Thomas Glenn of Eaton 1559 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1559
In the name of god Amen the xxii daie of January in the yere of our lord god mdlix I Thomas Glen of Eaton in the countye of Leycester husbandman beynge hole of mynde and of perfytte memorye makythe & ordenythe thys my testament and last wyll in manner and fourme as hereafter folloythe
Fyrst and pryncypally I gyve my soull unto Almyghetye god to the intercessyon of the vyrgyn Marye And to all the sanctes in heaven And my boddye to be buryed in the cheurche yard of sancte Guthelake of Eaton Aforesayde
Also I gyve to the cheurche of Eaton viiid
Also I gyve to the mother cheurche of Lyncoln iid
Also I gyve to the vicar to praye for me vid
Also I gyve to Elezabethe Browne my syster oon hew shepe & oon hog shepe
The rest of all my goodes not gyven I wyll that Alys my wyffe & Thomas my son shall have the ruyll & oversyght of the same goodes for to use and order them accordyng to my mynde here in expressed bothe for theyr oon comodyte and proffytt and also for the comodyte & proffytt of all myn other chydlern the whyche are yet but yonge & not able to worke for theyr lyvyngs
And when they shall com to yeres of dyscrecyon then I wyll that my sayd wyffe & my sayde son shall gyve to every on of my sayde chyldern a porcyon at the sayde tyme & yeres as they then shalbe able to gyve them at theyr dyscreycyon and not before
And so long as they wylbe dylygent obedyent to theyr mother and be under hir due correcyon so long I wyll that they shall tary and abyd with hir unto such tyme as she & they shall thynke it best to do otherwyse
The reysedewe of my goodes unbequeythed I gyve to Alys my wyffe & to Thomas my sone whom I make myne executoures to paye my detts and to brynge me to the grownd by the oversyght of Alexander Grey Whom I make the supervysour of thys my testament & last wyll and for his paynes takyng he shall have xiid
Wytnesse Thomas Walker the vicar Stephen Bealy Wyllm Gervys with other moo
Thys is the tru Inventory of the goodes of Thomas Glen of Eaton lately dyssessed prayesed by iiii honest men Stephen Bealy Alexander Grey Thomas Gervys the eldest & Wyllm Gervys
Fyrst his Apparyll | vis viiid |
Also all the shetts coverleytts oon mattris and other napery warre | xxs |
Also all the brasse & all the pewder | xiiis iiiid |
Also oon spytt onn payre of cobberdes ii arkes & oon awmebre with other woddyn vessel in the | |
howse | iis iiiid |
Also the hovyll tymber with other wodd in the yarde | iiis iiiid |
Also the weyne & the weyne gayres | xiiis iiiid |
Also the plowghe & the plowghe gayres | vis viiid |
Also ii oxen and ii steres | iii li |
Also ii mares & oon foull | xxs |
Also ii kyne ii heyffers & ii calffes | liiis iiiid |
Also xx shepe | xlvis viiid |
Also the be hyves | vis viiid |
Also the swyne with all the pullen in the yarde | vs |
Also all the corne in the Feldes & in the towne | xls |
Sum total | xiiii li xviiis iiiid |