George Faulks of Long Clawson 1572 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1572
In the name of god amen in the yeare of our lorde God an mdlxxi the xxii daye of November and in the xiiii yeare of the Reign of Elizabeth by the grace of god queen of England France and Ierlande Defender of the faythe &c wytnessythe that I George Fawxe of Claxton being syke inn body and of good and perfect remembrance Do ordene and mayke thys my last wyll and testiment in maner and forme here after following
Fyrst I bequethe my Sole to allmighte god my mayker and redemer and my body to be buried in the churche yarde of Claxton my paryshe churche
It I bequethe to the mother churche of Lincoln iiiid
It I bequethe to the pore mans boxe iiiid
It I bequethe to the mending of the heye wayes iid
It to my Curate for my tythes necligently forgotten at any tyme iid
It I geve to Elizabethe my Dowghter iiiil to be payde at the age of xvi years
It I geve to Edwarde my Sonne iiiil to be payde at the age of xviii yeares
It I geve to Wyllyam my Sonne iiiil to be payde at the age of xviii yeares
It I give to Rycharde my Sonne iiiil to be payde at the age of xviii yeares
It I geve to the chylde being in my wyfes wombe god giving yt lyf in this world iiiil
It I wyll that and yf any of my chyldrin departe once off thys worlde before they come to the age aforesayd that then ther parte be devided amongst the reste of my chyldrin
It I owe unto Wyllyam Spencer and Thomas Spencer vl xs
It I bequethe the reste of my goodds unbequeathed unto Dorothe my wife
It I ordene and mayke Jhon Fauxe my father full exequitor of thys my laste Wyll and Testiment
It I ordane and mayke Rycharde Lynes and Wyllyam Hicklyne supvisors and overseers of thys my laste wyll and testiment
Thes wytnisses Christofer Goodwin vycar Robart Caunte Rycharde Lynes & Wyllyam Hicklynge wythe other men
Probate 18 April 1572