Richard Goodacary of Long Clawson 1727 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1726
In the name of god Amen this 22 day of February 1727 I Richard goodacary of claxton Allis Loung clawson in the county of Leicester youman Acording to computashon of the Church of England I hear make and ordane my Last will and testament in maner and forme as folas
First I give my Body to the Earth from whence itt came secondly I give my sole to god from whence itt came and as for my worldle goods and chattill I Dispose as follows
First I give to my son John one halfe of my house and halfe my orchard and the Loung close westward paying to my Daughters Elizabeth and Mary or paying to thear ares or asines the sum of Twenty foure pounds to be Equele Devidid be twixt them and If my son John Refuse to pay to my Daughters the said sum of mony then itt shall be Lawfull for them to Enter upon the said part of the homsted all so I give to my son John one shilling
Item I give to my sonse Richard Hart and Robard Jackson all my goods and chattill paying all my Debtes and finarall chargis making them my whole Excetors this being my Last Will and testement Revoking all others hear unto I sett my hand and seall
Richard Goodacary His mark
In the preasenc of
Henry Marriot
William Parker
William Bealey
Probate 20 March 1726/7