Eleanor Forster of Scalford 1623 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1623/64
February xxvith Anno dni 1622
In the name of god Amen I Ellinor Fauster of Scalford in the Countie of Leicester widdow beinge somewhat weake and sickly of bodie but of good and perfect memory (god be praised therefore) doe ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge That is to say
First I give & bequeath my soule to god who gave it me hopeinge assuredly by gods mercy & the merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be partaker of life eternall
And my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Scalford aforesaied
And as for my worldly goods and chattles I doe dispose of them in manner and forme followinge That is to say
First my will is that Mrs Bardsey shall pay to my executors at the time when the bond is due that is at Lamas Day or thereabouts eight pounds I freely remit & release her of all the use & of all that from her to me is due save onlie 8l of that bond
Itm my will is that Raphe Frysbies debts by bill or bond or otherwise shall all be remytted but even 9l
Itm my will is that Willm Robinson shall pay 30s & all els shalbe remytted
Itm I remit & forgive to Thomas Harbies children 30s which they owe to me
Itm I remit the debts of Lenard Auger & Lodwicke Kempe
Itm I give to Emmet Daft & Wilm Daft her sonn 20s to be devided betwixt them & to Mary Daft the bede whereupon I lie & all the furniture thereunto & in money ten shillings to buye her a ewe & a lambe & the cubbard in the entrie
Itm to Edward Camm of Buckminster husbandman 3l
Itm to John Thorpe of Buckminster his wife & children of else some of them 20s
Itm to John Fauster for himself & children 30s
Itm to Joane Frisbie [?] a litle pott at the end of the penn & to Goodie Wright of Frebie the great pott & John Derham the great pann & the cubbard
Item I give to the towne of Scalford to buy them a clocke three pounds & to the poore of the parish to be devided at my buriall 20s & to the ringers 3s
Itm to Anne Budgie I give twoe shillings
& a redd coate & the russet coate to Goodie Derham & to Gooddie Budgie a paire of harden sheets & to Gooddie Gregg the Coate I weare
Itm Cicely Henson 12s to Charles Killingley 3s4d & to Joane Everard 3s6d & I forgive that shee oweth me & to my god daughter Anne Dafte a paire of Sheets
And of this my last will & testament I constitute & appoint Raphe Frysbie and Richard Wright my Joynt executors revokeinge all former wills & testaments whatsoever
Sealed under my hand & seale in the presence of Edmund Bardsey John Derham & John Fauster
Rob: Gilbert
[on reverse]
Itm my will is that Elizabeth Frysbie shall have the best Coffer & John Derhams daughter the next Coffer & a matrice
Probate 1 April 1623
The true Inventorie of Ellinor Fauster widdowe inhabitant of Scalford lately deceased praised by Raphe Gilbert Willm Bayley Willm Mitchell & John Robinson
Imprimis One purse and girdle & apparill | vl |
One table Cheare & other houshold stoofe | vs |
Itm One bed & furniture & one Cubberdde | xvis |
Itm Another bed and furniture | viiis |
Itm One Cheste | xvis |
Itm fowre Coffers | xviiis |
Itm Three paire & halfe of harden sheets | vis |
Itm Twoe table Clothes & twoe pillobers | vs |
Itm One brasse pann without a hingle | ixs |
Itm Twoe brasse potts & one litle brasse pann | viiis |
Itm Twoe litle tubbs a Churne & one peale | iiis iiiid |
Itm One borded Chamber | vis viiid |
Itm fowre peeces of puter & one Candlestick | iis iiiid |
Itm Three hoofle posts & one Conch of hey | iiiis vid |
Itm Twoe Cheese & a Cheese hecke | is |
Itm The pott hoockes & hingle | vid |
Itm Owne Cowe | xxxiiis |