William Freck of Ab Kettleby 1741 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1741
In the name of God Amen the seventh day of September 1722 According to the Computation of the Church of England I William Freck of Ab Kettleby in the county of Leic Laborer Being of perfect memory and Remembrance praised be god doe make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in maner and forme following
First I Bequeathe my soule to the hands of Allmighty God my maker hopeing that through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer to Receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and after my body to be buried in Christian buriall at the discretion of my Executrix here after nominated
Item I give unto my son Stephen the sum of Twenty pounds to be paide to him at the age of one and Twenty years
Item I give unto my son William the sume of Twenty pounds to be paid to him at the age of one and Twenty years
Item I give unto my Daughter Sarah the sume of Twenty pounds to be paide to her at the age of one and Twenty years
Item my will is that if other of my sons or my Daughter die before they come to the age of one and Twenty years then there portion to be equally devided to the Longer Liver or Livers of them
All the rest of my goods and chattels and parsnell Estate whatsoever I give unto Sarah my Wife upon condition that shee shall pay all my debts and Legacies and feunerall charges and make her my sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament and utterly Revoke all former wills that hath been by me made
In wittness whereof I have set my hand and seale
William Freck his mark
In the presence of
John Blanckly
… Asop
William Freck sener
The within named Extrix was Sworn the 2d Day of October 1741