John Gamble of Grimston 1552 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1552
This will gives the surname Gammell. There is no register of burials at this time in Grimston but no Gamells [however spelled] appear in the Grimston parish registers. There are, however, many Gambles so it is thought that this will be the more standard surname for this family.
In the name of god amen the fyrste day of November In the sixt yeres of the reign of our Sovraign Lorde Kinge Edward the Sixt kinge of Ingland France & Ireland defender of the fayth & in earth Imediatlye under god the Supreme head of the churche of Inglande and Ireland wittnesseth that I John Gammell of Grimston sycke of bodye & hole of memory do make this my laste will & testament as folowes
Firste I bequeathe my sole to god & my bodye to the grounde
I also bequeathe to the Almas Boxe xiid
It to my Sonne Willm one acre of barley earthe & a Rode of wheate earth and acre of peys earth and ii carte lodes of haye And his mother & Hewgh his brother to sowe it the firste yere and Willm ever after sowe it hym selfe
It a cowe calfe
It to John his sonne one ewe & a lame
To Elsabeth one ewe & a lame
It ii leys under sholby hedge & ii leys beyond the broke for the terme of my yeres
Ite to my Sonne Thomas a herfer
It to my Sonne Robert iii kyne & ii calves of one yere olde halfe a quarter of wheate one of barley & a quarter of peys
It to my Sonne Edwarde a cowe & six shepe with other at the sight of his mother
It to Jones children one calfe
The resydewe of my goodes not bequeathyd I do gyve & bequeathe to Jone my wyfe & to hewe my Sonne with the … of my farme the Terme of my yeres whome I make my hole executors the one to have as good parte as the other
In wittness herof
Matthew Bayly John Richardson with all my chyldren