Andrew Guy of Plungar 1662 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1662
In Ano 164… the 9 day of Feabruary
In the name of God Amen in the daye and yeare above written witnesseth that I Andrew Guy of Plounger in the County of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke in body yet thankes be to God of good And perfecte remembrance doe make and ordaine this my laste will and testamente in maner and forme folowinge
Firste I beequethe my soule to all mighty God my creatore and maker and in Jesus Christe my reedemer hopinge to be saved by the mercies of god and the merits of saviour Christe Jesus and my body to bee buried in the churchyard of Plounger
Item I do give unto my sonn Andrew Guy three score and ten pounds to bee payde when hee shall accomplish the age of twenty and one yeares to bee payd by my Eldeste sonn Richard Guy or eles to have one oxgange of land in Statorne feild for the note payment of the same mony which I porched of John Mantle
Item I doe give unto my sayde sonn Andrew Guy the some of thirty poundes when hee shall Acomplish the age of twenty and one yeres to bee paid by my executors
Item I do give to my Daughter Darothy Guy three score pounds to bee paid att Michellmase nexte folowinge
Item I do give to my Daughter Dorothy Guy twenty pounds in housould goods to be paid when shee shall accomplish the age of twenty and one years ore att the dearth of Brigett my now wife which shall come firste
Item I doe give unto John Dixon tenn shillings to be paid within one yere after my deesese
Item I doe give unto George Dixon tenn shillings to be paid within one yere after my desease
Item I doe give unto Elnor Marritt of Hose tenn shillings to bee paid within one yere after my desese
Item I doe give unto Jane Dixon my Daughter tenn shillings to bee paid within one yeare after my desease
Item I doe give to Elizabeth Blankely my Daughter ten shillings to bee paid within one yeare after my desese
Item I doe give unto the pore of Plunger five shillings to bee paid within one yeare after my deseese
Item I do give to the pore of Stathorne five shillings to bee paid within one yeare after my deesease
Item I doe give to Richard Guy my Eldeste sonn one table tow formes in the house one paire of malte quornes the leade and the reste of my Brewinge vesell and a saltinge trough
Item all the reste of my housould goods I doe give to Bridgett my now wife to be desposed by her as she shall thinke fitt
Item I do Make my wife Bridgett Guy and my sonne Richard Guy the sole executors of this my laste will and testament chargeinge them to see the contents hereof to bee performed as they will Answer it before God one other day beeinge my laste will and testament
In witnes heareof I have pate my hande and seale they day and yeare first above written
Andrew Guy
Imprimus my will is that my sonn Richard Guy and my wife Brigett Guy shall injoy my lands Dewringe the life of my wife and to my sonn Richaard and his heares and for want of heaires of my sone Richard Guy to my sonne Andrew Guy and his heires and for wante of heires of Andrew Guy to my Daughter Dorothy Guy and her heires for ever
William Guy
William Julyon his marke
John Dixon
Probate Leicester 24 July 1662 to Richard Guy, power reserved to swear Bridget executrix
A trewe Inventorye of all the goods and Chattells of Andrew Guy of Plonger Decesed taken and Praysed on the Eighte day of March by William Julyon of Hose John Blankle of Plonger William Guy of Clawson John Dixon of Stackthorne in the Countye of Leicester in the yeare 1647
£ | s | d | |
Imprimus his purse and his aparrill | 5 | 00 | 00 |
Item seven kine and five small bease | 24 | 00 | 00 |
Item six horse and mares and one fole | 24 | 10 | 00 |
Item five swine in the yard | 2 | 5 | 00 |
Item thirty and five sheepe | 14 | 00 | 00 |
Item for the Crope of Corne sowne and to soe of fore oxgange and a hallfe of | |||
land and the heaye in the yard | 30 | 00 | 00 |
Item tow Cartes tow plowes with Carte geares and plow geares and tow | |||
harowes and harrow geare and fleeakes | 6 | 13 | 4 |
Item three hovells tow peeces of wood | 1 | 10 | 0 |
Item tow tables tow Cheeres forms and stooles one shellfe and books and the | |||
fire eirnes and the reking | 1 | 00 | 00 |
Item for pewter and brasse in the … | 2 | 00 | 00 |
Item one beed steede one Cobard tow Chestes tow cofers one Chere tow stoles | 2 | 00 | 00 |
Item three paire of flaxen sheetes tow paire of hempen sheetes foure paire of | |||
harden sheetes one dosen of napkins tow pillow beares tow board Clothes | 2 | 5 | 00 |
Item three Matrisses | 1 | 00 | 00 |
Item five Coverlids 4 blankets | 1 | 16 | 00 |
Item tow Bedstedes the quernes and leade tobbes and the kittes and the milke | |||
vesell and the bruinge vesell and the Coles butter Cheese and bacon and the | |||
barells | 3 | 00 | 00 |
Item tow ould wheeles and ould Coshings with all things unseene and for | |||
gotten | 00 | 5 | 00 |
The Som tot is | 110 | 14 | 4 |
Exhibited Leicester 24 July 1662