Thomas Henfrey of Scalford 1576 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1576
In the name of God Amen the thirtenthe Daie of Aprill in the yere of oure lorde God a Thouwsande fyve hunderethe threescore & eightene I Thomas Hemfree of Scalforde in the countie of Leicester Laborer beinge of good and perfecte memorie thankes be to god Do make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme folowinge
Fyrste I bequiethe my soule to allmighte God my bodie to be buried in the churchyard of Skalforde
Also I geve to the poore folkes of the same towne xiid
Itm I geve to my Sister Agnes xls
Itm I geve unto my Syster Helen Horsonns children vs
It I geve unto my Sister Alice Gamble children vis viiid
The reste of my goods unbequiethed I geve unto my brother Nicholas Hemfree for that he haithe kepte me in my sickenes and do make him my executor of this my laste will
Theise beinge wittnesses Roberte Gylbert Sethe Hose & Willm Astall
Probate 30 May 1576