Anthony Good of Eaton 1686 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1686/20
In the name of God Amen the 18 day of October 1685 In the yeare of king James being the Sekend I Anthoeney Good of Eaton In the Counte of Lester Sick of body but of sownd And perfect memory prased be Given to God for the same And knowing the uncertainty of this Life on earth And being desirous to settle Things In order doe make this my Last will and Testamant In maner And form following That is to say
First And principally I Commend my soul to God Almighty my Creator And assuredly beliveng That I shall receive ful pardon and remisson of my sins And be saved by the merits And precious death of my blessed Saviour And Redemer Jesus Christ And my body to the Earth from whenc It was Taken To be burired In decent And Christen maner And as Toucheng such worldly Goods as The Lord In mercy hath sent me my will And meaning is The same should be Implyed And bestowed as hereafter by this my will is expressed
First I doe revoke And make void All former wills And Testament
In primis I will that all those debts And duties that in right or conscience I owe to aney maner of person shall be well And Truly paiad in Convenint Time after my decease by my Executors here after named which is my sonne William Good whom I doe make whole executor of this my last will and Testiment and it is my will that my wife Elizabeth Good shall have foure pounds a yeare paid her quarterly by my Sonne William deureinge the terme of her martall life and also the yearely Keepeinge of one cow and to have the cow at her own dissposinge and Benifit which cometh of her and if shee doe not continue with mee then to have foure poundes a yeare paid quarterly
And I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Bennit foure pounds to have after my decease and five pounds to her Sonnes Anthony to have forty shillings of the five and the other three to the other two and also her three sonnes to have amongest them two ewes and one lambe hogge after my decease and a great Joyned chest for Anthony Benit to have when my wife thinketh good to dispose of it to him one paire of Flaxen sheet & … paire of hempen to my daughter Elizabeth Bennit and two puter dishes to her Boyes and also for her to have one coverlid and to pans and her husband Anthony Bennit to have that thirty shillings which is alread paid
Item I give to my Sonn Williams children five pounds forty shillings to young Anthony and three pounds to the other two and also for them to have two ewes and one lambe hogge and Anthony Good to have a Joyned chest which was his unckles when his Granmother pleaseth and a new Saile coverlit for Mary Good & a puter dish
Item I give to my Sister Bridget Sills two shillings 6 pence and the remainder of the household Goods to my wifes disposeinge
In witnesse hereof I have put to my hand & Seale
Anthony Good
John Houldinge Will Roberts Jane A…
1685 October 29
Anthoeny Good Weffer of Eaton Late decesed
A tru Invatorey of All the goodes Cateles & Chatles of Anthoeny Good Late of Eaton decesed Beng taken And prised by us
Itam purs & Aparell soo much | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Itam in the Hall Tabel frame form Cheres And Coberd And Puter And brace | |||
And fieriren And houckes And other Ewesfull Thinges soo much | 3 | 0 | 6 |
Itam Tow beed steds And Three Coferlides And Three blankets And Tow | |||
matreses Three blanketes And fore Pilloes And Tow Cheestes And one Cheere | 3 | 0 | 6 |
Itam Eight Pare of sheetes And fief Pilla beers And hallef a dosoen …enes And | |||
Tow tabell Cloes And other Linen | 2 | 10 | 0 |
Itam Bruen vessel And barelles And Cifes And Coren And Chees Prees And other | |||
ewessfull Things | 0 | 15 | 0 |
Itam Tow Lowemes And fornuter To them | 3 | 10 | 0 |
Itam Three Cie And Tow heferes And one swine hock | 7 | 5 | 0 |
Itam one Cooer of Sheep | 4 | 10 | 0 |
Itam Coren and hee In the baren And yard | 3 | 10 | 0 |
Itam Colles And ofell wod In the yard | 1 | 5 | 0 |
Mower over In Thinges not viewed or for goten | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Summ Ato Talis | 34 | 9 | 4 |
James Tinsley
Anthony Bennett
John Hoult [his mark]
Exhibited 21 April 1686