mr Binks Lovett; Freeman’s Yard, 5.615 acres, 15s, Mr B Lovett; the Stackyard Fields, 39.980 acres, 12s. Mr Greaves; the Grange Hills, 32.504 acres 12s. Mr J Flavell.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (16) – farm 2

April 23rd 1932: Seven Hundred Eggs have been collected in the village for Nottingham and Notts Hospital and they were conveyed there by Mrs Malcolm King, free of charge.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (15) – farm 2

April 30th 1932: Among the eggs collected at Bridge View House on Wednesday was one shaped like a dumb-bell, about three inches long.

May 28th 1932: The Herbage of the Lanes has been let by tender to the following: – Bridegate-lane, to Mr Ernest Salt; Green-lane, Mrs N Marriott; Broughton-lane Mr HA Robinson; Clawson-lane, Mr TG Wiles.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (16) – farm 2

May 28th 1932: Considerable inconvenience was experienced by the floods on Sunday. Milk lorries and buses had to make a detour, the streets being flooded to the depth of three to four feet. The water began to abate about midday, and at night traffic through the village began to be normal.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (19) – farm

June 18th 1932: At the Leicestershire Agricultural Society’s Show last week the following prizes were awarded: – Bull calved on or after Jan 1st 1931 (open) – 3, Mrs M Spencer; sheep, theaves [young female sheep, usually before her first lamb], any breed (local) – 3, JW Kirk.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (20) – farm

July 2nd 1932: The Canvass of the village and the Pastures for the sale of buttercups and subscriptions on behalf of Southwell House, Nottingham (rescue and preventative work), realised 17s. 7d. Miss Proudman, of the Council School, canvassed the north end of the village, Miss Power, Infants Council School, taking the south end; Masters Cecil Rose and Terence Copley visited the Pasture lodges.

September 8th 1932: Melton & District Agricultural Society. Thirty-Eighth Annual Show. (See full article – Wnews5 (29)). Hickling residents mentioned include: Mrs SL Carte (Stilton); Mrs M Spencer, Hickling, ‘Barlands Fill Pail’ (Lincoln red heifer, in milk, over 3 years); Mrs M Spencer, Hickling, ‘Young Cherry’ (Lincoln red heifer, not in milk, under 3 years); Mrs M Spencer, ‘Anwick Herod’ (Lincoln red bull under 2 years); Mrs M Spencer, ‘Hickling Jewel’ (calf under 12months, any breed); Mrs M Spencer (Challenge Cup winner, cows & heifers); JW Kirk, Hickling (longwool theaves); JW Kirk (longwool ewes that have suckled lambs up to June 1st last); GM Kirk and JW Kirk (longwool lambs born 1932); JW Kirk (Challenge Cup best pen of sheep bona-fide farmer). A news article of Oct 1st 1932 reports the sudden death of John William Kirk of the Manor House, Hickling, ‘well-known agriculturist’ – he had moved to Hickling 2-years previously when he retired from farming.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (29) – farm
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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (37) – farm

June 24th 1933: The Torrential Rains and Hail Storms of the last few days have upset hay-making operations once again. This is the third year that the hay crops have been spoilt by the weather for some of the Hickling farmers. A very heavy thunderstorm broke over the village on Monday afternoon. Great consternation was caused when a chimney stack on the house in the occupation of Mr R Copley was struck by lightning. Mrs Copley and her daughter were in the living room when the incident occurred. Fortunately they escaped injury, in spite of the fact that a large pile of bricks mortar &c., came clattering down around them, and sparks flew in all directions. Mr Copley, who witnessed the storm from his workshop near by, said the lightning which struck the chimney came at the moment the thunder crashed. It was like a ball of fire travelling down the chimney pot, and was a very startling and awesome occurrence.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (47) – farm

April 21st 1934: The Collection of Eggs in the parish for Nottingham and Notts. Hospital, organised by Mrs P Collishaw, resulted in 840 eggs being contributed. The collectors were Misses D Power, E Rose, M Squires, Vera Parr. The eggs were conveyed free on Saturday by Mr Malcolm King, and the secretary of the Hospital tenders his sincere thanks to all who assisted the effort.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (53) – farm

June 1st 1935: Egg Week. – In connection with the Egg Week scheme continuing through-out the spring and summer, a special appeal was made last week to the farmers and poultry-keepers for gifts for the General Hospital, Nottingham. The local secretary is Mr BW Collishaw; 930 eggs were collected and have been forwarded to the Hospital. Mr M King conveying the same to Nottingham free of charge. The collectors in the village were Miss Vera Parr, Miss Miriam and Miss Evelyn Squires; the collectors at the Pastures were Miss Mabel salt and Miss Nellie Salt.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (54) – farm

