Robert Foster of Scalford 1607 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicester Register Books 1606-1608 page 141
In the name of god Amen I Robert Foster of Scalford in the Countie of Leicester shepheard sicke in bodie but whole in minde and of good and perfect memorie thanks be to god therefore do make & ordeyne this my last will and testament in maner & forme following
First I bequeath my soule to almightie god and my bodie to be buried in the churchyard of Scalford aforesaid
Itm I give and bequeath unto Willm Foster my father v li
Itm I give and bequeath unto John Foster my brother xx li wherof I would have him and my will is that he should leave unto his eldest sonne x li of thaforesd xx li as a legacie from me
Itm I give and bequeath unto the same John my brother two sheepe and a suite of reparrell that interest and titles I have by lease in one Cottage in Buckminster and Sutton or either of them in the County of Leicester so that he keepe my father and my sister Johaine Forster during their lyfes with necessarie foode and Rayment lodging and washinge and all my thinges as are fit for their maytenance of lyfe Otherwyes I give the same lease to my said father and sister and to the longer [“liver” missing] of them
Itm I give and bequeath unto Johane Forster my sister v li and two sheepe
Itm I give and bequeath unto Richard Dafte my brother iiii li and one suite of apparel
Itm I give & bequeath unto Willm Dafte the sonne of Richard Dafte iii li and one sheepe to be delivered unto the sd Richard upon his acquittance for … use and benefit … … …
Itm I give bequeath unto the two daughters (now living) of Richard Dafte my brother either of them xxxs to be delivered unto theire said father upon his acquittance to their use and benefit
Itm I give and bequeath unto Stephen Wordale xs
Itm I give and bequeath unto John Goodicary ten shillings of that dett he oweth me
Itm my will is and shalbe that all those legacies before bequeathed shalbe paid of such detts as are owing me and none otherwyes and to everie one as they are bequeathed in order as they come in and are due
The rest of my detts whatsoever yf there be any overplus or remaynder (the forsd legacies being paid first) I give and bequeath unto John Foster my brother getting them at his owne charge excepting the detts of Thomas Harbee, which my wife shall have to her use and benefit In Consideration whereof she shall deliver and give unto my said brother vii li which in the house which I also give and bequeath unto him
Itm I give and bequeath unto Valentine Trevett my servant one sheepe called by the name of a theave and one suite of my apparel so that he serve … his yeares service otherwise my wife shall have them
Itm I give & bequeath unto Hellen my now wife one lease of the house I now dwell in latelie obtained from George Calvelye of Ley hall in the Countie of Chester yf she so long live as the Lease continue in force But if she depart this life before the end & expiration of the said lease I give and bequeath the said Lease and yeares therein unexpired unto John Fostar my brother
Itm I give and bequeath unto Edward Camme of Buckminster five shere hoggs
The rest of my goods unbequeathed and not given I give and bequeath (my detts paid & funerall discharged Unto Ellen Fostar my now wife whom I make my sole and full executrix and Willm Bincks and Thomas Howett of Scalford aforesd supervisors unto this my last will and testament
Theis being witnesses
William Binckes
Thomas Chadwick
Probate 23 March 1607/8
An Inventorye of all the goods and chattels of Robarte Fostare of Scalforde in the countye of Leicester shephearde late deceassed taken and priced by Will Frisbye yeoman Lodwicke Kempe … … & Jhon Robinson husband the xxi … …arye 1607
In primis his apparell | xxs |
Itm in the house one table, one forme foure stooles, one little planke, one little cheese | |
boarde and one cheare | viiis |
Itm foure cushens and the painted clothes in the house | |
Itm one little cubboarde and a penne with dishes sponnes trenchers and the woodden | |
ware | vis |
Itm vi pewtare with salts candlestickes, one skymarte, and other olde pewtare | vis viiid |
Itm ii brasse potts & foure kettles | xiis |
Itm halfe one loade of coalles | iiiis |
Itm the fyre yron one paire of tongs and other yron hookes about the fyre | iis |
In the parloure | |
Itm thre bedesteads with suche furniture as is upon them | xxxiiis iiiid |
Itm one mattrice, one covering, one blankt, two pillowes, two paire of flaxen sheets | |
and two paire of hempen sheets | xls |
Itm two pillowbeares, one towell one boarde clothe ii table napkins, one peece of harden | |
clothe | xis |
Itm five coffers and one little … | xs |
Itm two tubes, one churne an olde arke one pecke and one … | iiis iiiid |
In the yarde | |
Itm one kowe and xvi sheepe, and one yearelinge calfe | vi li |
Itm the haye and barlie | xxvis viiid |
Itm two ladders, and fire woode | iis vid |
Itm one swine hogg, vi hennes & a cocke | xiiis iiiid |
A note of his debts which now oweinge & his monie in his purse | |
In primis oweinge by Johane Frisbye and Willm Frisby her sonne upon a Bonde | xx li |
Itm oweinge by Charles Collington | vi li |
Itm oweinge by Robarte Musson | vi li |
Itm oweinge by Willm Whittle | vi li vs |
Itm oweinge by Edwarde Levers | iiii li |
Itm oweinge by George Binckes | v li |
Itm oweinge by Joyse Pollard | xs |
Itm oweinge by Anthonie Hubbard | xxs |
Itm oweinge by Jhon Goodicarye | xxvs |
Itm oweinge by Nycholas … | iiiis |
Itm oweinge by Willm Segrave gent | xls |
Itm oweinge by Thomas Harbee upon a bond | iiii l xviiis |
Itm oweinge by the same man without bond | iii li xvis |
Itm oweinge by Mathewe Francis without specialty | xiiis |
Itm oweinge by the same man upon a bond | iiii li |
Itm oweinge by Willm Gamble | xxxvs |
Itm oweinge by Richard Hooe | x |
Itm in his purse | xlviii li |
Suma tot | 117 li 5s |