Nicholas Gray of Harby 1573 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1573
In the name of god amen the viiith daie of March in the yere of our lorde god 1572 I Nicholas Graye of Harbie in the countie of Leicester beinge of hole mynde & perfecte remembrance doe constitute and make my laste will And testament in maner and forme followinge
Fyrst I bequethe my soule to allmyghtie god trusting in the greate mercie of god that my synnes are clearlie forgiven throughe the meryts and passion of our savioure Jesus Chryste and I truste to come to his everlastinge kyngdome therew all angels contynuallie to prase him
Nowe concerninge my temperall goods which god hathe lente me my minde is by the grace of god to dispose them as followethe
Fryste I bequethe to Willm Graye my sonne xxs in money and iii yowe Shepe
Itm I bequethe to Issabell Grayye my Doughtere xs of money and iiii yewe Shepe
Itm I will my children shall receave theire portions at xvi yeares of age and if god doe call anye of my children to his mercie before they come to that lawfull age of xvi yeares that then theire parts shall remaine to the longeste lyver of theym
The resydewe of my goods unbequethed my detts beinge paid and my funerall dyschardged I geve to Johanne Graye my wyfe whom I make my full executrix of this my laste will
Alsoe I will Roberte Byard and Raphe Portere be supervysers of this wyll and Testamente and theire charge beinge borne by my executrix when they shall goe or ryde uppon anye busyness of this … my laste will
These beinge wyttnesses
Roberte Byard and Raphe Porter
Probate 18 June 1573