Aug 3rd 1935: Egg and Flower Service. – The annual service was held at the church on Sunday afternoon, the Rector, the Rev LW Foster, delivering the address. The children presented their offerings of eggs and flowers at the altar rails, the former numbering 296, and, with the flowers, were taken to the General Hospital on Monday by the Rector. The offerings were for the Sunday School.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (55) – farm

Nov 16th 1935: Several trees were uprooted in the parish of Hickling, and one which fell on the road to Long Clawson seriously inconvenienced graziers who had to go round to Nether Broughton to get to their cattle.

Oct 26th 1935: Vegetables received in connection with the potato, fruit and vegetable scheme were taken to Nottingham Hospital on Saturday by Mr Malcolm King, free of charge.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (56) – farm

Nov 9th 1935: Milk Scheme. – At the council school under the auspices of the Notts. Education Committee, a lecture on [“…] accredited milk scheme and how to become an accredited producer” was given. Mr HW Woolley presided.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (58) – farm

March 7th 1936: Accident. – Accident. – On Sunday afternoon Mr Wilfred Woolley, of Belvoir View, Hickling Pastures, while attending to cattle on Cotton’s Land, slipped while descending a ladder with a cutting of hay. One foot slipped through the ladder and sprained the instep. Medical aid was summoned, and the foot strapped up, and it is now progressing favourably.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (59) – farm

[March] 1936: Sale of Agricultural Properties. – On Tuesday Messrs Edward Bailey & Son of Newark held a sale by auction at the Auction Assembly-rooms, Melton Mowbray (by permission of Messrs Shouler & Son), a portion of an agricultural estate in hickling and Kinoulton, by direction of the executors of the late Mrs MMP Marsh. It comprised some 153 acres, and was offered in six lots (the first five in Hickling parish), as follows: – Lot 1. Two closes of grass land, containing 9a. 3r. 1p., sold to MrScott, Hickling, for £450; lot 2, a close of pasture land, 7a. 3r. 33p., to Mr JW Kirk, Hickling for £410; lot 3, seven closes of grass land, 60a. 2r. 17p., withdrawn at £2,100; lot 4, close of grass land, 12a. 1r. 13p. to Mr RW Parkes, for £750; lot 5, four closes of grass land, 25a. 1r. 11p., to Mr RW Parkes, for £1,200; lot 6, a small holding of 37 acres, with farm, house, in the parishes of Hickling and Kinoulton, withdrawn at £1,400. Messrs Larken & Co., Newark were the solicitors.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (65) – farm 2

[…] 1935: Grantham Canal. Notts. and Leicester Farmers Discuss Future. At a crowded meeting of Notts. And Leicestershire farmers having land frontages on the Grantham Canal, held last evening at the Welbeck Hotel, Nottingham, for the purpose of deciding on the action to be taken against the L and NE Railway Company’s Bill asking for Parliamentary authority to be relieved of the responsibility of maintaining the canal, a special committee was appointed with power to take such action as thought desirable. A subscription list sent round the room raised sufficient money to take counsel’s opinion if that course were deemed necessary. Mr H German presided, and he along with Brig-Gen. Sir Edward Le Marchant Sir Jesse Hind. Mr Shaw Brown and Mr HG Ford were elected Notts. representatives on the committee.

[…] 1935: The Grantham Canal. Meeting at Colston Bassett. At a public meeting held in the Institute on Friday, Sir ET Le Marchant, Bart., OBE in the chair, there was a good attendance of parishioners. The agenda was to consider the proposal of the LNER Co., re the Nottingham and Grantham Canal. A draft of the clauses of the Bill asked for powers from the Government to cancel their obligations to retain the canal as a navigable waterway or maintain any reservoirs, locks, wharves, landing places, &c., and the Company seeking to obtain powers, with the cooperation of the road authorities, to level the bridges and to fill in the canal immediately under the bridges and leave a small culvert to carry drainage waters. An animated discussion ensued with regard to the rights and privileges of owners and tenants of land adjacent to the Canal. It was a vital matter to this and neighbouring parishes that the supply of water should be maintained, and that it should not be allowed to become derelict and stagnant, so as to become a menace to health. The maintenance of the banks and the bottom of the Canal bed, now the responsibility of the Railway Company, is essential, otherwise a large area of land below the level of the canal would gradually become water-logged. Further the Company was responsible for all fences on the towing-path side, and the watering places on the banks had, in many cases, been there since the canal was made. The Following resolution was unanimously carried: – “We beg the Nottinghamshire County Council to do all in its power to safeguard the interests of the parishioners of this and other villages adjoining the Nottingham and Grantham Canal, and to ensure that they are not deprived of the rights acquired by the owners, occupiers and others when the Canal was first made, and many watercourses intercepted and diverted to feed the new artificial waterway.

