Edward Glassup of Chadwell 1710 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1710
January the 13th 1709 In the name of God amen I Edward Glossup of Cawdwell in the County of Leicester Mason being weake of boddy but thanks be to God of perfect memory do make & ordaine this my last will in manner & form following &c
Impris I give & bequeath my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God & my boddy to be buryed by the discretion of my executor
It I give all my house or Tenement which I purchased of Richard Pepper & Robert Sharpe to my wife Mary Glossup dureing her naturerall life & after her decease to my Sonne Thomas Glossup & his heires for ever
It I give unto my daughter Margery Andson Ten Shillings to be payd 12 moneths after my decease
It I give unto my Daughter Mary Glossupp Ten Shillings to be payd 12 monethes after my decease
It I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Allen the Sum of five Shillings to be paid 12 moneths after my decease
It all the rest of my Goods unbequeathed I give unto my wife Mary Glossup who I make & ordaine full executrix of this my last Will I revokeing all former Wills by me made
Witnese my hand & seal the day & yeare above written
Ed Glossup
Sealed & deliver’d in the presence of us
Tho. Hackett
The marke of Tho. Hardy
Probate 5 May 1710