Richard Guy of Long Clawson 1616 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/239/46
In the name of god amen the seventhe daye of January in Ao dni 1616 & in the fourteenth yeare of his majesties Raigne of England & of Scotland the fiftith I Richard Guye of Clawson allias Claxton in the Countye of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke in bodye but of perfect Remembrance god be praysed do make & ordayne this my last will & testamente in maner & forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule unto Almyghtie god trusting to be saved by a livelye faith in Christ Jesus & my bodye to be buried in the parish Church of Clawson
Item I give to the poore of the parish ten shillings to go forward to the use of the poore
Item I do give unto Andrewe Guye my sonne one howes … … … ground to make hym a … yarde & one portion of a Close Called by name the done co… Close from his howse to the water Course on the north from … lane all alonge the old banke to the East side of the Close & the sixt parte of the profit of the dove howes & one portion of medow in the moore from the hedge to the double tithe & one oxgang of land with medowe pasture & comon & tethering grasse therto belonging only the nether end of the stone medowe excepted
Itm my will is that my sonne Andrewe shall be in Choice at the age of seven & twentye whether he will have one hundreth pownds or the oxgange of land with the appurtenances therto belonginge paying unto my daughter Margarett Guye ten pownd when shee shall accomplish the age of Eightene years & yf the said Andrewe Guye do depart this lyef without issue lawfully begotten then my will is to decende to my sonne Edwarde Guye for wante of yssue of Edwards bodye to assend to my sonne William Guye
Item I give unto Edwarde Guye my sonne xx li pownds to be paid at the age of one & twenty yeares but yf he depart this lyefe before he come to the age of one twentye years then my will is to go to my five daughters to be equally devided amongst them
Itm I devise unto … … … Guye, Elner Guye, & Elizabeth Guye my fower daughters every one of them ten pownds to be paid at the age of one & twentye years & if any of them do depart this lyefe before they come to the age of one twentye yeares then hir or ther parte to go to the rest of my daughters to be equally devided amongst them
Item my will is that my brother Thomas Guye shall be maintained with meat drinke washinge & apparel & lodging at the charges of my executors
Item my will is that Elizabeth Halley shall have a bedd roome at the discretion forth of my overseers during hir natural lyefe
Item I do give unto William Guye my sonne certayne hare loomes one table one frame with stooles thereto belonging … … one fire iron the recing and all that belongs therto
Itm in the Kitchinge one saltinge Trough one boulting trough one paire of malt querns one lead
Itm my will is that my wyefe shall have the rest of goods with in the rooms of my howse parlers & Chambers
Item I do give to my sonne William Guye plowgh & plough gairs with … & yf my sonne William do departe this lyefe without yssue my will is that then yt shall decende to my sonne Andrew Guye & for wante of yssue lawfully begotten of his bodye to decend to my sonne Edwarde Guye
The rest of my goods unbequeathed my debts & Legacies discharged I do give the one halfe to Margarett Guy my wyefe of my lands … comons & pastures tethering grasse & closes & the other halfe to William Guye my sonne whom I make & ordaine Joint executors of thys my last will & Testament
Item I do give unto my wyefe & to my sonne William the tuission & bringing up of my Chylldren
Item I ordaine & make William Guye Edward Marrett Edwarde Guye & … … Supervisors of this my last will & Testamentte