Faulks Faulkes Fawkes Foulkes Faux family

Please note: Family pages are organised by surname; however, this does not mean that all those people featured are related to each other. Where possible we will try to be clear about any connections there may be.

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The Faulks family is one of the oldest families in Hickling’s history. The spelling of the name has varied over the centuries and different branches of the family have come and gone but the Faulks family continues to have a very strong presence across the Vale of Belvoir.

5 men with the surname Fawkes are recorded in the Protestation Returns in 1642 and the earliest incidence of the name in each part of the Parish Records are the baptism of John, the son of Frances Faukes, 15th September 1650; the marriage of Richard Faukes to Mary Browne, 21st January 1639 and the burial of Elizabeth Faukes (daughter of Frances), 6th January 1652. As these records are amongst the earliest that we have for Hickling, it is likely that the family was well-established at this time.

This is a very brief beginning to the history of the Faulks family in Hickling; more will be added over time and we would like to hear from you, if you can help us.

References in Chris Granger’s History of Hickling:

(app.7) In front of you at the corner of [the] pews is the poor box. on which is carved “HF RB REMEMBER THE POORE 1685” HF was Henry Faulks church warden, and RB was Richard Blower, the carpenter who made it.

(app.5) In 1856 John Faulks owns 4 properties earning an annual rent of £10.4s.0d. Another entry describes John Faulks as owner of 2 properties earning an annual rent of £5 and a third has John Faulks renting out land of 5 acres and 1 rood on Broughton Lane earning £8.19s.0. – it isn’t clear whether this are all the same or different men named John Faulks. In the same list, Luke Faulks rents from John Clifton Holmes; William Faulks from an unknown property owner; John Faulks lives on Long lane renting from an unknown owner.

(app.3 – modern references)

(main page) “In the 1851 census eight surnames survived from the seventeenth century: Daft, Faulks, Hopkinson, Mann and Marriott from the beginning. Edward Collishaw and Paul Hardy arrived soon after. (…) In the 1970s only seven surnames from the 1851 census survived.  Collishaw, Faulks, Herd, Marriott, Murden, Parkes and Woolley.” (although it should be noted that this doesn’t mean that these families are either linked or continuously present)

(main page) The poor box is dated 1686 and bears the initials HF and RB. These initials on stand for Richard Blower, who was one of the church wardens that year and a carpenter by trade, and Henry Faulks who was the only person in the village with those initials.

(main page) In 1906 Rev Francis Ashmall reported on the Sunday School outing: “The Sunday School Treat took place on Monday, August 20th, and was a great success. We understand to the extent of 108, 57 scholars and 41 adults with 7 visiting children. By means of 11 spring carts these were carried to Trent Bridge, where the party embarked on the Steamer to Colwick Park. Braving the still waters of the Trent we landed, after attempting to steam through the bank.   Colwick Hall was a pleasant resort; you can there get ice creams, a hundred laughs for a penny, either at your own expense or that of others, a cool seat in the shade, a shady walk around the lake of lilies, large mud possibilities, the sight of wild beasts and caged birds for a small sum, a really sufficing sniff for nothing, a playground and sundry other delights. At 3.45 the children found a very nice tea laid out for them in the Ball Room, very tastefully served, and to this they did ample justice. Thence they adjourned to to see the wild beasts fed. It was an angry and exciting moment,  straining the relations of Mr and Mrs Wolf, but Mr gave way politely to Mrs – Mrs had first choice and Mr took the scrag end.  The adults then partook of an excellent tea, after which they adjourned to the Sports Ground, where races were run for prizes.  The chief winners were John Mann, Bertie Ward, John Faulks, Mabel and Ethel Marriott, Elsie Doubleday, Florrie Mann, Beatrice Collishaw and Willie Lester. Mrs Woolley won the Mothers’ race and Mr Arthur Shelton the Mens’. On the return journey, biscuits and sweets were distributed on the boat, and the procession of vehicles over Trent Bridge and through West Bridgford was quite imposing. Home was reached about 9;15 pm after a most happy and enjoyable day’s pleasure. The carts were lent by Messrs. G Collishaw, J Collishaw, Edgson, G Faulks, G Mann, J Mann, J Rippon, J A Roe, I Smith, T Wiles and E Woolley; the biscuits being the present of Messrs. Skinner and Rook and Messrs. Armitage;  to one and all of whom our warmest thanks are accorded”.

(main page) In September 1916, Revd Ashmall wrote, “IN MEMORIAM JOHN GEORGE FAULKS. The first of our village heroes has fallen. Some 40 young men of our village have joined the colours since August 1914, several have been wounded, but until July 1st, in the Big Push, not one has fallen”.

