Christopher Goodwin of Long Clawson 1581 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1581/68
In the name of god Amen the x daye of July in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraign ladye quene Elizabeth & in the yeare of our Lorde 1581 I Xpofer Goodwin Late of Claxton in the County of Leic Clarke nowe decessyd doe ordaine and and make this my Last will and testament in maner and forme following
Firste I bequeath my sole to Almiyghtye god hopinge to be savyd by his mercie in Christ
First I give to the poore mans boxe iiis iiiid
Itm I give to everye poore cottage in the towne iiiid
Itm I give to the towne Stocke xls xiiis iiiid
Itm I give to Willm Robinson & his childer xii yew lames
Itm I give to my brother Wyllm Hicklings childer xx yewe lames
Itm I give to my Brother Willm Hickling vii l that he owes me
Itm I give to my brother Roger Goodwin xx l that my brother Wyllm Hickling owes me
Itm I give to my Syster Grace Goodwin all my howsehold goodes all my kye all my ould shepe and xx of my best Lames
Item I give to John Wryght and Robert Wryght one yew Lame between them
Itm I give to Willm … and Robert … one yew lame between them
Itm I give to Thomas Smyth xxs
Itm I give to Edmund Moreley xls
Itm I give to Humfrey Byard xxs of the foure markes he owes and the rest that remains which ys xxxiiis iiiid I give to my brother Roger Goodwin
Itm I give to Christofer … vis viiid
Itm I give to Augnes Gye and to Margeret Gye ether of them xiid
Itm I give to … … one lame
Itm I gyve to Rychard Gye xiid
The resydewe of all my goods I gyve to my brother Roger Goodwin to warde the performance of this my wyll and I make my brother Roger Goodwin my trewe and Lawfull Executor to see this my Last wyll performyd
Also I make Rychard Byard the younger and Wyllm Hiclig my Supervysors and I gyve to ether of them vis viiid
Thesse beinge witnesses Rychard Byard Thomas Smyth Willm Gye Rychard Hoberd Wyllm Robinson George Holte
This is the trewe Invetorye of all the goods and cattels of Sr Xpofer Goodwyn of Claxton clarke deceased preasyd and valued the xxxth daye of July 1581 xxiiith yere of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lady quene Elyzabethe by these men whose names followe Rychard Byard the elder Rychard Byard the younger Rychard Hoberd Henry Holte
Impris his purse and his apparell | x l |
Itm in kye and a herfer | vii l |
Itm xix old shepe & v score lames | xiiii l |
Itm puter & brasse | iii l |
Itm ii featherbeds ii mattress ii pillowes vi bolsters | vi l |
Itm v coverleds ii blanckets | ls |
Itm all the linnens in the howse | v l |
Itm iiii cofers & iii bedsteds | xiiis iiiid |
Itm the leade with all the brewing vessels | xxvis iiiid |
Itm ii bords ii cheares iii formes | xiiis iiiid |
Itm Spyte coberde with all other iron ware | vis viiid |
Itm the Swyne in the yard | xiiis iiiid |
Itm all the pullin | xxd |
Itm hey & pease | iii l vis viiid |
Suma totalis 54 li 11s 8d |
Probate 1 December 1581