Faulks John 1744 of Hickling will and inventory

John Falks of Hickling 1744 Will, Inventory and Bond

Nottinghamshire Archives PR/JW/7/12

In the Name of God Amen

I John Falks of Hickling in the County of Nottingham carpenter being sick and weak in body but of perfect memory blessed be god for itt and being mindfull of my mortality do make and ordain this my Last will and testament in manner and form following


I give my sole into the hands of allmighty god hoping through the mercies of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to be saved and my body to be buried att the charge of My Executor hereafter mentioned

And as for the worldly goods that god hath been pleased to bestow upon me I give and bequeath as followeth

Itm I give to my son John Falks the house standing in puding Lane which I bought of George Strong to enter upon immediately twelve months after my wives decease with the half oxgang of Land which I bought of Stephen Man and Thomas Newton att the same time to him and his heirs for ever

Itm I give to my son George Falks the house which my son John Falks liveth in standing by Long Lane to enter upon twelve months after my wives decease

Itm I give to my son George Falks the half oxgang of land which I bought of Daniell Daft Excepting the Crickill Land to him and his heirs for ever and for want of heirs then to Richard Falks son of John Falks

Itm I give to my dear and loving wife my dwelling house with the half oxgang of land which I bought of Stephen Man and Thomas Newton with the Crickill Land being one of the lands which I bought of Daniell Daft dureing here naturall life.

Itm I give to the poor of Hickling the sume of five shillings to be given in a dole of white bread upon the Sunday before Whitsen Sunday by my wife dureing her life & likewise it is my gift and my will that soever shalI Injoy the said half oxgang of land which I have given to my wife that they shall pay the above said five shillings a yeare and every yeare for ever at the discretion of the Minster and Churchwardens and for non payment shall have full power to enter upon the land and to take to the value of five shillings a yeare for ever

Item I give to my daughter Mary Carrinton the sume of five shillings to be paid within twelve months after my decease

All the rest and residue of all my goods chattill I give to my dear and loveing wife whom I make sole Excetrix of all my goods cattle and chattel att this my Last will and testament Revoking all other wills hearto fore maid be in wittness whereof I have sett my hand and seal this present seventh day of June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fourty and three

                                                                                                         John Falks his mark

Signd sealed published and declare in the presence of us

William Morris

Mary Morris

Robert Morriss

An Inventory taken this 21 day of July in the yeare of our Lord 1743 of all the goods cattell and chattel of John Falks of Hickling in the County of Nottingham Lately deceased

  £ s d
Itm purse and aparrill 1 1 0
Hooks in the chimne 0 4 0
Goods in the house with the clock 2 2 0
Goods in the parlor 1 bed and beding 2 chests of drawers 2 chests corner      
cupboard 3 chairs desk 4 2 6
Good in the citchin copper and brass pans and potts 2 10 0
Other od things 0 10 0
Fire iron and frogs 0 2 6
Things in the deary 0 7 0
Goods in the first chamber 2 beds and beding and other od things 1 4 0
Goods in the second chamber 1 bed and beding 3 0 0
Other things in the same chamber 1 0 0
Third chamber corn and malt 2 0 0
Other things in the same chamber 0 10 0
Cheese 0 11 0
In the barn 1 0 0
Corn on the ground 3 15 0
Cow 2 10 0
Tools in the shop 0 7 0
Seen and unseen 0 2 6
                                                                                                                                     £ 28 1 6

Witness by us

Paul Hardy

William Morris

Bond 13 March 1744, bound Mary Falks of Hickling widow and Robert Morris of Hickling innholder for £96, condition Mary Falks to administer will and produce inventory

                                                                                                         Mark of Mary Falks

                                                                                                         Robert Morris