St. Luke’s Churchyard: Faulks family

In the Parish Records:


child’s name/father’s Christian name/father’s surname/mother’s Christian name/date of baptism/location/father’s occupation (sometimes)

  • Mary – George – FALKS – Sibbell – 1669 10 17 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling
  • Mary – William – FAUCETT – Mary – 1661 01 06 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • John – Frances – FAUKES – 1650 09 15 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling  
  • Anne – John – FAUKS – Mary – 1766 02 15 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling            
  • John – John – FAUKS – Jane – 1731 10 15 – HICKLING St Luke                   
  • Robert – Francis – FAUKS – Jane – 1665 07 16 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling           
  • Anne – Michael – FAULKS – Anne – 1830 11 04 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Joiner
  • Beatrice Emma – Thomas – FAULKS – Elizabeth – 1879 05 24 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Charles – George – FAULKS – Anne – 1873 01 19 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Edmund – Michael – FAULKS – Anne – 1834 06 29 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Joiner
  • Ellis – George Arthur – FAULKS – Emily – 1900 04 15 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Grazier
  • Emily Margaret – George Arthur – FAULKS – Emily – 1893 08 10 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Grazier
  • Emma – William – FAULKS – Elizabet – 1854 04 30 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • George – George – FAULKS – Anne – 1858 05 31 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • George – John – FAULKS – Mary – 1789 10 14 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • George – William – FAULKS – Anne – 1834 01 26 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Henry – George – FAULKS – Anne – 1873 01 19 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • John – John – FAULKS – Mary – 1788 08 17 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling            
  • John – John – FAULKS – Mary – 1789 07 05 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Carpenter
  • John – Luke – FAULKS – Catharine – 1832 12 25 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • John George – George Arthur – FAULKS – Emily – 1895 09 21 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Grazier
  • Lily Mary – George Arthur – FAULKS – Emily – 1892 04 03 – HICKLING St Luke – N.Broughton – Grazier
  • Lydia – Luke – FAULKS – Catharine – 1831 02 13 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Mary – John – FAULKS – Anne – 1832 03 18 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Mary – Michael – FAULKS – Anne – 1832 04 08 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Cabinet maker
  • Michael – Michael – FAULKS – Anne – 1836 02 28 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Joiner
  • Sarah – John – FAULKS – Hannah – 1842 02 13 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Thomas – George – FAULKS – Ann – 1854 06 25 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Thomas – John – FAULKS – Mary – 1798 03 18 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • William – John – FAULKS – Mary – 1793 03 03 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • William – William – FAULKS – Anne – 1831 02 13 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • William Arthur – George Arthur – FAULKS – Emily – 1898 04 10 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Grazier
  • Elizabeth – John – FAUX – Theodosia – 1713 08 23 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • George – George – FAUX – Sibill – 1674 04 06 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • George  – George – FAUX – Sybill – 1686 07 25 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • George – John – FAUX – Theodosia – 1707 04 23 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • John – George – FAUX – Sibil – 1677 02 11 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling            
  • John – John – FAUX – Theodosia – 1704 10 08 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Mary – John – FAUX – Theodocia – 1703 03 07 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Richard – John – FAUX – Theodosia – 1709 02 27 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Richard – John – FAUX – Theodosia – 1719 08 30 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Robert – George – FAUX – Sybill – 1673 02 02 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Robert – John – FAUX – Theodosia – 1716 07 19 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Theodosia – John – FAUX – Theodosia – 1711 03 04 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Ann – Francis – FAWKES – Jane – 1663 07 22 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Ann – John – FAWKES – Ann – 1819 07 18 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Husbandman
  • Anne – Franc. – FAWKES – 1652 01 05 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling  
  • Anne – John – FAWKES – Mary – 1773 12 05 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Elizabeth – Anthony – FAWKES – Joane – 1664 02 24 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Elizabeth – Franc. – FAWKES – 1652 01 05 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling  
  • Elizabeth – Francis – FAWKES – Jane – 1661 03 01 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Elizabeth – George – FAWKES – Anne – 1850 01 21 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • George – John – FAWKES – Ann – 1822 06 09 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Hannah – John – FAWKES – Mary – 1768 09 04 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Hannah – William – FAWKES – Anne – 1837 03 19 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Jane – John – FAWKES – Mary – 1771 03 31 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling            
  • John – John – FAWKES – Ann – 1816 12 18 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Husbandman
  • Mary – George – FAWKES – Ann – 1816 12 18 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Shoemaker
  • Richard – Francis – FAWKES – Jane – 1658 01 10 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Robert – Francis – FAWKES – 1653 09 10 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling  
  • Robert – Robert – FAWKES – Sarah – 1820 11 02 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Farmer
  • William – George – FAWKES – Anne – 1851 11 30 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • William – John – FAWKES – Anna – 1844 12 26 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • William – Luke – FAWKES – Catharine – 1828 12 27 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Ann – Kellam – FAWKET – 1646 06 21 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling  
  • Elizabeth – George – FAWKS – Dorothy – 1737 05 08 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Elizabeth – John – FAWKS – Anne – 1743 10 16 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • Elizabeth – John – FAWKS – Ann – 1814 12 26 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Husbandman
  • George – George – FAWKS – Dorothy – 1742 12 25 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • George – George – FAWKS – Ann – 1815 01 13 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Husbandman
  • John – George – FAWKS – Dorothy – 1740 10 19 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • John – George – FAWKS – Mary – 1810 06 19 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling        
  • Luke – John – FAWKS – Mary – 1804 01 01 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling            
  • Richard –  John – FAWKS – Jane – 1736 10 25 – HICKLING St Luke                         
  • William – George – FAWKS – Ann – 1813 06 22 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Shoemaker


