William Guy of Long Clawson 1665 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Record 1665
In the name of god Amen Januarie the nineteenth in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred sixtie and foure [1664/5] I William Guy thelder of Claxton otherwaies Clawson in the countie of Leicester yeoman sick in bodie butt of good & perfect memorie praised be god, revoking all other wills by me formerlie made, doe make & ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule to almightie god in whom I trust to be saved through lively faith in Jesus Christ and my bodie to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian buriall and as for my worldly goods I give disspose and bequeath to be taken and had after my decease as hereafter followeth
Imprimis I give unto my lovinge Son Edward Guy one hundred and thirtie pounds of lawfull englishe mony to be paied within one whole yeare next after my decease to be paied to him the sd Edward or his assignes
Itm I give and bequeath unto my lovinge daughter Elizabeth Guy one hundred pounds of lawfull englishe mony the one halfe thereof to be paied in the second yeare next after my decease and the other fiftie pounds parcel therof to be paied unto her or her assignes in the third yeare next after my decease
Alsoe If shee the sd Elizabeth … to be married and have issue of her bodie twentie pounds more of the lyke lawfull mony to be paied when the sd issue borne of her bodie shalbe six monthes ould
Itm I give unto Thomas Stokes of Wikeham and Marie nowe his wife beinge my naturall daughter twelve pence apeece
Itm I give unto George White of Cropwell Bishop in the countie of Notts & Margeret nowe his wife shee beinge my naturall daughter twelve pence apeece, and to their two daughters Anne & Jane five shillings apeece
Itm I give unto John Beaver of Okeham in the countie of Rutland & Jane nowe his wife twelve pence apeece, and to theire two daughters Margerett & Marie five shillings apeece
Itm I give unto my Servant Richard Wolley five shillings
Itm I give unto my servant Elizabeth Newton twelve pence
Itm I give unto the poore of Claxton aforesd ten shillings to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my executors
Itm I give unto my son William Guy my frame table in my house with the frame & stooles therewithal used with the quirns saltinge trough, knedinge trough, fire irons spits & cobberts
Itm I give and bequeath unto Jane my lovinge wife and the sd Willm my lovinge son all my whole stock of goods cattell & chattels moveable & unmoveable whatsoever which are unbequeathed to pay my debts & legacies and doe make & ordaine them they saied Jane & William my son Joynt executors of this my last Will and Testament
In witnes whereof I the saied Willm Guy thelder have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day and yeare first above written
William Guy
Tho: Storer
Richard Guy
A true Inventorie of all the goods Cattell and Chattells of William Guy thelder late of Claxton otherwise Clawson in the Countie of Leicester yeoman Deceased taken and praised by Robert Hickling theleder Hugh Guy and Edward Guy thelder all of Claxton aforesd the tenth day of Februarie 1664 [1664/5]
l | s | d | |
Imprimis his purse and apparel | v | ||
In the house | |||
Itm 2 frame tables, six buffett stooles, three linnen wheeles six cheares and | |||
other things there | ii | v | |
In the ould parler | |||
Itm two bedsteads with the furniture two Cheares & other things there | ii | v | |
In the newe parler | |||
Itm two bedsteads with there furniture a frame table & forme one Chist and | |||
other things there | iiii | ||
In the butterie | |||
Itm Six barrells and all in that roome | i | x | |
In the dearie house | |||
Itm milke vessel | i | ||
In the kitchin | |||
Itm the cheese pras and tubbes & other things there | iii | ||
In the quirne house | |||
Itm the quirnes and Coales | o | x | |
In the lodginge Chamber | |||
Item two trub beds with their furniture one Chist with linnen & one Coffer | |||
and other things there | xviii | xiii | iiii |
Itm foure mares, one stone horse, one geldinge, one coult & one fole | lxvi | x | |
Itm Seaventeene Cowes & heafers & six Calves | vlii | x | |
Itm for puter and brasse | v | ||
Itm one Bible and one gun | i | ||
Itm for Seaven and twentie quarter of barley | xx | v | |
Itm five quarters of wheat and rie | vi | ||
Itm one Sowe and four shotes | ii | ||
Itm for thirtie seaven sheepe and sheepe scins | xi | ||
Itm for pease hay shoovels forkes and leathers | xx | ||
Itm for Carts plowes harrowes plow timber harrowe geare …trees and geares | |||
for horses | xvi | ||
Itm corne sowen | v | ||
Itm Compas and mannor | iiii | x | |
Itm sheepe cribb & pullin stone troughes hives of bees and grindlestone | ii | ||
Itm one weane bodie yoakes teams fire irons two loads of plaster and other | |||
things praised with them | ii | ||
Itm five quarters of mault | x | vi | viii |
Itm one axe and one pickaxe and things unseen and forgotten | v | ||
Sum tot | cclvi | iii |
Probate 7 April 1665