Richard Hickling of Long Clawson 1571 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/262
In the name of god amen in the yeare of our lorde god 1570 the v daye of Marche & in the xiiith yere of the raynge of Eliz by the grace of god quene of Englande France & Ireland Defender of the faythe &c witnesseth That I Richard Hicklinge of Claxton in the countie of Leicester husbandman beynge sicke in bodye and of goode & perfect mynde and memorie do ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme hereafter folowynge
Fyrste I bequethe my sowle to almightie god my maker and redemer and my bodye to be buried in churche of Claxton my parishe churche
Imprimis I bequethe to the mother churche of Lincoln vid
Itm I bequethe to my curate for all my tythes necligentlye forgotten xiid
Itm I bequethe to the poor of Claxton iiis iiiid
Itm to the mendynge of the hye wayes vid
Itm I bequethe to Richard Hicklynge my sonne my mansion howse towe parlers a boterie & the chambers over the parlers the littell barne called the wheate barne and the hovel at the ende of the barne
Itm I bequethe to Richard my sonne one yearde lande and oxgange with all the comodities thereunto belonginge
Itm I wyll that Richard Hicklynge my sonne have my newe garden
Itm I bequethe to Willm Hicklynge my sonne the shope howse a parler and towe chambers over the shope howse the greate barne and hovel at the ende of the barne
Itm I will that William Hicklynge my sonne have iii oxgange lande of my farme
Itm I will that Willm my sonne have the olde garden
Itm I will that Richard and Willm my sonnes have equall state in the Kylne and Kychinge
Itm I wyll they have my orchard betwixt them
Itm I wyll that Anthonye Hicklynge my sonne have one oxgange of lande unto the terme of xi yeres paying vis unto Richard Hicklynge everie yeare during the yeares
Itm I bequeth to Anthonye Hicklynge iiii li
Itm I bequethe to Henrie Hicklynge my sonne x li
Itm I bequeth to John Hicklynge my sonne v li
Itm I bequeth to Nicholas Hicklynge my sonne my wynde mylne with the grounde that yt standeth uppon conteynynge xxvii yeards to hym and his heyres for ever paying v li unto John Hicklynge my sonne within towe yeares after my Decease
Itm I bequethe to Richarde Hicklynge my sonne the hye borde and a chere
Itm I bequethe to Thomas Hicklynge my sonne one quarter of barley halfe a quarter of wheate and halfe a quarter of pese
Itm I ordeyne and make Roberte Hicklynge my sonne here of the howse in Plunger by the helpe and assurans of my brother Willm Hicklynge in which assurance he promised me his brother before my deathe
Itm I bequethe the reste of my goods unbequethed to Richard Hicklynge Willm Hicklynge and Anthonye Hicklynge my sonnes equallye devided amongst theym
Itm I ordeyne and make Richard Hicklynge and Willm Hicklynge my sonns executors of this my laste wyll and testament
Itm I wyll that my brother Willm Hicklynge Roberte Hicklynge and Thomas Hicklynge be my supervisers & overseers of this my laste wyll and testament and everi one of theym to have vid
Theise wittnesses Christofer Gudwyn Vicar Willm Hicklynge Thomas Lynch [?] Michaell Browne Edward Gye John Heyson with other mooe
Probate 28 March 1571