Groom’s surname & Christian name/Bride’s surname & Christian name/date/location

  • FAUKES – Francis – ALLIN – Jane – 1655 05 19 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAUKES – Richard – BROWNE – Mary – 1639 01 21 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAULKS – John – TUTBURY – Ann – 1813 10 25 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAULKS – Michael – HIVES – Ann – 1829 12 29 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAULKS – William – DAVIES – Elizabeth – 1852 12 25 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAUX – Henry – STAPLETON – Elizabeth – 1683 06 04 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAUX – John – DAFT – Theodocia – 1702 01 31 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAUX – John – SINGLETON – Mary – 1748 01 17 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAWKES – John – GREASELY – Anne – 1740 05 06 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAWKES – John – MANN – Mary – 1757 07 19 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAWKES – John – WOODS – Mary – 1786 12 11 – HICKLING St Luke
  • FAWKES – William – SMITH – Elizabeth – 1828 03 10 – HICKLING St Luke
  • CARRINGTON – George – FAULKS – Lydia – 1854 03 13 – HICKLING St Luke         
  • COLLISHAW – John – FAULKS – Ann – 1841 07 28 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • COOK – Thomas – FAULKS – Elizabeth – 1848 04 13 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • GRUNDY – John – FAULKS – Elizabeth – 1834 11 30 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • HOLMES – Thomas – FAULKS –  Hannah – 1833 01 10 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • LUMLEY – George Henry – FAULKS – Elizabeth Margaret – 1890 09 24 – HICKLING St Luke
  • MALTBY – Joseph – FAULKS – Jane – 1825 12 26 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • PARR – Joseph – FAULKS – Anne – 1840 06 28 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • CARRINGTON – William – FAUX – Mary – 1727 03 01 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • PIKE – Laurence – FAUX – Elizabeth – 1709 02 10 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • REAR – Richard – FAUX – Mary – 1694 01 13- HICKLING St Luke 
  • WILSON – William – FAUX – Anne – 1686 11 13 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • MANN – Stephen – FAWKES – Mary – 1799 10 02 – HICKLING St Luke           
  • PALMER – William – FAWKES – Elizabeth – 1778 09 22 – HICKLING St Luke           


Christian name/surname/date of burial/age/burial location/place of residence/notes

