William Gibbin of Plungar 1729 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Will and Probate Records 1729
Aprill the 8th day Anoq Dni 1729
In the name of God Amen
I William Gibbin of Plunger in the County of Leicester yeoman being weake in body but in perfect mind and memory praised be God therefore do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner and form following principally bequeathing my Soul to God that gave it me and my body to the Earth trusting to be Saved by the merits of Jesus Christ my onley Saviour and Redeemer and as for my worldly Estate which God in his mercy hath Given me I Give Devise and bequeath as followeth that is to say
Imprimis Item I Give to my kinsman William Troter eldest son of William Troter and Mary his wife which was my Sister one odd oxgang of Land in the Liberties of Plunger with all appertainements thereinto belonging but I the said William Gibbin doe order and appoint the Legacies that my kinsman William Troter must pay out of the said oxgang of Land as … … …
Item I give to my brother William Troter the Sum of four pounds of Lawfull money
Item I Give to my kinswoman Elsabeth Troter the sum of four pounds Lawfull of Great Britton
Item I Give to my kinsman Paul Troter the sum of four pounds Lawfull money
Item I Give to my kinswoman Elisabeth Arden the Sum of foure pound Lawfull money
Item I Give and bequeath to my kinswoman Mary Epperson the Sum of foure pounds
Item I Give to my kinswoman Easter Gabe the Sum of four pounds
Item I Give to my kinswoman Ann Troter the Sum of four pounds
Item I Give to my Sister Elizabeth Howitt the Sum of foure pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britton
Item I Give and bequeath to my kinsman Robert Howitt the Sum of four pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britton
Item I Give and bequeath to my kinswoman Elizabeth Howitt the Sum of four pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britton
Item I Give and bequeath to my kinswoman Ann Sills the sum of foure pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britton
And I doe will and appoint my kinsman William Troter to pay these ten Leagices out of the said oxgang of Land and if he or his heairs Shall Refuse to pay any of the said Legices in 12 month after my Decese the parties unpaid shall size of the said oxgang of Land and Lett it wilst the Legecies is paid and the Charg of Seizing
Item I Give and bequeath to my kinsman William Troter after my wifes Deceis all that my now Dwelling house with barns stable out house orchards Gardens years home Close Cottage Commons and pastures with three ackers of arable Land in the fields of Plungar
Item I Give to my Sister Elizabeth Howitt half an oxgang of Land after my wife Mary Gibbin Deceis if my Sister Elizabeth be living if not or … then it must go to her Daughter Elizabeth Howitt and her hears for ever
Item I Give to my kinsman Robert Howitt one half oxgang of Land after my wifes to him or his hears for ever
Item I Give and bequeath to Richard Guy son of Andrew Guy of Plungar one oxgang of Land of that Land I bought of Goods he the Said Richard Guy or his hears shall pay to William Kanns [?] of Freby the Sume of Sixteen pounds out of the said oxgang of Land unto the said William Kanns or his hears and Likewis the said Richard Guy or his hears shall pay out of the said oxgang of Land the sum of five Shillings to be paid to the poor of Plunger every year for Ever so long as the world enduers to be Debt by the said Richard Guy or his hears & the overseers & the Church warden every Chrismas
I Give and bequeath to my Dear and Loveing wife Mary Gibbin all my persnall estate Good and Chattel whatsoever and I mak and ordain my wife Mary Gibbin to be Extrix of this my Last will and Testament Shee paying and Defraying all my Depts that are not hear mentioned and funerall Charges so Revokin all other wills by this my Last will and Testament I have sett my hand and seal the day and year above written
The mark of William Gibbin
Signed Sealed in the presence of
John Burden his mark
Mary Burden her mark
Probate 21 April 1729