Freeman William 1590 of Saxelby Inventory

William Freeman of Saxelby 1590 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/11/108

The Inventorye of all the goods moveable and inmoveable of William Freeman of Saxulbye in the Countey of Leic yeoman lately deceased taken by William Bonde and Jhon Gamble the 4th day of December in the year of our lord god 1590 in maner and forme folowing

Imprimis his apparellxxxs
Itm the bordes and formes in the hallevis viiid
Ite 4 coshings 2 chayres & the docer with other implementsxs
Itm 13 peeces of puterxiis
Ite 2 potes 2 kettles 2 basons 3 candelstykes and a cullanderxiis
Itm a chafing dyshe 2 … and a morterxiiis iiiid
Item in the chamber the best bedsted & one featherbed one mattryce
one bed hilling 2 blanketts one bolster 2 pyllowes with the curtyns and hangyngsiii li
Itm in the same chamber one bedsted one featherbed one chest a table with
other implementsxvs
It in the parlor one bedsted one fetherbed one bedhilling 2 chests with other
It in the nether chamber one fetherbed 2 bedstedsvis viiid
It in the kytching a fyer yron the rackes and hookes a payre of cobards a spyt
a leade and a loomexiiis iiiid
It in the … house 3 loomes & 2 trophesvis viiid
It a cowe & a calfeiii li
It one axe 3 yron wedges & 2 brasen weyghtsiis
Sum totalxiii li viis viiid

Exhibited 5 March 1590/1