William Hand of Harby 1722 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1722
In the Name of God Amen the second day of January in the year of our Lord God 1722
I William Hand of Harby in the County of Leicester postman being very sick & weack in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God thearfore caling unto mind the mortelaty of Body & Knoing that it is apointed for all men once to die I do make and ordaine this my Last will and testement that is to say
Imprimis furst of all I Give & Recommend my Sole into the hands of Allmighty God [“who” missing] gave it & for my Body I Comend it to the Earth to be beured in a Christian like desant maner at the Discresion of my Executrix nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receave the same agane by the mighty favour of God and as touching such Worldly Estate as it haith pleased God to bless in this life I give devise & dispose of the same in Maner and forme following
Imprimis furst of all I Give to my well beloved Brother John Hand the summe too shilling and sixpence … … of from one … of my personal Estate
Item I Give to my Brother Thomas Hand the sume of too shillings & six pence
Itam I Give to my Brother Frances [sic] Hand the sume of too shillings and sixpence
Itam I Give to my Well beloved sister Mary Hand the sum of too Shillings and sixpence
Itam I Give to my sister Elizabeth Green Wife to William Green the sume of too shillings and sixpence
Lastly I give to my sister Jane Hand to be paid by my executor Jane at my Desease whom I make executor whom I Likewise Constitute make and ordane my onle and sole Executor [there is an interlineation in the foregoing and it is not clear where it should be included] of this my last will and testament all and singler my Goods Chattles moveable & immoveable by her freely to be posesed & enjoyed paying my Debts & funerall Expenses
Hereby I doe utterly dissolve Revoke & disannul and every my former Testaments
In witness whearof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year Above written
William Hand His marke
John Hubbard
Tho Jerman
John White
Probate to Jane Hand 22 January 1722