Robert Gray of Harby 1545 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1545/52
In the name of god Amen the xxv daye of September the yeare of our lorde mdxlv I Robert Graye of Hardbye hole of mynde and Remembrans make my last Wyll and testament in manner and forme folowynge
Fyrste I bequethe my soull to god almyghtye to our ladye saynct Marye and to all the holye comanye in heaven and my bodye to be buryede in the churche yarde of Hardbye
Also I bequethe to every one of my chyldren a yearlynge calfe
Also to Sir xpofer Bardsaye iiiid
Itm to Alic Caunte a quy calfe
The resydue of my goods nott bequyethed I gyve and bequyethe theme to my Wyffe and yf that she doo lyve and yf that she dye or anye thynge cume to her butt gud thane I make my brother Robert Cowper my executor to despose my goods to the behofe of my chyldren
Thes beynge Wytnessys
Sir xpofer Bardsaye
Jhone Gray…
Rychart Hollybanke with other mo
This the Inventori of the goods of Robart Graye of Hardbye preasyd at the sighth Thomas Dubbeldaye Wyllm Dove Thomas Kyme Robart Myller Wyllm Burden Wyllm Porttere
Inprimis a karte a wayne and geres | xs |
Itm ii oxen | xxxs |
Itm iii kye | xxxiis |
Itm ii yerllyngne calvs | viiis |
Itm ii wedder sheppe | iiiis |
Itm iii swyne | viiis |
Itm on sowe and pyg | iis |
Itm ii mars and a colte | xxxiiiis |
Itm a hovell of peason and barlye | xiiis iiiid |
Itm a heye stake | xiis |
Itm in the barne heye and wheate and barlye | xxxs |
Itm in monye | xiiiis iid |
Itm ii potts and iii pannes and othere hosshold stuff | xxs |
Itm the wheat that ys sowynne | xiiis iiiid |
Sum totalis | xi li xs xd |