  • Anne – FAUKES – 1652 01 06 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Dau of Franc
  • Elizabeth – FAUKES – 1652 01 06 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Dau of Franc
  • Elezebeth – FAUKES – 1657 09 12 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Robert – FAUKES – 1658 05 25 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Richard – FAUKES – 1721 09 12 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Rob. – FAUKES – 1722 06 15 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Son of John
  • Mary – FAULKES – 1854 07 23 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling          
  • George – FAULKS – 1794 08 19 – 22 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling                         
  • Anne – FAULKS – 1827 07 11 – 53 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling          
  • Hannah – FAULKS – 1833 06 19 – 9 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling –            Hickling
  • Edmund – FAULKS – 1834 11 19 – Inf – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling            
  • Anne – FAULKS – 1836 03 18 – 45 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling          
  • Michael – FAULKS – 1836 11 13 – 35 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling            
  • John – FAULKS – 1838 01 09 – 4 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling          
  • John – FAULKS – 1839 01 20 – 76 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling          
  • Anne – FAULKS – 1840 04 15 – 17 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling          
  • John – FAULKS – 1846 09 18 – 59 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling          
  • Elizabeth – FAULKS – 1856 10 12 27 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Loughborough          
  • William – FAULKS – 1859 09 15 – 66 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling                         
  • Hannah – FAULKS – 1863 03 25 – 26 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling                         
  • Henry – FAULKS – 1866 11 21 – 19 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling –            came home ill
  • John Richmond – FAULKS – 1874 03 18 – 15 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – inflam of bowels
  • Alice – FAULKS – 1875 11 05 – 42 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Clawson – consumption
  • Beatrice Emma – FAULKS – 1879 06 08 – 5w – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – brain affl
  • Elizabeth – FAULKS – 1879 09 09 24 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – cons
  • Ann – FAULKS – 1882 07 19 – 90 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • George – FAULKS – 1884 08 14 – 62 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling                         
  • John – FAULKS – 1893 06 03 – 76 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Ann – FAULKS – 1894 01 11 – 70 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Mary – FAULKS – 1894 11 09 – 67 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Mary – FAULKS – 1897 01 29 – 65 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – died at Long Clawson
  • Anthony – FAUX – 1670 06 24 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • George – FAUX – 1674 05 07 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Son of George
  • Robert – FAUX – 1675 02 27 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Son of George
  • Jane – FAUX – 1681 04 16 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Wife of Francis
  • George – FAUX – 1686 12 13 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Son of George & Sybill
  • Jane – FAUX – 1688 05 31 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling –            Single woman
  • Elizabeth – FAUX – 1701 03 13 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Wife of Henry
  • Sybil – FAUX – 1702 03 17 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling –            Wife of George
  • Francis – FAUX – 1704 03 22 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • George – FAUX – 1707 05 18 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Henry – FAUX – 1707 12 04 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Richard – FAUX – 1718 12 30 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Son of John & Theodosia
  • Elizabeth – FAUX – 1719 02 17 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Dau of John & Theodosia
  • Theodosia – FAUX – 1727 12 25 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Wife of John
  • Elizabeth – FAUX – 1731 02 12 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Wife of John
  • Theodosia – FAUX – 1733 08 26 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Dau of John
  • Kenelm – FAWKES – 1661 04 02 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Mary – FAWKES – 1662 07 07 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Widd.
  • Elizabeth – FAWKES – 1663 05 27 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Joane – FAWKES – 1664 05 30 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Ann – FAWKES – 1666 01 10 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Mary – FAWKES – 1769 02 09 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Wife of John sen.
  • George – FAWKES – 1770 01 11 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Labourer
  • Anne – FAWKES – 1770 02 24 – Inf – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Sister of Jane
  • Jane – FAWKES – 1770 03 06 – Inf – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Sister of Anne
  • Jane – FAWKES – 1785 10 08 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Dau of John & Mary
  • John – FAWKES – 1812 09 16 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Husbandman
  • Mary – FAWKES – 1815 02 28 – 50 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling       
  • Mary – FAWKES – 1816 06 09 – 56 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling       
  • Elizabeth – FAWKES – 1824 10 27 – 25 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling            
  • William – FAWKES – 1828 02 25 – 1 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Hickling       
  • Hannah – FAWKES – 1849 09 24 – 39 – HICKLING St Luke –    Hickling – Hickling – Asiatic Cholera
  • Bridget – FAWKS – 1654 03 31 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Wife of Francis
  • Jane – FAWKS – 1738 03 16 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Wife of John
  • John – FAWKS – 1743 07 27 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Anne – FAWKS – 1745 12 03 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • Dorothy – FAWKS – 1783 01 12 –               HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Widow
  • Mary – FAWKS – 1805 09 22 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling             
  • John – FAWKS – 1810 04 02 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – Carpenter
  • Luke – FAWKS – 1870 04 26 – 66 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling – apoplexy
  • Hannah – FAWLKS – 1821 09 19 – 12 – HICKLING St Luke – Hickling- Hickling

From the Wadkin Archives:

Reflections of Yesteryear:

(p94)The unveiling ceremony followed a service conducted by the Rev. Canon Ashrnall in St. Luke’s Church. The memorial stone, a tablet of white marble executed by Mr. Thomas Drake of Melton Mowbray, a native of Hickling who was a comtemporary scholar of the fallen was unveiled by Mr. J.L. Laws of Gotham who was headmaster of Hickling school from 1903 – 1911.

