John Faulks of Long Clawson 1579 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1579
In the name of God Amen in the yeare of The lorde God 1579 the xxii day of Aprill and in the xxi yeare of the Raign of Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of England France and Ierland Defender of the Faythe &c Wytnissythe that I Jhon Fauxe of Claxton husbandman being sycke in body and of good and perfect Remembrance doe ordayne and mayke thys my laste wyll and testament in maner and forme hereafter following
Firste I bequethe my soule to allmyghte god my maker and Redemer and my body to be buryed in the church yarde of Claxton my paryshe churche
It I bequethe to the pore mans box iis
It to the mending of the hye wayes xiid
It I bequethe to my Curate for all my tythes and offerings by me necligently forgotten yf any suche be vid
It I bequethe to Wylliam Fauxe my Eldeste sonne A reade heffer one barley lande at grene gate betwyxte Roberte Smarte and Rycharde Byarde and one pease lande of Warlande nexte to Clemente Fynes hadlande
It I bequethe to Edwarde Fauxe my sonne a horse fole & one weate lande in Shorte lande fyelde
It I bequethe to Isabell Fawxe my Dawghter a roged ewe and a brasse potte to be delivered at the Feaste of Sainte Martin Byshope after my decease
It I bequethe to Isabell Fawxe my sayd Daughter a coverled a boulster a payre of hempen shette
It I bequethe to Agnes Fawxe my daughter a couple of kye and a hecfor to be delivered the daye of her marige
It I bequethe to Joan Fauxe my daughter a sterned hecfor to be delivered the daye of her marige
It I bequethe to Elizabeth Fauxe my daughter xls to be payed the daye of hyr marige
It I bequethe to my sonne Thomas Fauxe iiiil whereof I wyll that xls of yt to be payed at the Feaste of Sainte Martin Byshope after my decease and the other xls to be payed at the Feaste Daye of Phylippe and James appostel next after the say Feasted aye of Martin Byshope
It I wyll that Agnes Fawxe my wife have all the tytle & intereste in all my lands and tenements and howsinge wythe their appurtenances there unto belonging in Claxton according to the laste wyll and testament of my brother in lawe Wyllyam Gyes during her naturall lyfe and after hyr decese I wyll that yt remaine to my sonne Hew Fawxe and hys heyres of hys body lawfully begotten according to the laste wyll of my brother Wyllyam Gyes
It I bequethe to Agnes Fawxe my wyffe all my howseholde stoffe
It I geve and beqethe to Agnes Fauxe my wyffe and Hew Fauxe my sonne all the reste of my gudds and catelle unbeqethed
It I ordayne and mayke Agnes Fawxe my wyffe and Hewe Fauxe my soone joynte and full executors of thys my last wyll and testamente
It I ordayne and mayke Hewe Stevens and Clemente Fynes supvisors of thys my laste wyll and testament
Thes wytness us
Xpfer [Christopher] Goodwin vycar Henre Stevens Henry Holte Robarte Smarte Thomas Bell and Thomas Hoberde alias Chapman Wythe other men
This ys the trewe Inventory of all the goods and cattell of Jhon Fawxe of Claxton deceased valued and prysed the viii daye of Maye by the men whose names doe folowe Jhon B… Clement Fynes Robarte Smarte & Thomas Bell
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis hys apperll & mone in hys purse | xiii | iiii | |
It iiii kyne | v | ||
It iiii younge beaste | iii | ||
It iii mayres | v | ||
It ii mayres & a fole | iii | ||
It all hys shepe | vi | viii | |
It all hys croppe of corne | x | ||
It the medo grounde | iii | vi | viii |
It a payre of carte weles & carte geares a harro & plowe | xl | ||
It the govell geare and other wode | iiii | ||
It iii swine | vii | ||
It the pullin | iii | ||
It the baken | v | ||
It the brasse potte | xxx | ||
It the brasse pannes | xxx | ||
It a couple of basons & puter | x | ||
It the napery ware | xxxii | ||
It the lynens | xx | ||
It iii coffers | iiii | ||
It the leade & iii tubes | x | ||
It a folding table & other wooden implements | vi | viii | |
It the Ierne abowte the fyer | xii | ||
Summa totalis | xi | ix | iii |