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Wnews5 04071931to05021935 (65) – farm
Wnews7 1968to1972 (119) - farm
Wnews7 1968to1972 (119) – farm

1950: Hickling Diamond Wedding. The Diamond Wedding of Mr & Mrs GA Faulks is reported; Mrs Emily Faulks is reported as ‘one of the last remaining farmers’ wives in the village who made the famous stilton and Colwick cheese.’  

[ … ] 1971: Never had electricity in his home. Mr Robert William Parkes, aged 85, of Hickling, has died in hospital after a short illness. Mr Parkes was born in the village, the son of a farmer, and retired from farming himself some years ago. A bachelor, he had lived alone since the death of his brother and sister and enjoyed gardening. He never had electricity installed in his home and was quite content with an oil lamp for lighting. His funeral at Hickling parish church was conducted by the Rector. Mourners were Mr and Mrs J Parkes, Mr and Mrs O Whittaker, Mr and Mrs F Parkes, Mr E Parkes, Miss Taylor, Mr P Parkes, Miss C Parkes, Mr and Mrs A Parkes, cousins.  

March 2nd 1973: 44.762 Acres Arable & Pasture Land. The land is all in a ring fence, having frontage to the main road near Hickling village. In good heart, the land has been farmed by Mr EO Wood until recently and is watered by pond and Dalby Brook. Vacant possession upon completion. Solicitors: Latham, New & Smyth.

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Wnews8 1973to04051979 (7) – farm
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Wnews8 1973to04051979 (36) – farm

Jan 1974: Stolen straw baffles police. Police at West Bridgford have had an unusual theft reported to them – 12 bales of straw. The straw was reported stolen from a stack on kinoulton Road at Hickling and must have been moved in a vehicle. “It is not valued much, but the theft mystifies us,” said a spokesman.

April 1974: Hickling Farmer had many Interests. Hickling farmer Mr Frederick Herbert Wiles, a bachelor, has died at Home Farm, where he had lived since he was a child. Aged 64, he was born in the village, one of seven children of the late Mr and Mrs GT Wiles, and carried on farming after his father’s death. Interested in village activities, he had been a parish councillor for many years, a member of the local Conservative Association committee, and, in his younger days, a keen cricketer. The funeral service took place at St. Luke’s church, Hickling, conducted by a former Rector, the Rev L Foster, assisted by the present Rector, and organist was Mr J Munks, cousin of Mr Wiles. Family mourners were Mr & Mrs TGW Wiles, Miss MA Wiles, Mr & Mrs C Tomlinson and Mrs EK Peet, brother, sisters and in-laws; Mr and Mrs J Wiles, Mr and Mrs B Wiles, Mrs R Leavsley, Mrs D Allen, Mr and Mrs R Tomlinson, Mr A Peet, Mr and Mrs D Norton, Mr and Mrs J Peet and Mr G Wiles, nephews and nieces. Mr and Mrs A Hewson, Mr B Doubleday, Mr W Doubleday, Mr and Mrs S Eggleston, Mrs K Doubleday, Mr and Mrs G Doubleday, Mrs G Wiles, Mrs M Munks, Mrs J Munks, cousins; Mrs F Peet and Mrs S Richardson. Among the large congregation were representatives of Long Clawson Dairy, the Quorn Hunt, the parish council, Cricket Club and Conservative Association.

See also Long Clawson Dairy – also present at the funerals of:

  • Mr Norman W Marriott, The Yews, Hickling (3rd April 1975)
  • Mr John George Parkes, Church Farm (10th April 1979)
  • Mr TGW Wiles, Long Clawson (1979); extensive news article headlined, ‘Agriculture’s great loss by death of Long Clawson farmer’ which includes an account of his connections to Hickling, the development of local milk rounds and Stilton Cheesemaking (see scans of full article).
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Wnews8 1973to04051979 (38) – farm

April 1974: Bale blaze. Fifteen tons of baled hay were destroyed in a fire at the Old Rectory, Hickling.

