Robert Faulks of Long Clawson 1679 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1679/67
August the 3 1679
In the name of god Amen I Robert Fawlkes of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester husbandman being weake in Body but of a disposeing minde doe make & ordaine this to be my last will & Testament in manner & forme following
Imprimis I give & bequeath my Soule to god that gave it & my body to be buryed in the earth from whence it was Taken & as for my worldly estate I doe dispose of as followeth
Item I doe give & bequeath unto Edward Fawlkes my brothers son one halfe oxgang of land with all the appurtenances thereto belonging which I purchased of William Daft to him & his heires for ever
Item I doe give unto Edward Fawlkes my brothers son Thirty pounds to be paid within the space of one yeare after my deceased
Item I doe give unto Sarah Fawlkes my brother Edwards daughter sixty pounds to be paid within one yeare after my deceased
Item I give & bequeath unto John Wright of Chiselton ten pounds to be paid within one yeare after my decease
Item I doe give unto the poore of Claxton tenn pound to be paid to the overseeours of the poore to be put to the interest & the interest to be distributed amongst the said poore once every yeare forever
All the remainder of my estate I doe give unto my loveing Brother Edward Fawlkes my legacyes being paid & funeral Charges defrayed whom I doe make & ordaine executor of this my last will testament in wittnesse whereof I have set to my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written
Memorandum that my mind & will is that my executor shall pay unto Thomas Dent of Grimston ten pound as the other legacyes aforesaid
Robert Fawlkes his marke
Read Sealed published & declared in the presence of us who set to or hands as Wittnesses in the presence of Robert Fawlkes
Thomas Marriott
John Parnam
Richard Lawley
Probate 14 August 1679
Inventory PR/1/81
A true & perfect Inventory of all & singular the goods credits Catells & Chattells of Robt Fawlks late of Long Clawson in the County of Leic deced taken the 14th day of August Anno Dni 1679
Imprimis his purse & Apparell | 1 | 6 | 00 |
Itm in debts sperate & desperate due unto the … … | 120 | 00 | 00 |
121 | 6 | 00 |