Robert Guy of Long Clawson 1604 Will
Ano domini 162
In the name of god amen I Robert Guye of Claxton alias Clauston in the Countie of Lecester husbandman beinge weake & sicke of bodye but of perfect and sound memorye (praysed bee god) this 22th daye of Januarye in the 45th yeare of the Raigne of our Queen majesties that nowe is &c doe make & ordayne this my last will & testament in forme & manner followinge
First I give & bequeave my soule to god that gave it & my bodye to bee buryed in the Churche of Claxton aforesd
Itm I give towards the amending of the Causies in the west end of the towne of Claxton 2s
Itm 12d towards the repayreinge the Churche
Itm I give & bequeave unto Heughe & Ann Stevens the children of my brother in Lawe Richarde Stevens 1 hewe lame
Itm I give & bequeave unto William & Andrew Guye they sonnes of my brother Richarde Guye 1 hewe lame
Itm I bequeave & give unto Elizabeth Moore the daughter of my brother in Lawe John Moore 1 hewe lame
Itm I give & bequeave unto Heughe Guye my yonger sonne xxs [about two words lost in fold] unto him at the age of xxitie yeares
The rest of my goods unbequeaved (excepting to my wyfe my whole houshould & one great pann to my sonne Richarde) & the interest of my farme I give & bequeave unto my sonne Richarde Guye & to Marye my loveinge wyfe equallye betwixt them whome I make and ordayne ioyntlye Executors of this my last will & testament, to see theis my foresayed legacies discharged & also my debts
My will is that if anye division happen that my wyfe shall have Choyce Provided that if it please god to take to his mercye the sd Richarde Guy my sonne unmarryed That then his share in the farme shall Come to my sonne Heughe Guye & that he shall bee in as full estate in the farme in everye respecte as this brother was
And to Conclude I make Richarde Guye and Richard Stevens my foresd brothers overseers of this my laste will & testament, whome I intreat to bee … and … them
Theis witnesses
Thomas Wright Vicar
Richard Guye
Rychard Steavens
Wyllm Guye
Probate 28 April 1604