John Henson of Long Clawson 1707 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1707/55
In the name of god Amen This thirty first day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and six I John Henson of Long Claxton als Clawson in the County of Leicester blacksmith being in good health and perfect mind and memory thanks be to god thearfore Calling unto mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for al men once to dye I doe Make and ordaine this my Last will & testament in maner following
First I bequeath my Soul into the hands of god who gave it me and my body I Comend it to the Earth to be buried at the discreston of my Exeuctrix hear after named and as touching al my personal Estate whear with it hath pleased god to bestow upone me the same I give and bequeath in maner following
Impris I give to my Eldest son William Henson one Shilling
Item I give & bequeath to my second son Thomas Henson All those my tools belonging to my Trade of a blacksmith & all other material whatsoever in the shopp and twenty shillings in Money
Item I give to my dauter Elizabeth Henson ten Shillings
Item I give and bequeath unto my dauter Mary Henson Her heires and assigns for ever All That my Cottage or tenement with all and every of the priviledges and appurtenances whatsoever scituated standing and being in the East end of the Town of Clawson aforesaid which I Late purchased of George Kerke by one Indenture of feoffment Relacon being thearunto had more fully and Larg Largly it doth and may appeare & I will that my said daughter Mary Henson Shall & may have free Ingresse & regresse for all manor of Corridors Convenient to the said Cottage through my yard Lyeing on the west side thear of and I do also give to my said daughter Mary all my other goods Chattells & Cattell whatsoever unbequeathed shee paying my debts & funeral Charges And I doe make my daughter Mary full & Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament
In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale the day and year first above written
John Henson his mark
Signed sealed published and declared by the said John Henson as his Last will and testament in the presences of
Philip Hawley
John Whaley
Joseph Welch