Andrew of Guy of Ab Kettleby then Branston 1832 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1832/75
This is the last Will and Testament of me Andrew Guy of Abb Kettleby in the County of Leicester Farmer and Grazier as follows
I Give and Devise All my Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements hereditaments and Real Estate whatsoever situate standing lying and being in Abb Kettleby aforesaid and in Long Clawson Wartnaby and Holwell in the County of Leicester or elsewhere within the Kingdom of England with their and every of their appurtenances And also All my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever or of what nature or kind soever the same may be unto my Two friends Thomas Clarke of Melton Mowbray in the said County of Leicester Gentleman and William Goodacre of Holwell afsd Butcher their heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever Upon this Special Trust and Confidence nevertheless that they my said Two friends Thomas Clarke and William Goodacre and the Survivor of them and the heirs and executors administrators and assigns of such Survivor do and shall receive and get in the rents issues and profits of my said Real Estate and the Interest dividends and yearly profits arising from my said Personal Estate and Effects and pay and apply the same for and towards the maintenance and support of my affectionate wife Ann Guy and the maintenance education and bringing up of all my Children until they shall severally and Respectively attain to his her and their Ages or ages of Twenty one years And when and as my said Children shall so attain to their Several and respective Age and Ages of Twenty one years I Give Devise and bequeath and dispose of my said Real Estate and Personal Estate as follows that is to say
I Give and Devise All my real Estate and Premises so situate in Long Clawson aforesaid with their and every of their appurtenances (subject to the payment of the sum of five hundred pounds hereinafter bequeathed) unto my Son Edward Guy his heirs and assigns for ever and which I will shall be vested in him immediately upon his attaining to his age of Twenty one years
I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Guy the sum of five hundred pounds which I will shall be paid to her when she shall attain to her age of Twenty one years But in case my said Daughter Mary Guy shall happen to die under the Age of Twenty one years unmarried and without lawful Issue then I Give and bequeath the said legacy of five hundred pounds unto my daughter Elizabeth Guy her Executors and administrators And I subject and charge my said Real Estate so situate in Long Clawson aforesaid with the true payment thereof
I Give and Devise All that my Messuage or Tenement Yard Garden and outbuildings situate in Abb Kettleby aforesaid in the possession of – Bush George Flint and Ann Corner And also all that Close or Ground inclosed called the Cottage Close containing four Acres or thereabouts situate in Abb Kettleby aforesaid with their appurtenances in my own occupation unto my Son Andrew Guy his heirs and assigns for ever and which I will shall rest in him when he attains his age of Twenty one years
I give and Devise All that Close or Ground inclosed lying in the Lordship of Holwell aforesaid containing Twenty one Acres or thereabouts unto my said Wife And her assigns for her life And from and after her decease Then I Give and Devise the said Close called Holwell Close unto my said Son Andrew Guy his heirs and assigns for ever Subject to the payment of the sum of one hundred pounds to my Son John Guy within Twelve Months after the death of my said Wife which I give and bequeath to him accordingly
I Give and Devise all that Messuage or Tenement and hereditaments in Abb Kettleby aforesaid in the possession of John Roe unto my Son William Guy his heirs or assigns for ever which I will shall rest in him at the Age of Twenty one Subject nevertheless to and chargeable with the just and true payment of one Annuity or yearly Sum of Two pounds and Ten Shillings to my said Wife Ann Guy and her assigns for her life and I Give my said Wife the same power of obtaining payment thereof as landlords have for enforcing payment of rent in arrear
I Give and Devise All that Close or Ground inclosed situate lying and being in the lordship of Wartnaby aforesaid also in my own occupation containing Six Acres or thereabouts called the Would Close with the appurtenances unto my Son Robert Guy his heirs and assigns for ever And I will that the same shall rest in him my said Son Robert Guy immediately upon his attaining his Age of Twenty one years
