Robert Giggar of Hose 1559 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1559
In dei noie Amen the ii daye of November in the yere of our lord xccccc lix I Robert Giggar of Hoose in the county of Leycester beinge of perfett remembrans thankes be gyven to god do make my last Will and testament as here after foloweth
First I bequeth my soule to the most blessed and glorious trinite and my bodie to the earth to be buried in the churchyard of Hoose aforesaid
It I gyve to the said church xiid and to the hyghe [hole about 5 words] gyve to the church of Lincoln iiiid
It I gyve and bequeth to Thomas [hole about 5 words] lease of the same during my yers but I will that my Wyfe and [hole about five words] so long as she is widow
It I gyve to the said Thomas all my [hole about five words] v horses and mares and yreon bound ween ii oxs calves and my [hole about three words] the hovells the pales with all the tymber in the yard the great arke a pott [hole about three words] least candlesticke the table in the house a forme a chere the penn the leade the [hole about three words] and the heyre cloth
It I gyve and bequeth all the rest of the household stuffe to Agnes my Wyfe and to my doghters Agnes Ales and Johan my Wyfe to have the one halfe and my said doghters the other halfe
It I gyve to my Wyfe one grett pott iii kye and vi shepe
It I gyve to my said doghters other my kye
It I will that my Wyfe and my said doghters shall have halfe the croppe of the corne at such tyme as she shall goe her ways she to have halfe of the same and my said doghters thother halfe
It I gyve to Ludwick my son ii calfes vi old shepe halfe a quarter of weat and halfe a quarter of barley
It I will that my Wyfe shall have the bringyng up of Agnes and Ales and the governance of there parts [hole about three words] age And Thomas shall have the bringyng up of Ludwick and Johan and [hole about two words] ther parts till they come to lawfull age
It I will that ther parts shalbe [hole about two words] ther profett after my disceas and they to receve the same with the increase thereof at the age of xviii yers and yff forten any of them to die before they come to the said age then I will that their parte shall remean to the other
It I gyve to Gregorie my son ii calves
It I gyve to every childes child iiiid
And I renounce and forsake all other Wills by me heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and testament and do ordene and make Thomas my son executor of the same chargyng hym to perform and fullfill the same
And I make Gregorie Rouse and John H… my overseers p…ing them to se this my will performed as my speciall trust is in them and to ether of them for there paynes I gyve xxd
Thes being wittnes to the same Syr [hole two words] parson of Estwell Robert Millner Roberd Litledike and John [hole one word]
An Inventorie of all the goodes of Robert Giggar of Hoose in the county of Leycester praised the xxiiii daie of July by Gregori Rouse Gregorie … John Spenser and Thomas …