Harwood James 1628 of Stathern will and inventory

James Harwold of Stathern 1628 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1628

Md: that whereas James Harwold late of Statherne in the countie of Leicester Slaterer did about two yeres before his death in the presence and hearing of James Brough Richard Patchett Thomas Steevenson & Mary Greene the wife of Bartholomew Greene nuncupatively declare his last will and testament in maner and forme following

Imprimis hee gave unto his sonne Roger Harwold twelve pence in full satisfaction of his Childes portion

It hee gave unto his sonne James Harwold twelve pence in full satisfaction of his Childes portion

Item he gave unto his daughter Katharine Harwold one Brasse potte and a panne one pewter Candlesticke and foure pewter platters in full satisfaction of her Childes portion

The Residue of his goods not bequeathed nor given (his debts Legacies and funerall expences discharged and paide) hee gave unto Mary Harwold his wife

Witnesses hereof

James Brough

Richard Pagett

Thomas Steevenson his marke

Mary Greene her marke


A true and perfect Inventorie of all the goods of James Harwold late of Statherne in the countie of Leicester Slaterer deceased Prized the thirteenth day of Februarie 1627 [1627/8] by Richard Patchet & Thomas Steevenson as followeth

Imprimis his purse and apparrell 3s 4d
Item a bedsteade with the furniture belonging to it 4s
Item a paire of flaxen sheetes a paire of hardin sheetes a towel and a pillowbeare 7s 6d
Item a Chest and one Arke 3s
Item all the pewter 10s
Item all the Brasse 7s
Item a Cubboord 5s
Item a dishbinke [?] & a trough 12d
Item a table a Chaire and one forme 2s
Item a woollen wheele and a Linnen wheele 12d
Item two kittes 8d
Item a Laund iron & Reckin hookes 12d
Item a little fall Table and a salt Ca… 4s
Item a Cherne two Tubbs and a frying panne 8d
Item Trenchers 2d
Item two sieves 2d
Item a Cow and a Calfe 33s 4d
Item an ewe and a lambe hogge 14s
Item hay 2s 8d
                                                                                                   Suma total 4li 16s 10d

Probate 2 April 1628