John Flower of Long Clawson 1609 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/231
In the name of god amen this 9th of March et anno regim … Jacobi Regis &c the seventh and of Scotland the fourtie and three I John Flower of Claxton in the Countye of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke of body but of perfect & good memory praised be god doe make and ordayne this my last will & testament in manner followinge
Imprimis I gyve and bequeath my sowle to god that gave yt and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of the parish church of Claxton aforesaid
Itm I gyve to the poore of Claxton vis viiid to be distributed at the discretion of the overseers for the poore & my executour
Itm I gyve toward the repayringe of the high waye at Darby field and … upward iiis iiiid
Itm I gyve to every one of my sonne Thomas Flower his children which are now lyvinge xxs
Itm I gyve unto my dawghter Magdalen Flower hys wyfe xxs
Itm I gyve unto her daughter Katherin beinge by her former husband xs
Item I gyve to my said sonne Thomas Flower vi l of good and lawfull mony of England and my will ys that the one halfe of these foresaid legacyes shalbe pd unto the said Thomas Flower within halfe a yeare next after my death and the other halfe within a whole yeare next after my death as aforesaid
And my will & mynd ys that the Childrens porcons shall presently be paid forward to the childrens best use
Itm I gyve to John Moore the eldest sonne of my sonne in lawe Edward Moore xiid
Itm I gyve to his sonne Raph Moore xiid
Itm I give to my said sonne in law Edward Moore and to his wyfe and forgyve unto them all the debts they owe unto me And my will ys that my executor shall every yeare during their naturall lyves and remaynynge in Claxton fetch them one loade of Coales yearly the said Edward or his assignes paying for them at the pitts
Itm I gyve unto Sissely Fawkes the dawghter of my sonne in law Willm Fawkes xiid
Item I gyve to my said sonne in lawe Willm Fawkes xiid
Itm I gyve unto Richard Fawkes the sonne of my sonne in law Edward Fawkes one of my best Ewes and a lambe to be set forth at the maye day next after my decease
Itm I give to my sonne in law Edward Fawkes xiid
Itm I gyve to every one of the Children of my sonne in lawe Robert Asten xiid
Itm I gyve unto Alyce Asten my daughter in law xiid
Itm I gyve unto Richard and Mary Flower the Children of my naturall sonne Michaell Flower to ether of them two ewes and 2 lambs and to the said Richard I gyve one pot & 2 Coffers which were my fathers
Itm I gyve to Mary Flower my sonne Michaell his dawghter halfe of my pewter a pair of flaxen sheets one mattresse one Coverlet i bolster a blanket
Item I gyve unto my Servant Alice Ledman xiid
Item I gyve unto Mr Wryght our Vickar xiid
Itm I gyve unto my lovinge wyfe Dorothy Flower all the rest of my pewter unbequeathed all my brasse unbequeathed all my lynnen and woollens
Itm my will ys that my said wyfe shalbe mayntayned at the Charges of my executor with sufficient meat drinke and apparell decent Comly and befittinge her or such a woman of her estate and she shall have xiid a quarter and a strike of wheat paid yearly duringe her lyfe Provided alwayes that yf the said Dorothy doe myslyke of her diet & maytenance yt shalbe in her choyce eyther with the foresaid allowance to remayne or to depart from my executor having the foresaid xiid & i strike of wheat paid yearly and then to have her thirds of my oxgange of freehold land made by the halfe of the said oxgange for her maytenance during her life
Itm I gyve to every one of my godchildren xiid
Itm I gyve to my sonne Michaell Flower and to his heires for ever my foresaid oxgange of freehold land with a lytle howse theron and all and every the appurtenances therunto belonginge whatsoever
The rest also of all my goods and Chattells unbequeathed I gyve and bequeath unto my foresaid sonne Michaell Flower whom I make and ordayne sole and full executor of this my last will and testament to see the foresaid legacyes & my debts discharged and paid
And lastly I make Thomas Hicklynge and Thomas Storer of Claxton aforesaid overseers of this my last will and testament giving to eyther of them therefore xiid
Signum John Flower
Testes sunt
Thomas Wright Mynyster
Thomas Marriot
Thomas Hicklynge
Probate 8 April 1609