Alice Fox of Scalford 1864 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives DE 462/7 page 269
This is probate copy of the will which is in a book. The book has not been sufficiently opened, such that the extreme right hand of the second page is not visible in the photograph.
This is the last Will & Testament of me Alice Fox of Scalford in the County of Leicester Spinster
First I direct all my debts to be fully paid
Whereas my brother William Fox stands indebted to me in the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds upon his promissory note of hand Now I do hereby give and bequeath the whole of my Personal Estate and Effects of whatsoever nature or kind the same may be and of which I shall die possessed Unto my friend John Godber of Scalford aforesaid Grazier his executors administrators and assigns Upon trust that the said John Godber his executors administrators and assigns do and shall yearly and every year receive the Interest and annual income arising from my said Personal Estate and pay the same over when and as the same shall be received by my said Trustee Unto my brother the said William Fox during the term of his natural life for his own use and benefit And after the decease of my said brother Then I direct the said John Godber his executors administrators and assigns to pay the following Legacies out of my said personal Estate and Effects that is to say
I give and bequeath unto the Managers or Trustees for the time being of the Primitive Methodist Chapel in Scalford aforesaid the sum of nineteen pounds to be applied to and for the benefit and purposes of the said chapel
Also I Give and bequeath to the Managers or Trustees for the time being of the Wesleyan Chapel in Scalford aforesaid the sum of Five pounds to be applied to and for the benefit and purposes of the said Chapel
Also I Give and Bequeath unto Ann Godber the sum of nineteen pounds [hidden, begins with “a” so presumably “absolutely”]
Also I Give and Bequeath unto Samuel Godber the sum of [hidden] pounds absolutely
Also I Give and Bequeath unto Thomas [hidden] Scalford aforesaid Shoemake the sum of Ten pounds absolutely
And as to all the rest residue and remainder of my said personal Estate and effects after the death of my said brother and the payment of the aforesaid Legacies I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto the said John Godber his executors administrators and assigns absolutely
Provided always and I do hereby [hidden] Will and direct that it shall be lawful for my Trustee [hidden] call in the amount due from my said Brother on his promissory note of hand or to allow the same to remain on the security [hidden] promissory note of hand or bond without any loss or liability arising therefrom and that my said Trustee his executor administrators and assigns shall be chargeable only for [hidden, probably “such”] monies as he shall actually receive by virtue of the trust [hidden, probably “in”] him reposed And that he shall not be accountable for any involuntary losses or for the failure of any Banker in whose [hidden, probably “hands”] any of the trust premises may be placed for safe custody but [hidden, probably “only”] for his and their own wilful neglects and defaults
And lastly I hereby appoint the said John Godber Trustee and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all others at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty two
Alice Fox
Signed published and declared by the said Alice Fox the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other at the same time set our hands as witnesses thereto
Joseph Miles, Melton Mowbray
John Harby, Scalford
On the twenty seventh day of April 1864 the Will of Alice Fox late of Scalford in the county of Leicester Spinster was proved by the Oath of John Godber the sole Executor named in the said Will he having been first sworn duly to administer
Sworn under £200 and that the Testatrix died on the eighth day of May 1863