I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Guy the Sum of five hundred pounds which I will shall be paid to her when she attains her Age of Twenty one years But in case my said daughter Elizabeth shall happen to die under the Age of Twenty one years unmarried and without lawful Issue Then I Give the said Sum of five hundred pounds unto my said daughter Mary Guy her executors or administrators and I subject and charge my Personal Estate and Effects with the just and true payment thereof
I Give and bequeath All my Household Goods other Goods stock Cattle Chattels rights credits Ready money Securities for money and all other my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever the Same may be (subject to the payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary expences) unto my said Wife Ann Guy and my said Son Edward Guy their Executors administrators and assigns in equal shares and proportions
And I do hereby appoint my said Wife and my son Edward Guy joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made
And Lastly my mind and Will is and I do hereby direct that my said Trustees and the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators shall and may by and out of the said Trust premises retain to themselves all reasonable costs and Charges they may be at or put to in executing the Trusts hereby in them Reposed and that neither of them shall be answerable or accountable for any thing except his own wilful neglects or defaults
In Witness whereof I the said Andrew Guy the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament written on Three sheets of paper to the Two first sheets thereof set my hand and to this third and last my hand and seal this Twenty Ninth day of December one thousand eight hundred Twenty Two
Andrew Guy
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator Andrew Guy as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have at his Request in his presence and in the presence of each other set our hands as Witnesses to the due execution thereof
William Wilford
Thomas Lloyd
Wm Clark
Whereas I Andrew Guy late of Abb Kettleby but now of Branston in the County of Leicester Farmer and Grazier have duly made my last Will in writing bearing date the Twenty ninth day of December 1822 Now I declare this present writing to be a Codicil to My said Will and to the taken as part thereof and annexed thereto
Whereas I have therein appointed my two friends Thomas Clarke Gentleman and William Goodacre Butcher Trustees of my said Will as to my Real and Personal Estates therein particularly mentioned and to act in the execution thereof agreeable to the Trusts contained therein
Now I do hereby absolutely revoke such appointment as far as regards the said William Goodacre and in his stead and place do hereby appoint William Shillcock of Abb Kettleby aforesaid Farmer and Grazier a Trustee jointly with the said Thomas Clarke and to act in the execution of the Trusts of my said Will in every respect and with the like power and Authority as if he had been originally appointed
And whereas I have in my said Will Given and Devised All that Messuage or Tenement and hereditaments in Abb Kettleby aforesaid in the possession of John Roe unto my Son William Guy his heirs and assigns for ever Subject as therein mentioned Now I do hereby Revoke the said Devise And do by this my said Codicil Give and Devise the said Messuage or Tenement and hereditaments with their appurtenances unto my Wife Ann Guy for and during her life And after her decease I Give and Devise the same unto my son Andrew Guy his heirs and assigns for ever and do confirm my said Will in every other particular thereof
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Seventh day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty one
Andrew Guy
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Andrew Guy the Testator as and for a Codicil to be annexed to his last Will and Testament and to be taken as part thereof in the presence of us, the several interlineations being first made
Wm Clark
Ann Kettle
Joseph Brown
Melton Mowbray Aug 8 1832
Let a probat be granted to Ann Guy of Branston in the County of Leicester Widow and Edward Guy of Abb Kettleby Farmer & Grazier joint Executors named in the Will of Andrew Guy who died at Branston on the 24th day of Jany last past
They the said Ann Guy & Edward Guy being duly sworn as well to the faithful execution of the will as that the Testator’s Goods Chattels and Credits as they were at his death, without deducting any debts owing by him therefrom did not amount in value to the sum of eight hundred pounds
Before me William Greenwood Surgt to the Commissary
Will & Codicil exhibited before the Rev William Lowfield Fancourt Clerk DD & Surrogate & Probate decreed to pass Seal in the presence of
John Stockdale Hardy Actuary & Dep Registrar
Aug 8th 1832 Probate dated