May 1974: Hickling 17.43 Acres of Pasture Land by direction of Trustees late Mr AWB Greaves. The land is situated in the parish of Hickling with frontages to Green Lane near to the junction with the road to Nether Broughton. It is useful pasture land and is watered from the Dalby Brook. Vacant Possession September 29th next. Vendors’ Solicitors: Latham, New & Smyth, Melton Mowbray. (additional clipping: 17 acres of pasture at Hickling £9,000 to Messrs J and RH Greaves of Nether Broughton.)

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Wnews8 1973to04051979 (58) – farm
Wnews8 1973to04051979 (176) - farm
Wnews8 1973to04051979 (176) – farm

April 1986: Auction Wed 21st April 1976 at the Golden Fleece Upper Broughton at 6pm Hickling Village Notts (Nottingham 10 miles, Newark 19 miles, Melton 8 miles) Valuable Freehold Grassland 12.80 acres. Road frontage to Clawson Lane on the outskirts of the village, some 200 yards from the Main Street. Watered by the Dalby Brook. Vacant possession on completion. Solicitors: Messrs Eking, Manning, Morris and Foster, 44, The Ropewalk, Nottingham. Tel. 48871. (additional clipping: Grassland. The sale by auction of 12.80 acres of grassland adjoining Hickling village by Turner Fletcher & Essex realised £10,000. Note added: Bought by Mr R Collishaw at £800 per acre.)

1977: Stilton should be Withcote? The Stilton Cheese Makers’ Association, who explain why Stilton is so called – because it was first sold in the village of that name in Huntingdonshire, but never made there – have been taken to task by Mr Harry Huckerby, of Long Clawson, Nottinghamshire, a retired civil servant who also used to work on his father’s farm. He says the cheese should have been called Withcote Cheese, because it was first made in that village, which is in Leicestershire, bordering on the former County of Rutland. His evidence is over 100 years old, being recorded in an old directory. He holds that the cheese was invented by a Mrs Pick, of Withcote, but the Stilton Association say that a Mrs Paulet, who had a farmhouse near Melton Mowbray, supplied her product to a pub in the village of Stilton – and that is how it got its name.

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Wnews9 07051979to15121979 (25) – farm

August 1979: Builders and farmer are bailed. Two self-employed builders were remanded on bail until August 16th by Grantham magistrates yesterday week, accused of taking an articulated lorry without consent and stealing 14.5 kilos of rice bran. They are Michael Henry Zeimer (32), of Heathfield-road, Grantham, and John Robert Osbourne (35) of Princess-drive, Melton. A third defendant, farmer Stanley Gordon Boddy (54), of Canal farm, Hickling, has been bailed to the same date. He, too, is charged with stealing rice bran (on which charge he has elected jury trial), and is also accused of handling stolen goods and stealing a lorry sheet worth £125.

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Wnews11 101980to051981 (19) – farm

January 1981: Right of Way. Where you can go and where you are trespassing. Every square inch of Britain, including the foreshore, has a legal owner – an individual, a commercial concern, a statutory body such as a local authority, or the Crown. Consequently, it is a trespass for you to walk anywhere other than your own property, unless there is a right of way. There is such a right on a footpath, a bridleway, where you can also lead or ride a horse or a pedal cycle on Common land or on roads. In general, the citizen’s right is only to ‘pass and repass’, other than in an area designated for public recreation, such as a park. If he stays, for example, in a short stretch of a public path to watch a sporting event in a neighbouring field, he is trespassing. If a landowner allows members of the public generally to use a private road or path for 20 years without interruption, it becomes a public right of way, which can be closed only by order of a magistrate or of the Secretary of State for the Environment. If you buy a house with access across land owned by someone else, your right of way should be recorded in the transfer document or conveyance. Ask your solicitor to check for you. (Taken from “You and Your Rights” published at £12.95 by the Reader’s Digest Association and available in bookshops or direct from the publishers.)

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Wnews11 101980to051981 (19) – farm 2

January 1981: Walkers’ rights are protected. A footpath is a public right of way which may be used only by pedestrians. Anyone found driving on one can be fined up to £20, and riders and cyclists can be sued for trespass. Keeping a footpath open. If you find that a public footpath has been obstructed, notify the surveyor’s office at the local county or town council, whose duty it is to preserve and protect public rights of way. They should, if necessary, take court action against the landowner to remove the obstruction and repair the path, or clear it themselves and sue him for the cost. (Taken from “You and Your Rights” published at £12.95 by the Reader’s Digest Association and available in bookshops or direct from the publishers.)

