Andrew Hallam of Stathern 1558 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1558
In the name of god amen the xxvith day of November the yeare of our Lord god m vc lviiith I Andrewe Allam of Statharne beynge holle in mynd & perfytt in memorye thancks be to allmyghty god make my last wyll and testament as hereafter foloweth
Fyrst I bequeth my soolle to almyghty god my only maker and Redemer & my body to be buryed in the churche yeard of Sent Goodlacke in Statharne
Itm I bequeth to the mother churche of Lyncolne iiiid
Itm I bequethe to the hye altare of Statharne [blank]
Itm I bequeth to the churche of Statharne towards byenge of a crosse vs
Itm I gyve to the churche of Plungar iis
Itm to everye godchilde vid
Itm I gyve unto George Caunte my sheppard a yewe & a lambe
Itm I gyve to Johne Allam my syster a yewe
Itm I gyve unto Agnes my wyff that wyche she brought with her for to hav it agayne & surch of my owne proper goods I gyve her also iiii li
Itm I gyve unto Anne my daughter a cowple of kye
Itm I gyve to Jhane my daughter a ewe
Itm I gyve to Marye my daughter and Thomas my sonne eyther of them a heckford with calfe
Itm I gyve to Thomas my sonne the hyngyng in the hall & the hyngyng in the parlor a table & a forme a cheare all the Iron stuff that I have all the plow gears the wood & hoffell and a fatt
Itm I gyve Marye my daughter two coffers & to Jhane my daughter the great arcke & to Anne my daughter a cobard
Further more if any of these my sayd children shall depart out of this world before theyre lawfull age that then I wyll that the Residew of them to have that parte of everye suche departed equally parted amongs them
Furthermore yf it pleyse almyghty god that all my childeren shall departe out of this world befoe theyre lawfull ages then I wyll that the halfe of theyre parts to be distributed to the poore people and the other half to the hye wayes excepted out of it xls to be gyven to Statharne churche
Furthermore I gyve to my brother Wyllames childeren a yewe to go forward among them
The Rest of all my goods unbequethed I gyve unto my childeren equally to be parted amongs them except the howsold stuff to be Reserved to my three daughters
Also I do macke Thomas Dyxen my ounckell and Willm Allam my brother my executors of this my sayd wyll to have for ther paynes either of them xs and Robart Grecoke to be overseer and to have for his paynes vs
Thes beyng wyttnes Thomas Home and John Rychardson
This Inventorye made of the goods and cattalls of Andrew Allam of Statherne within the countie of Leceter Late dessessed Indented made the xxiith day of Januaryii in the yeare of our lord god a thowsand fyve hundered lviiith and praysed by Robart Rowse Nycholas Rowse Wyllm Caunt & Thomas Home [?] of Statharne afforesayd as hereafter folowethe
Imprimis In his purse | vis |
His Rayment | xxs |
vii coverletts iii pellowe bolsters | xxs |
iii mattereses | xiiis iiiid |
vi payre of flaxen shetts and vi payre of harden | xxvis viiid |
viii pellowe bayres & iii bedclothes | xs |
ii brasse pannes | xxs |
vi brasse potts | vs |
The pewter in the hall | xiiis iiiid |
ii beadesteads and iiii arcks | xiis |
The stuffe in the hall | xiiis iiiid |
The Iron stuff | viis |
A sadle and bridle | iis |
Itm wheate | xiiis iiiid |
Itm Barley | xls |
Itm peas | viiis |
Heye | xs |
A hoffell | vs |
A weane | xs |
The wood | xiiis iiiid |
The fold for sheppe | vs |
Three kye | lvis viiid |
A mare | xxvis viiid |
ii shoots | iiis |
iiii Bacon fleggs | vis viiid |
A score of wether sheppe | iii li |
iii score yewes & pair | viii li iiis iiiid |
x hoggs | iii li vis viiid |
ix hennes and iiii capones | iis |
Detts owynge to hym | xxviis viid |
Sum | xxxiiii li vs xid |