George Flower of Stathern 1569 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/260
In the name of gode Amen and the xvii daye of July in the yere of our lorde gode 1569 I George Flower of Statherne in the countie of Leic gent beinge of holle mynde & in goode & perfecte rememberance laude & prayse be unto almyghtie gode do make and ordayne this my present testament and last will in maner and forme folowinge that is to say
Fyrste I comend my soule unto almyghtie gode my maker & redemer and my body to be buried in the churche or churche yarde of Statherne aforesaide
Also I will that all detts as I do owe to any persone or persons be well and trewly payde by my executrix hereafter named and appointed
Fyrst I owe to Johane Adcooke for her childs parte xxx li whereof I must have a … for my charge in serving for yt xli
It I owe to Elizabeth Adcooke xxx li wherof I have received xxii li xs Also theire remayneth of the said some in thands of Mathewe [blank] vii li xs to be payde unto my executrix at Saynete James daye next comminge & my chargis in servinge for it is xls
It to Cassander Flower for her childs parte xvii li
It unto Francis Flower xxx li whereof I have leyde owte for his exebyssion & lerninge at Oxforthe & other placis xxii li as apperithe by my bill
It theire is … olde … of xvs in the hand of Ric Sion to the use of the said Frauncis
It I owe unto the parsonne of Langer xxs
It to Andrewe Grey of Barston xiiis iiiid
It To John Remington xiiis iiiid
It to Michaell Robinson vs
It to Henre Elkyngton xxxiiis viiid
It I geve and bequiethe to my sonne Henre Flower a goblet of Silver parcel gylte geven him by his granfather Adcooke
It to Cassander Flower my doughter xxs geven her by her grandfather Adcooke
It to Johane Flower my doughter on silver cupe geven her by her grandmother Flower
It I geve and bequithe to Elizabeth my wyffe all the Rest of my plate & the thirde parte of all my goods my detts being payde
It I geve and bequiethe to Elizabthe my wyffe the lease of my howse so longe as she kepithe her selfe widowe & yf she marie Agayne then I will & bequiethe the saide lease to my sonne Henrie
It I geve all my lands to my sonne Thomas Flower & yf he die before he come to age then I geve it to my sonne Bartylmewe & yf he die before he come to age then to my sonne John Flower
The Residue of all my goods unbequeathed my detts payde and funeralls discharged I will that they shalbe equally devided amongst all my childeren & of this my present testament and last will I make and ordayne Elizabeth my wyffe my sole executrix and for the trewe execution of my saide will I make Mr Armyn & Henrie Elkyngton Supvisors
Theis beinge wittnesses Armyne Henrie Flower Henrie Elkyngton John Arodoman and Charls Lockwoode
Probate 20 September 1569