William Freeman of Harby 1611 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/233
In the name of god Amen the seventhe and twentieth day of aprill 1611 and in the yeare of the raigne of our Soveragine Lord James that now is of England the ninthe & in Scotland the five and fortieth
I William Freeman of Harbye in the countye of Leicester labourer
Item my will is that my sonne Francis shall have xxs at the end of his apprenticeshipe
Item my will is that my daughtere Agnes shall have xxs presently after my decease
All the rest of my goods movable and unmovable I give unto Scisly my wife whome I make my full executor of this my last will and testamente to pay my dettes and to fullfill this my last will and testamente
Witnes to this my last will and testamente
Symon West
Probate 7 May 1611