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Wnews11 101980to051981 (20) – farm

January 1981: Young Farmers’ Club awards. Achievement trophies were presented to various Melton Mowbray Young Farmers’ Club members at the club’s annual dinner in the Corn Exchange. Best Senior Cup went to Robert Shipman of Knipton, past chairman, while best Junior was Penny Easom of Grimston. Yvonne Coy of Harby, the present chairman, again won the best girl trophy, and the best stock judger trophy went to Alan Hewson of Eastwell. Richard Collishaw of Hickling took the cup for best newcomer to stock judging, while joint winners of the sports cup were Sue Meakin of Freeby and Sue Eggleston of Brentingby. Speaker. Presenting the trophies was Mrs Hilda Wiles of Long Clawson whose husband Mr John Wiles chairman of Long Clawson Dairy was guest speaker. The dinner was attended by 220 people and an additional 40 joined in for the dance afterwards. Meanwhile, Melton hosted one heat of the Young Farmers’ senior public speaking competition at the Fernely School. Oakham were winners and Melton’s own team came second, as did the other Melton team which were taking part in another round of the competition at Glooston.

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Wnews12 22051981to16101981 (18) – farm

June 1981: Exceptional price for land. Record prices for land situated within a local village were recorded at an auction conducted by the Melton office of Walker, Walton, Hanson at Kinoulton. Two lots were on offer, both situated within the village of Hickling. Lot one, a grass paddock, with the frontage to Main street and an area of 2.84 acres realised £25,250 (£8,890 per acre), while lot to, with an area of 2.34 acres, was sold for £28,000 (£12,178 per acre). The land, which was owned by the Bogue Trust, was bought on behalf of a client by Messrs George Hallam and Sons, Nottingham. The aggregate price of £53,750, represents a figure of £10, 376 per acre, which auctioneer Mr John Porter described as “an exceptional price for grass paddocks within the curtilage of a village.”

June 1981: Land sale record. A record price of £12,179 per acre was realised by a grass paddock in the centre of Hickling, sold at Kinoulton by the Melton office of Walker, Walton and Hanson. The paddock, which fronts on to Bridegate Lane, amounts to 2.34 acres and fetched £28,500. The adjoining paddock, fronting on to Main Street, totalled 2.84 acres and went for £25,250 representing £8,890 per acre. Both lots were bought by Messrs George Hallam and Son on behalf of a client. The total price of £53,750 represented an average £10,376 per acre.

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Wnews12 22051981to16101981 (20) – farm

August 1981: Winning cheeses. Long Clawson dairy’s first and second prizes for Stilton Cheese at the Rutland Show are the latest in a run of successes for it at various shows during the last month. A week earlier, at the Nantwich Show, Cheshire – one of the country’s premier shows – the dairy took first, second, third and fourth prizes in the Stilton section. It also won second prize with its huntsman cheese and third prize for its Rutland cheese, which is manufactured at Tythby Farm Dairy, Bottesford. At the Leicester County Show, the dairy took first prize in the Stilton class. Mr RH Reader, general manager, said this was an unprecedented run of success for them.

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Wnews13 16101981to24041982 (3) – farm

Oct 1981. ‘Land still a good investment’. Two Nottinghamshire farms have been sold by auction by Turner Fletcher and Essex, of Nottingham. Wolds Farm, Kinoulton, a productive stock and arable farm comprising an attractive six-bedroomed farmhouse of considerable charm and character, traditional farm buildings, and 115.93 acres of good quality farmland, was sold as a whole for £242,000 (£2,087 per acre).

1981: Footpaths, Warning to Farmers. Nottinghamshire farmers who ignore new legislation on bridleways could be fined up to £200, Nottinghamshire County Council Environment Committee heard yesterday. The 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act forbids farmers to plough over bridleways crossing fields for more than two weeks. Footpaths and bridleways following headlands or sides of fields cannot be ploughed. Penalty for offenders has been upped from a maximum fine of £50 to £200. The committee agreed to a recommendation to make use of its power to bring prosecutions for illegal ploughing and offences relating to non-restoration of ploughed footpaths and bridleways. But farmers will be given a warning first.

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Wnews13 16101981to24041982 (21) – farm

January 1982: Film shown at the January WI Meeting. Hickling WI members were entertained with an illustrated talk on the history of Long Clawson Dairy by Mr R Reader and Miss J Morris at their monthly meeting when Mrs J Evans presided.