Thomas Gamble of Saxelby 1585 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicester Register Books 24 Will 88
In the name of god amen The xvth daie of Aprill in the yeare of our lorde god a thousande five Hundrethe and eightie and in the xxiith yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elezabethe by the grace of god Queen of Englande Frannce and Ireland Deffender of the faithe &c I Thomas Gamble the elder of Saxulbye within the Countie of Lecister husbandman beinge whole in bodie and of good and perfecte rememberance praise be unto god, doe make and ordeyne this my laste will and Testament in maner & forme followeinge
First I comende my soule to allmightie god my maker and redemer, and my bodie to the Earthe from whence it came to be buried within the Churche of Saxulbye aforesaide
Also I geve to the poore mans boxe of Saxulbye iiiid
Alsoe I geve to Thomas Gamble my seconde sone and to the Heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten for ever all that my house comonlie called and knowne by the name of Wrighte House, adioyneinge to my house wherein I now dwell with all and Singuler the appurtenances thereunto belonginge and also all that portion of Lande and medowe which I bought of Henrie Rawlinge late of Saxulbie aforesaid, and for defaulte of heires males of the saide Thomas his bodie Lawfullie begotten, To John Gamble my eldest sone and to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten, And for lacke of such heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten to George Gamble my yongest sone and to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten and for lacke of such issue by the said George of his bodie lawfullie begotten, the remainder thereof to the righte heires of me the saide Thomas Gamble the elder for ever
Also I geve to John Gamble my eldest Sone, dureinge his naturall life all that porcion of Landes and medowe callede and knowne by the name of Spicklande and after his decease to James Gamble the thirde sone of John Gamble aforesaide for ever and to the heires males of his bodie lawfully to be begotten And for defalt of such Issue by the saide James of this bodie lawfullie to be begotten to John Gamble the Eldest sone of John Gamble aforesaide and to the heires males of his bode lawfullie to be begotten and for lacke of such Issue by the said John Gamble of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten to the resedewe of the heires males of the aforesaide John Gamble my eldest Sone for ever
Also I geve to the said John Gamble my sone, And to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie to be begoten for ever, another porcion of lande and meadowe lyeinge and beinge within the feeldes of Asfordbie called and known by the name of Hawckings lande and one peece of medowe in the marche and for lacke of suche issue by the saide John Gamble of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten to the right Heires of me the foresaide Thomas Gamble the elder for ever
Also I geve to George Gamble my yongeste sone and to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten for ever all that my house in Asfordby aforesaid with all the resedewe of my landes and medowes within the towne and feeldes thereof (Excepte that porcion of lande and medowe before geven and bequethede to John Gamble my eldest sone) and for lacke of heires males by the saide George of his bodie lawfullie begotten the remaynder thereof to John Gamble my eldest sone and to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten for ever, And for default of suche Issue by the saide John Gamble, the remender thereof to Thomas Gamble aforesaide my seconde sone and to this heires males lawfullie to be begotten, and for lacke of suche Issue by the saide Thomas of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten, the remender thereof to the righte heires of me the saide Thomas Gamble the elder for ever
Alsoe I geve and bequeathe to the saide George Gamble my yongest sone one trusse bedde
Also I geve to Maude Gamble by Daughter my best bedde coveringe lynede and one fether bedde
Also I doe bequeathe to John Gamble aforesaide my eldeste sone and to George Gamble my yongest sonne to eche of them twoe sheepe And to everie one of those my three daughters namlye Margerye Mawde and Jane to eche of them one shepe
Alsoe I geve to Edmunde Stevenson one Cowe and one yereinge Calf
All the resedewe of my goodes and cattels moveable and unmoveable I geve and bequeathe to Thomas Gamble aforesaide my seconde sonne whome I make and oredeyne to be my sole and onelie Executor of this my laste will and Testament And I ordeyne and appoynte John Gamble my Eldest sone aforesaid and George Gamble my saide yongest sonne to be Supervysors to see this my last will performede
Theis beinge wittnesses Willm Gamble of Wysawe Willm Bonde and Richarde Gamble with others
Probate 23 April 1585