Elizabeth Hawley of Upper Broughton 1742 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1742
This document was originally labelled as Nether Broughton, then corrected to Upper Broughton
In the Name of God Amen
I Elizabeth Hally of Broughton Sulney in the County of Nottingham being of Sound Mind & Memory, thanks be to God for the same, And calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory Life, & that all Flesh must dye, do make & Ordaine this my Last Will & Testament in manner & forme following
Imprimis I commend my soul into the hands of God my Creator hoping to be saved by the merits & passion of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour & Redeemer, And my body I committ to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Exsecutors herein after named
And as to my Worldly affairs it has pleased God to bless me with I dispose of them in the following manner
Imprimis I give to my Daughters Elizabeth Kellam Anne Worthington & Mary Daft to each of them One shilling
Item I give to each & every one of their children that shall be living at my decease One shilling
Item I give unto my son John Hally all my Books
Item all the Rest of my Goods Chattels Cattle & personal Estate my debts and Funeral expences being first paid I give & bequeath unto John Moor & Richard Hally of Long Claxton in the County of and to their Heirs in Trust nevertheless to & for my Son John Hally and my Daughter Rebecca Hally And my will is that One equal half of my Household Goods of what kind soever and & half my Linnen be delivered to my Daughter Rebecca Hally when she attain to the age of Twenty One years And the other half to my Son John Hally when he shall attain to the age of Twenty One years And in case either my Daughter Rebecca or my Son John should happen to depart this Life before they attain to that Age Then my Will is that the share of the Deceased go to the Survivor
And my Will further is And I do hereby Order & appoint that my money And the money that shall be made of my Quick Stock And other things be put out to Interest, which Interest my Will is shall go towards the bringing up my Son John Hally til my Daughter Rebecca Hally shall come to the age of Twenty & Five years But in Case my said Daughter Rebecca Hally should be visited with sickness or any ways disabled so that she cannot by her own Labour maintain her self Then my Will & mind is that my Trustees allow her out of my effects so much towards her Maintenance as they in their Judgment shall think proper
And so soon as she my said Daughter Rebecca Hally shall come to the age of Twenty Five years My Will and Mind is that then one equal half of my personal estate of what kind soever (except the Books & Household Goods & Linnen be me herein before devised) be given to my Daughter Rebecca Hally, And that the other half be given to my Son John Hally when he comes to the Age of Twenty One years, And in case either my Daughter Rebecca Hally or Son John Hally shd happen to depart this life before they attain to the age as before Limited then my Will is that the share of the Deceased go to the Survivor of them except One Sum of Six pounds part of the share of the Deceased which Sum of Six pounds my Will is shall be divided equally amongst Daughters Elizabeth Kellam Anne Worthington & Mary Daft And in case any of them be dead them to be equally given to their children
But in case my Son John Hally shd depart this Life before the age of Twenty One years Then my Will is that all my Money Goods & Chattels & personal estate whatsoever (except the Sum of Six pounds by me herein before devised) be delivered to my Daughter Rebecca Hally when she shall come to the age of Twenty One years
And if it shd so happen that my Daughter Rebecca & Son John Hally shd both of them depart this Life before They come to the Age of Twenty One years Then I give all my personal estate of what kind soever to my Daughters Elizabeth Kellam Anne Worthington & Mary Daft And their Heirs
And I do make the said John Moor & Richard Hally Exsecutors of this my Last Will & Testament And my Will is that they my Exsecutors & Trustees pay & reimburse themselves by & out of my effects all such reasonable charges & expences as they shall be put to in or about the execution of this my Will or in discharge of their Trust and manageing my affairs so given and devised to them in Trust as aforesaid
And I do revoke all other Wills & Testaments by me att any other time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Hally have to this my last Will & Testament sett my hand and seal this ninth day of May in the year One Thousand Seven hundred & Thirty Five
Elizabeth Hally her Mark
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth Hally the Testatrix for & as her Last Will & Testament in the presence of us who Subscribed our Names as Witnesses in her presence
Morris Cam
Elis: Beaumont
Eliz: Barneby
John Moor appeared personally as did also Richard Hally the Two Extors within and Renounced all their Right and Title to the Execution of the said Will the eleventh day of March 1741 [1741/2] before the Revd Gerrard Andrewes Surrogate In the presence of R Stephens Depy Reg.
