Elizabeth Henson of Cropwell Bishop 1659 Will
The National Archives PROB 11/288/427
Bee it remembred that Elizabeth Henson of Cropwell Bishop in the County of Nottingham widdow having a desire to dispose of her estate called for one of her neighbours and her maid servant and finding as she said or to that effect an alteracon in her estate on or about the sixth daie of August one thousand six hundred fiftie five, Did expresse and declare theis words followeing or to the like purpose, That is to say, I resolve to make my will, I give to every one of my children twelve pence a peece
I give to everie one of my Grandchildren halfe Crowne apeece
I make Richard Henson my sonne my Executor and give him all the remaynder, in the presence of Alice White her neighbour, and Jeane How her servant
Alice White her marke
Jane Howe her marke
This will nuncupative was proved at London the Eighteenth day of February One thowsand six hundred fiftie and Eight English Style, before the Judges for probate of wills and granting adminacons &c by the oath of Richard the sonne Executer &c To whome was committed adminacon &c Hee being first sworne by Comission truly to administer &c