Greenfield Henry 1706 of Harby will and inventory

Henry Greenfield of Harby 1706 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1706/115

In The name of God Amen I Henry Greenfeild of Harby in the County of Leicester Yeoman being Weake of body but of Sound mind and memory praised be God for the same Do make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)

Imp: I give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of Allmighty God that gave it in hopes of Salvation by the Death and Merritt of my Lord Jesus Christ and my Body to be Decently Buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter Named and as for that temporall Estate Wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me I dispose thereof in Manner following

Item I Give Unto my Loveing Son John Greenfeild now Living at Whisendine in the County of Rutland Tallow Chandler and his heires for Ever All that my Messuage house or Tenement Scituate and being in Harby aforesaide with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging And Allsoe all that my halfe oxgange of Land arrable meadow and Pasture ground Lyeing and being in the Town Fields Libties and Precincts of Harby aforesaid Upon Condition Nevertheless that he the said John Greenfeild Shall well and truly pay the respective Summs hereafter mentioned within one yeare next after my Desease (That is to Say)

The Summe of Twenty pounds of Lawfull Money of England to my Loveing Daughter Elizabeth the wife of William Morris of Hucknall Torquett in the County of Nottingham and the Summe of Twenty Pounds of Like Lawfull money of England to my Loveing Daughter Joanna wife of Thomas Gregory of Anstey in the County of Nottingham aforesaide and the further Summe of Twenty pounds of Like Lawfull Money of England to my Loving Daughter Ann Greenfeild and in Case my Said Son John Greenfeild Shall faile to pay the Legacies afore Named or any of them Then I give the said Messuage or Tenement And Alsoe the said halfe oxgange of Land arrable meadow and Pasture ground Unto my Loveing Brothers James Greenfeild of the town and County of the Towne of Nottingham Malster and Joseph Greenfeild of Gedling in the County of Nottingham aforesaid Taylor and their Heires to the Intent that they or the Survivor of them Shall by Sale or mortgage of all or any part of the saide … raise and Pay the Severall Summs of money to the said Elizabeth the wife of William Morris aforesaid Joanne the Wife of Thomas Gregory and Ann Greenfeild or to their Children Share and Share alike

Item my mind and will is that my Loving wife Elizabeth Greenfeild Shall have the use of all my household Goods furniture and Imployments of household during her Naturall life and it is my further mind and will that after her Decease my Daughter Ann Greenfeild shall have all the Saide household Goods furniture and Imployments of household for Ever

And all the rest and residue of my reall and personall Estate I Give and Bequeath unto my aforesaid Son John Greenfeild whom I make Executor of this my Last will and Testament and I do hereby revoake and make voide all former wills by me at any time heretofore made

In Witnesse whereof I the saide Henry Greenfeild to this my Last will and Testament have Sett my hand and Seal this Twenty Sixth day of February in the Fourth yeare of Queene Ann and in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and five

                                                                                                         Henry Greenfield his mark

Signed Seal and published in the presence of us who Subscribed our Names as Witnesses in the presence & at the request of the Testator

Geo: Ogle Clr

Neal [hole in page D… phin]

Franc: Hardy


Feb the 6th Anno Dom 1706

A True Invotarye of the goods Chattells and Cattell of Henary Greenfeild of Harby lately Deseased viewed and valued by us whose Names are heare under written

  £ s d
Itm his Purse and Apparril 01 03 04
Goods in the House one fire iron and hookes one cubbard foure chaires and      
a little puter and Brass with other lumber 01 06 08
Itm goods in the parler one bed two Tables foure Chaires with other lumber 01 05 06
Item in the Chamber over the Darie one little bed and one Chist and one Trunk 00 03 04
It in the Chamber over the parler one Chist and one box and one buffit forme 00 06 08
It in the Darey two pans two barrils two Churnes with other lumber 00 13 04
It one Cow and one heffer 02 03 04
It for Eight Sheep 00 19 06
It for barly and payse and hay 01 00 06
It in the Chamber over the House two baken flitches two wheeles with other      
lumber 00 10 00
It one half land of wheat sone and the clods 01 02 06
It for All other things unseen and forgotten 00 10 04
                                                                                                           Sum total 11 05 00

Ralph Whittle senor

Samuell Roe

Richard Barfeild his MarkeProbate 21 February 1706/7