Gamble John 1606 of Saxelby Will

John Gambell of Saxelby 1606 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/228/84 and also a probate copy

In the name of God Amen The Wyll Nuncupative of John Gambell thelder late of Saxulbie in the Countye of Leicester husbandman deceased, made the Tenth daye of April Anno dni 1606 And in the yeares of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God of England France and Ireland kinge defender of the fayth &c the fourth And of the Raigne of Scotlande the fortieth in the presence and hearing of Thomas Gambell and Richard Gambell with others of the same Towne beinge there presente to this effecte and purpose followinge (that is to saye)

Firste he bequeathed his soule to allmightye God his maker, and to the holie goaste his Comforter, And his bodye to the Earthe Willinge the same myghte be buryed within the parishe Church of Saxulbie aforesaide

Item he gave and bequeathed to the poore people of the same Towne One bushell of barley to be distributed amongest them

Item he gave and bequeathed to John Gambell his eldest sonne halfe his Croppe of all manner of Corne and grayne growing or beinge of his farme for this yeares growethe

And further declared that his wyll and meayninge was that the saide John his sonne should also everie yeare hearafter have half the Croppe of all manner of Corne and grayne to be growing Comynge and encreasinge of his sayde farme

And likewise half his draughte of horses with half of all Kynde of furnyture belonging to husbandrey for and during the lief naturall of Agnes his wyfe

And that uppon her decease she shoulde leave unto the saye John her sonne half the Croppe of all manner of Corne and grayne then growinge or beinge uppon the saide farme

And also foure horses, the best Carte with Carte furnyture, A plowe with plow furnyture and harrowes, the hovells aboute the yarde, the Quernes, the brewing leade, the Steepinge fatte, the saltinge tubbe and the table and forme in the Haulle

Item he gave and bequeathed to Thomas Gambell his seconde sonne foure poundes of lawfull money of England

Item to James Gambell his thirde sonne he gave and bequeathed sixteene poundes

Item to Willm Gambell his fourth sonne the some of Three poundes

And unto Sence Gambell his daughter the some of Thirtye sixe poundes, yf she woulde be ruled by her mother, which if shee should refuse to be guyded and ordered by her Then his wyll was that shee shoulde have but tenne poundes onlie, and not more, in full satisfaccon of her porcon

All the reste of his gooddes unbequeathed and not here disposed of, his debtes beinge paide and his funerall expences discharged he gave and bequeathed unto Agnes his wyfe whome he made and appointed to be the full executrixe of this his laste wyll and testament Revocateinge all former wylls what soever by hym heretofore had or made

Probate 8 December 1606


A treue and perfecte Inventarye of all the gooddes and Chattells moveables and unmoveables whatsoever of John Gambell late of Saxulbie within the Countye of Leicester husbandman deceased viewed and praysed the Three and twentyth daye of Aprill Anno Dni 1606 by Thomas Gambell, George Gambell, Richard Gambell and Willm Stevenson as followeth viz

Inprimis in the haulle, Twoe tables twoe formes Three stooles and twoe chayresxiiis iiiid
Item Fyre Irons spittes with Cobbardes Pothookes and other ymplements belonginge to the Fyrevs
Item Paynted Clothesxs
Item in the Parlour, One Cubbarde with putar and brasseliis
Item Beddinge and bedsteadsiiii li
Item Foure paire of flaxen sheets, Foure payre of hempen sheetes and seaven paire of harden 
sheetesiiii li viiis vid
Item twoe towells, Three table Clothes Eighteene table Napkins and Sixe pillowe bearesxxiiis viiiid
Itm Two Coffars and Certen hangingsiiiis vid
Item Eighte poundes of yarnexls
Item Barrels with other Implements of housholde in the Butteryevs
Item Bacon flickesxxxs
Item Cheases, butter, Chease Cratches dyshes spoones, wheeles, Pitche forkes with other small 
Item a payre of quernesvis viiiid
Item in the Kytchin, one steeping Fatte, and a washe Fattexs
Item A Leade, with Loomes, pailes, Tubbes and like smale thingesxiiis iiiid
Item wyndowe Clothes and sackesviis
Item in the yarde Seaven kyne and fyve younge beastesxvi li
Item Fyve horsesxv li
Item Three Score sheepexv li
Item Fyve swine, A Sowe and sixe piggesxxvis viiid
Item wheate, Barley, Rie and Maulteix li xiiis iiiid
Item Pease and Hayexxs
Item Cartes, Carte furnytur, plowes, plowe furniture, with plowe tymber Harrowes and fleakesv li iiis iiiid
Item Hovels, ladders, Horse Cratches sheepe Cratches, trowghes and other wooddxli s
Item the wholle Croppe of corne in the fieldexxiii li vs
Item all other thinges Omytted and forgotten whatsoeveriiis iiiid
Sma totalisCviii li ixs viiid