Men of this parish who fell were as follows:-

  • John Faulks                                    July 1st 1916
  • Stephen Crurnp                            September 3rd 1916
  • John Hill                                        December 9th 1916
  • Charles Simpson                           July 1st 1917
  • Cecil Simpson                               November 23rd 1917
  • William Salt                                   April 12th 1918
  • Samuel Doubleday                       May 8th 1918
  • William Collyer                             May 17th 1918

On 6th November 1927 a United Service was held in the Wesleyan Chapel in memory of fallen comrades of the Great War. The collection amounting to £3 12s 11d was sent to the headquarters of Earl Haig’s Fund. Long Clawson band played throughout the service and sounded the Last Post and Reveille at the memorial where the poppy wreath was placed.

Scrapbook of Hickling:

(p.24) Two engineers were appointed, a James Green of Wollaton for the section from the Trent to the Leicestershire border about 1.5 miles east of Hickling and a William King for the rest including the reservoirs at Denton and Knipton. Act under which work began was 1793 and the canal was wholly navigable in 1797, the cost being £118,500. The length of the canal is 33 miles and had 18 locks. Traffic on the canal upwards was mainly coal, coke, lime, building materials and groceries to villages along the line to Grantham and to places beyond which were then distributed by land carriage. Downward the canal carried corn, malt, beans, wool and other agricultural products. There were two wharves at Hickling one the basin side which is still called ‘The Wharf Yard’ and belongs to Mr. E.

Faulks (Ted) and the other side of the road which is now the front lawn of “Bridge View” owned by Mr. T. Herrick but was at one time “The Navigation” Public House.

(p31) The Wheel Inn (…) Thomas Munks was the licencee in 1864 and 1894 but by 1912 it was owned by Glen Harding who kept it as a shop but not as a public house. Later occupiers of Wheel House were as follows:-

  • Mr. Alf Herrick rented from Mr. Lane
  • Mr. Ellis Faulks (1928)
  • Miss. Power rented from Tommy Stubbs and Miss. Proudman (head mistress) lodged with her.
  • Frank Copley
  • Reg Arme.

(p35) August 1907 Scholars attending the Church Sunday School had a mostenjoyable excursion to Belvoir Castle . They assembled at 11 a.m. atClawson Lane where conveyances awaited them. The conveyances weregenerously provided for the journey by Messrs. H.Edgson, Geo. Collishaw ,James Collishaw, Geo. Faulks , John and Wm. Mann and T.G. Wiles. The homejourney commenced at 7pm and after a ride through the woods arrived homeat 9.15pm

(p.42) Football (circa 1938) Hickling’s football team was known at ‘The Swifts’ the manager being a Mr. Holland who lived down Faulks Lane. The team played in Robinson’s field (opposite ‘Elm House’ now occupied by Mrand Mrs. F. Windey). Football meetings were held in a loft over Simpson’s butchers shop.

(p60) Hickling has always been known for flooding. Outside Water Lane Farm, Church Farm, Bridegate Lane corner, Clawson Lane where the Dalby brook runs under the road and a t the top of Faulks Lane were, and indeed still are the places affected by flooding after continuous rain.

Maggie’s Memories.

(p74) Old cottages I remember quite well the old thatched house in Faulks Lane or Mucky Lane, the old Granny Parkes lived there and her daughter Jenny, who later married William Burton, this house, and I have a feeling it may have been one of the mud houses was demolished a long time ago, I wonder if the Well is still in existence, a dirty dilapidated caravan stands on part of the site today.

(p89)Mr. & Mrs. George Faulks Farmer, lived at Canal Farm before moving to ‘Sycamore Farm’ in the village where they lived until their deaths. Mrs. Faulks, a hard working woman also was a good Stilton Cheese maker, had a large family, one son being killed during the 1914-18 War, there are still three sons and one daughter living, and two grandsons and families live here in Hickling.

(p90)Mr. & Mrs. Jack Parkes (Christened John). Remember them living at Sycamore House up Faulks Lane as it is called, then moved to Church Farm (I think) where their eldest son John still lives. Mrs. Parkes was fond of music and a member of St. Lukes Choir. Mr. Parkes an excellent hedge cutter which has been handed to his sons John and Fred and his Grandson Eric, and have won awards. Mr. & Mrs. Parkes had two sons as mentioned and one daughter Margaret, all the family fond of cricket. When Granny Simpson was buying milk, we fetched it each morning in a jug from Mrs. Parkes.

(p93) Leonard (Farmer) married Lily Faulks, now 85 and living in Keyworth with her two single daughters.