Know all men by these presents That we Charles Kellam of Over Broughton In the County of Nottm and Thomas Remmington of Goadby Merwood Carpenter are held and firmly bound unto the Reverend Doctor Grey Doctor in Divinity Official of the Archdeaconry of Leicester in the Sume of Two Hundred pounds of good & Lawfull money of Great Brittain to be paid to the sd Official or to his Certain Attorney his Extors Admors or Asses To which payment well and truly to be made We Oblidge ourelves & each of us by himself our and each of our Heires Extors & Admors firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals Dated the Eleventh Day of March In the year 1741
The Condicon of this Obligation is such That If the above bounden Charles Kellam Guardian and Curator of Suites elected and Chosen by John Hally a Minor above the age of fourteen years the Naturall & Lawfull Son of Elizabeth Hally late of Nether Broughton In the Archdeaconry of Leicester Deced Do well & truly Execute the Office of Guardian and Curator of Suites to the sd John Hally during his Minority by Imploying all the Goods Rights Credits Cattle and Chattells and portion of him the said John Hally to his best use benefit & advantage during his Minority and in the mean time do bring him up with meat drink Apparell & all other Necessaries fit and Convenient for him And Lastly do pass a true & just Account of his Acting herein when he shall be thereunto Lawfully Required Then this present Obligation to be void or else to remaine in full force & virtue
The marke of Charles Kellam
Thomas Rimington
Know all men by these presents That we Charles Kellam of Over Broughton In the County of Nottm Richard Horsepool of Great Cropwell In the County of Nottm are held and firmly bound unto the Revd Doctor Richard Grey Official of the Archdeaconry of Leicester in the Sum of Two Hundred pounds of good & lawfull money of Great Brittaine to be paid to the said Official or to his Certain Attorney his Extors Admors or Asses To which payment well & truly to be made We Oblidge ourselves & each of us by himself our and each of our Heirs Extors & Admors firmly by these presents sealed with our Seals Dated the Eleventh Day of March In the year of our Lord 1741
The Condition of this Obligation is such that If the above bounden Charles Kellam Guardian and Curator of Suites to John Hally A Minor the Naturall & Lawfull son and one of the Principal Legatees named in the Last will & Testament of Elizabeth Hally Wid: late of Nether Broughton Deced and Rebecca Hally otherwise Horsepoole now the wife of Richard Horsepoole the Naturall & Lawfull Daughter & Legatee named in the sd Deceds Will, Do well & truly Administer all the Goods Rights Credits Cattle & Chattells of the sd Deced according to the sd Tenor of the sd will and do pay the Deceds Debts and the Legacies named in the sd will so far as by Law they are Obliged And Do Exhibite or Cause to be Exhibited into the Registry of his Court a true & perfect Inventory of all the sd Deceds personal estate and pass an account of their Acting herein when they shalbe thereunto Lawfully Required Then this present Obligation to be void or else to remaine in full force & virtue
The marke of Charles Kellam
The marke of Richard Horsepoole
A true and Exact Inventory taken the sixth Day of January 1741/2 of all the Goods Cattels and Chattels belonging to Mrs Elizabeth Hawley who Departed this life January the first 1741/2
£ | s | d | |
First Her purse and apparel | 0 | 10 | 6 |
In the Chimney fire Iron hooks and other Implements theirin | 0 | 10 | 0 |
In the House one clock two Tables Six Chairs one Warming pan seven pewter | |||
Dishes thirteen plates two Brass pans one pot and other small things therein | 4 | 10 | 0 |
In the parlour one feather bed pillows and Boulster one Cubbert one Hing press | |||
one large Looking glass a Chist with Drawers one Box one Chist Leaden | |||
Wheights and Beam | 3 | 0 | 0 |
In the Kitching one Copper two pans two tubs cheespress coals | 1 | 1 | 0 |
In the Deary one Barrel one Churn and milk vessels | 0 | 6 | 0s |
In the Chamber over the parlour two feather Beds two boulsters two Bedsteds | |||
one Clock one Table | 4 | 10 | 0 |
In the Chamber over the House one Copper one Table Six Chairs one bed | 1 | 4 | 0 |
Three silver rings three rings suposed to be Gould one silver thimble | 1 | 10 | 0 |
Four pair flaxen sheets twelve napkins one Table Cloth | 1 | 4 | 0 |
Four Cows two sturks one mare one Sheep one Hog and hay in the Barn | 18 | 0 | 0 |
Six Stocks of bees | 1 | 10 | 0 |
One bond of twelve pounds | 12 | 00 | 0 |
Four Lands of wheat and the Clod ground | 01 | 10 | 0 |
For Goods undiserned | 00 | 05 | 0 |
51 | 10 | 6 |
Praised By us
Samuel Greaves
Henry Man
Charles Looe